• 字母的时候,感到自豪因为孟加拉的字词拼法讲良心的,一音上都逾越规则为乐

    When taking her through the alphabet I expressed my pride that Bengali spelling has a conscience, and does not delight in overstepping rules at every step.


  • 现在陆克更进一希望澳大利亚建立东亚关系通过多边协作国际事务中发挥更大作用力求成为美国合作者而不仅代理人。

    Now Mr Rudd wants to go further, building up Australia's ties in East Asia and working more through multilateral institutions, while seeking to be a partner of, not a deputy to, America.


  • 第9结果最后8字节加密结果(放弃所以以前)。

    The result of the encryption of the last 8-byte block (discarding all previous cipher blocks) is the outcome of Step 9.


  • 每日邮报报道,在被告知自己肩部需要进一手术之后,这可能将曼城效力最后一场比赛

    The Daily Mail says Given could have played his last game for Manchester City after being told his injured shoulder seems certain to need more surgery.


  • 奈特下一电影充满着毅力

    Knightley next movie came with a big pinch of grit.


  • 斯库罗斯剧中使用语言韵律则素体或者说成无韵抑扬格五前身。

    The language and meter used by Aeschylus in his plays was the forerunner of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter.


  • 示例中的下一就是创建XSL,用以将原始XML转换带有XSL - FO标签另一档。

    The next step in our example is to create an XSL file for transforming the original XML document to another with the XSL-FO tags.


  • 法国做出了回应:将成千上万移民赶到边界甚至做到:截下了意大利边境城市蒂米利亚开来的火车)并且他们意大利

    France responded by rounding up thousands of migrants near the frontier—at one point even stopping a train from the Italian border town of Ventimiglia—and sending them back to Italy.


  • 美联储董事·什,虽然这项措施投过赞成票,但他同时强调如果美国继续贬值或者消费品价格持续上涨通货膨胀进一加剧,理由这项计划重新评估。

    Fed governor Kevin Warsh, who voted for the measures, warned that if the dollar continued to fall or commodity prices rose, pushing inflation up, there could be reason to reconsider the plan.


  • 甲骨有能力迄今迥然不同技术融合在一起,借此其他公司提供便利进一印证了这次并购的合理性。

    This ability to integrate hitherto disparate pieces of technology, and thus make life easier for companies, provides further justification for the merger.


  • 最近诺德·高尔雷蒙·多兰发表在《自然》杂志“神经科学版”上的相关中,更进一突出了这个区域的功能。

    More recently, that same area figured prominently in a related study published in Nature Neuroscience by Vinod Goel and Raymond Dolan.


  • 在下一我们把重点集中devfs上之后,我们会时间来进一熟悉新的ext3件系统

    Then, in the next article, we'll focus on devfs, and after that we'll spend some time getting intimately familiar with the new ext3 filesystem.


  • 希望类似方法治疗其他癌症黑色素瘤肾癌淋巴瘤,希望5- 10年内获得批准,而普罗·有望进一延长人们生命

    He expects similar approaches to other cancers, such as melanoma, kidney cancer and lymphoma, to be approved in five to 10 years and that tweaks to Provenge will see it further extend people's lives.


  • 这些利润(如果进一整合的话会更多说明甲骨为何很快放弃Sun硬件生意甚至可能完全不放弃。

    Money, even more than the scope for tighter integration, also explains why Oracle is unlikely to ditch Sun’s hardware business soon, if at all.


  • 这样的问题还有很多我们将在周末未来几周内在BucksBlog发布逐个对这些问题作进一探讨爹妈不容易啊)。

    There are many more where these came from, and we’ll be discussing them one by one in a series of posts on our Bucks blog this weekend and for the rest of the month.


  • 这样的问题还有很多我们周末未来几周内在BucksBlog发布逐个对这些问题作进一探讨爹妈不容易啊)。

    There are many more where these came from, and we'll be discussing them one by one in a series of posts on our Bucks blog this weekend and for the rest of the month.


  • 第二选择一张图像复制粘贴一个新的中去,在选择第二图片,复制并粘同一件中去,你现在有两个图层。

    Step 2: Select the first image, copy and paste it into a new file. Select the 2nd image, copy and paste it into the same file.


  • 看起来进一融合甲骨Sun产品这次收购主要原因

    Further integrating Oracle's and Sun's products seems to be one of the main reasons for the takeover.


  • AmazonS3领域领先者,在articleinWeb 2.0journal中有进一讨论

    The leader in this space is Amazon S3, which I discussed in depth in my article in Web 2.0 journal.


  • 是的进一讲解控制的细节,关于方向控制吗?

    Kevin: Yes, could you go into detail about the control, the directional control?


  • 全选然后点击“GenerateTags”,下一可以编辑

    After selecting all of your blog text and clicking on "Generate Tags" your next step will be to edit them.


  • 史蒂也许我们应该计划列出下一什么然后好好地执行

    Steven: Maybe we should make a plan and list what we should do next, and follow it.


  • 星期六大坝地基处,官员们数出只有72条三他们不能进一逆流往上游。

    On Saturday at the base of the dam, officials counted only 72 salmon, unable to swim any farther upstream.


  • 都能天赋或是死亡进一改变

    This will further be modified by each tree and the use of Death Runes.


  • 为了进一提高儿子的球技,丁决定他带到广东东莞因为那里国家台球队的集训地。

    In order to further improve Ding Junhui's skill, the senior Ding decided to bring the boy to Dongguan in Guangdong Province, where the national snooker team trains.


  • 为了进一提高儿子的球技,丁决定他带到广东东莞因为那里国家台球队的集训地。

    In order to further improve Ding Junhui's skill, the senior Ding decided to bring the boy to Dongguan in Guangdong Province, where the national snooker team trains.


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