• 来自银行各种信号表明会有进一降息

    The smoke signals from the bank suggest further cuts are coming.


  • 根据下一操作发出需要信号拉动系统会生产恰好多原料

    The pull system produces only the required material after the subsequent operation signals a need for it.


  • 所以他们依靠算法辨别最有希望的信号进一追踪

    So they rely on algorithms to ID the most promising signals to follow up.


  • 客机必须曲折地信号一个,而不是直线飞行;上升下降需要得到地面的许可。

    Instead of flying straight, planes must zigzag from one ground beacon to the next, and ascend and descend in steps, at each stage obtaining permission from the ground.


  • 并非如此;计算继续,就仿佛数据类型转换成功一样,然后在进一进行计算时发出错误或者更糟:遭破坏数据完成计算,但向外发出任何错误信号

    But it won't be; the computation will continue as if the cast had succeeded, signaling an error further into the computation or worse, completing with corrupt data but no outward signs of trouble.


  • 更进一任何背景噪音我们使用噪音信号有所不同这样我们就可以他们的影响减去。

    What's more, any background noise will be different from the noise signals we are working with, making it possible to subtract its effect.


  • 对于放大了的信号必须作进一的处理后,才能它们馈送发射天线上去

    Something further must be done to the amplified signals before they can be sent to the transmitting antenna.


  • 理论上讲下一应该发射能够观测化学信号望远镜,以为生命的存在提供依据。有价值的信号包括氧气水蒸汽二氧化碳

    The next logical step would be a space telescope capable of picking up the chemical signatures of life, including the presence of oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide.


  • 如果我们收集到这些神经元信号,对解码算法翻译出来,那么我们就让安装在瘫痪手臂机器人装置按照这些信号的要求动起来。”全·奎罗哥进一解释

    'If we can get the signals from these neurons and interpret them with what is called decoding algorithms, then we can move a robot device placed on the paralysed arm,' added Quian Quiroga.


  • 定律如何适应进一输出信号光子信号

    How can the law accommodate a further output signal, a photon or optical signal?


  • 再进一如果通过顺势疗法处理过发射电磁波的放到一起信号一边移动另外一边.

    Further, if you put two vials of homeopathically diluted EMS emitting water next to each other, the signal can move from one to another.


  • 价格上涨打消人们购买首饰念头,但投资者趋向看成是价格进一上升信号

    Buyers of jewellery might be put off by a rising price; investors are more likely to see it as a sign that the price will increase further still.


  • 但是一项最新研究通过解码人类图像反应的神经信号让这遥远梦想的距离又拉近

    Although the ability to play back memories like a movie remains a distant dream, a new study has taken a provocative step in that direction by decoding neural signals for images.


  • 太空里通讯却伴随着特殊的电信号变,因此需要一个储存转送系统以保证通讯过程不会信息丢失。

    Space communication happens in distinct jumps, and requires astore and forwardsystem that can retain information at each step in the process.


  • 意味着科学家们可以更加细致地观察大脑活动,使得人类破解神秘信号了解大脑复杂、令人难以捉摸的工作道路上向前迈进

    That means they can watch the brain in detailed action, a step towards decoding its cryptic signals in order to understand just how our elusive brains work.


  • 信号看板的可视化状态下一领取操作或者生产操作作出指示。

    Signal: Its visual status signals the next withdrawal or production actions.


  • 专家,即便如此,员工还是能够察觉即将裁员信号把握裁员信息自己重新开始的

    The good news is that workers can look for red flags for approaching layoffs, and knowing that a job loss is coming is a first step to getting back on your feet, experts say.


  • 更进一只有致病细菌病毒的DNA会发生这样信号普通的大肠杆菌却不会

    And further, only bacteria and viruses pathogenic to humans produce this signal; ordinary E. coli does not.


  • 由于电力设备工作环境复杂局部放电信号检测一直是局部放电研究重要组成部分影响着进一故障诊断

    Because power equipment work in a complex environment, detecting partial discharge signal has been the important part of partial discharge study. Then it affects fault diagnosis of power equipment.


  • 一方面,如果预算数字与实际情况分歧较大就是一个失控信号股价可能会进一下跌

    On the other hand, if the figures diverge wildly from the budget, this sends an 'out of control' signal, and the share price could decline as a result.


  • 美联储上周加息举措,以及还会进行更多加息信号,让已然因资金外流面临压力的人民币汇率进一承压,从而中国陷入了困境。

    A rate rise last week from the US central bank, and signal of more to come, places China in a bind by adding to capital outflow pressure that is weighing on the renminbi exchange rate.


  • 加深了与我们人均期望寿命匹配的健康期望寿命增加一个重要组成部分新陈代谢信号基础的进一了解

    Increasing our understanding of the fundamentals of metabolic signalling is an important part of working towards an increase in health span to match our increasing life spans.


  • 这些老化细胞释放出引发炎症化学信号进一诱发肿瘤。

    Such cells also emit chemical signals which promote inflammation, and thus encourage tumours.


  • 第三产教育工作检查维修作业人员着装是否符合要求公路抢修车信号是否正常

    The third step: education, whether the maintenance personnel check dress requirements, highway repair and support type signal standard car is normal.


  • 护套碳纳米管通过电极提高信号接收转换研究人员表示推进神经电刺激疗法潜在关键

    The nanotube sheathing improves the signals received and transmitted by electrodes, which researchers say is a potentially critical step for advancing electrical nerve stimulation therapy.


  • 模数转换关键性的模拟信号进行采样

    The first essential step in analog-to-digital conversion is to sample an analog signal.


  • 收音机天线就是这样工作的只不过电波所产生电流非常弱需要进一放大从而完成信号传输。

    Indeed, that is how a radio antenna works, except that the weak current generated by the radio waves has to be amplified to do its job of carrying a signal round a radio.


  • 收音机天线就是这样工作的只不过电波所产生电流非常弱需要进一放大从而完成信号传输。

    Indeed, that is how a radio antenna works, except that the weak current generated by the radio waves has to be amplified to do its job of carrying a signal round a radio.


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