• 只妖兽在罗恩身上施展了法术,使他看到哈利格兰杰在一起幻象,而此时的罗恩疯狂地敏。

    The creature uses magic to show the images of Harry with Hermione Granger, played by Watson, to Ron, who is madly in love with her.


  • 先生说:“我们努力改善保险业务同时审视我们选择如果市场反响良好,我们也做好对应的准备。”

    We are working to improve the performance of the insurance business, while reviewing our options so we will be ready to act when markets are favorable, ” Mr. Hommen said.


  • 此相对,以色列犹太人无阻挡地迁往他们声称·贾拉(一个位于东耶路撒冷完全巴勒斯坦地区)中部拥有房屋

    In contrast, Jewish Israelis are moving unimpeded into homes they claim to own in the middle of Sheikh Jarrah, an all-Palestinian district of East Jerusalem.


  • 惠普公司辞职,也退出新闻集团董事会,当时惠普公司董事会作风问题对他进行调查。

    Hurd left the News Corp board after his resignation from HP amid an HP board investigation into his ethical conduct.


  • 即便萨利能让对手萨纳陷入困境,该国边境地带脱离的掌控。

    Even if Mr Saleh keeps his rivals in Sana 'a at bay, swathes of the country are slipping out of his grasp.


  • 苏德显示世界慢慢迈向绿色经济

    Pahvan Sukdhev says that this shows that the world is slowly moving towards a green economy.


  • HP现在努力填补并非一个职位而是大高层管理职位:先生身行政总裁公司董事长(尽管对此,公司改革者提出了刺耳的警告)。

    HP is now struggling to fill not one but two top positions: Mr Hurd doubled as chief executive and chairman (despite pointed warnings from corporate reformers).


  • 总统首席反恐顾问Brennan目前也门探寻也门深层国内危机以及萨利角色的解决之道。

    Brennan, the President's chief counterterrorism advisor, is currently in the region exploring ways to end Yemen's ever-deepening crisis and Saleh's rule.


  • 作为德国著名剧作家卡尔·格曼(CarlHegemann)女儿海伦·格曼(Helene Hegemann)最近出版了小说处女作《路毙的蝾螈》(AxolotlRoadkill),目前这本书上德国许多畅销书名单

    Helene Hegemann, daughter of famed German dramatist Carl Hegemann, recently released her debut novel Axolotl Roadkill, which is currently working its way up a number of German bestseller lists.


  • 多少天来只关心死亡圣器哈利第一兴奋起来,迅速返回到帐篷里,看到罗恩收音机地板上。

    Roused for the first time in days from his contemplation of the Deathly Hallows, Harry hurried back inside the tent to find Ron and Hermione kneeling on the floor beside the little radio.


  • 扯了阿特将军之外另一败北候选人大卫·带领数百武装跟随者,逍遥于琼莱州东部的皮博镇。

    Besides General Athor, another losing candidate, David Yau Yau, is at large in Jonglei with hundreds of armed followers in Pibor, in the state's east.


  • 哈利喘着气,从沙发边缘外望去。贝拉特里克斯挟着似乎毫无知觉的手持小银指着敏的喉咙

    Panting, Harry peered around the edge of the sofa. Bellatrix was supporting Hermione, who seemed to be unconscious, and was holding her short silver knife to Hermione's throat.


  • 设法清楚问题在哪里,她承受公司经理政策强烈感受。

    She was still figuring out where the bathrooms were when she had to bear the brunt of Herb's strong feelings about the company's policy for new managers.


  • 如今纳之克里斯蒂的掌管下,《花花公子利用夫纳的形象通过因特网电视博彩业商品营销争取新的一代

    Now run by Hefner's daughter Christie, Playboy is reaching out to a new generation with the Hefner image through the Internet, television, gambling and merchandise businesses.


  • 比尔·静静地站着低头凝视着手中的纸片。

    Bill Hutchinson was standing quiet, staring down at the paper in his hand.


  • 枝形吊灯坠落地板上,水晶链子噼里啪啦,和仍然握着格兰芬多宝剑妖精身上。

    The chandelier crashed to the floor in an explosion of crystal and chains, falling on top of Hermione and the goblin, who still clutched the sword of Gryffindor.


  • 终于黑暗起来,走到身边。蜷缩在帐篷口,借着魔杖光亮魔法史》。

    Finally he got up in the darkness and joined Hermione, who was huddled in the entrance to the tent reading a History of Magic by the light of her wand.


  • 马蒂厄·弗拉米尼(大腿伤)、塞斯克·法布雷加斯莱布(是腿后肌伤)恢复训练力争能够出战这场争冠征途中的重要大战。

    Mathieu Flamini (thigh), Cesc Fabregas and Alex Hleb (both hamstring) are all back in training and fighting to be fit for what could be a pivotal game in the title race.


  • 德拉科看到哈利罗恩金妮看着稍稍点了一下头,转过了身。

    Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again.


  • 1821年拿破仑被囚死于勒拿岛是时,贝多芬:“17年前音乐第二乐章),适用于这个悲惨故事”。

    When Napoleon died in 1821, St. Helena is imprisoned, the Beethoven said: "I wrote the music 17 years ago (second movement), is applicable to this tragic story."


  • 沉浸幸福中,一点现在已表露无遗

    JANG Hyuk is basking in happiness and it shows.


  • 沉浸幸福中,一点现在已表露无遗

    JANG Hyuk is basking in happiness and it shows.


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