• 九寨沟,正群海沟、则查洼海沟、日则沟沟组成,海拔平均在2500米左右

    It is constituted with three main areas-Shuzhengqunhaigou, zechawahaigu and rizigou, 2500 meters above sea level.


  • 本文对肺癌患者红细胞免疫功能T淋巴细胞血清补体C_3CIC进行了测定。

    The erythrocyte immune functions, the lymphocyte subsets, C3 and CIC in serum of lung cancer patients were studied.


  • 站在一起豪饮啤酒

    A crowd of men were standing around swilling beer.


  • 由于接近目标年龄中的大多数老师,你很可能值,引出第三个M——钱。

    Since you're reaching the majority of the teachers in your target age group, you're probably spending your money well, which brings us to the third M—Money.


  • 新闻不断报道人类地球动植物造成严重破坏所作所为。

    The news is constantly reporting what human endeavours have caused extensive damage to flora and fauna in the planet.


  • 这个公园里年轻人两个吉他手周围吉他手边唱边弹着一首曲子

    In this park, a group of teenagers huddle around two guitarists who are strumming and singing an acoustic melody.


  • 知道匿名陌生人关注着进步,为加油令人深受鼓舞的。

    It can be really encouraging to know that a bunch of anonymous strangers are watching your progress and cheering you on.


  • 我走过长队不知往哪儿孩子身边,他们用锁链锁住囚徒缓缓向前移动,队列前面一个监工

    Passed a long line of youngsters marching in a column to God knows where; they moved along like a chain gang, with a slave driver at the head of the column.


  • 这些现象说明,假如足够深入去观察的话,你会发现非常聪明、非常有奉献精神中坚分子致力于催生美国政坛势力

    That said, if you looked closely enough, you could detect a strong core of very intelligent and committed people trying to orchestrate the birth of a new political force in America.


  • 描述我坐在君王间酒吧,一针尖状头发的小朋友桌子旁,在烟灰缸打火机燃起一小撮

    I could tell you about sitting in a pub on Kings' Road and seeing a table of spike-haired kids starting a little fire in an ash tray with some lighter fluid.


  • 多伦多个小仓库里,芬尼志愿者悄悄建造一枚名为“野火”的火箭,他们希望能在年底运送位航天员飞上太空

    In a small Toronto warehouse, Feeny and a team of volunteers are slowly building a rocket, called Wild Fire, which they hope to launch into space, carrying three astronauts, by the end of the year.


  • 克里姆林宫深处间谍头目策划阴谋夺取欧洲他们计划凭借俄国在前苏联成员国境内(现已是独立国家)的一块领地作为他们进攻的跳板

    DEEP in the Kremlin, spymasters are planning a sinister conspiracy to take over Europe, using a Russian enclave in a former Soviet state that is now an independent country as their springboard.


  • 世界范围内牡蛎栖息地调查中,这种多肉多汁的软体类动物飞速消亡,此同时由于病害与过量的捕捉85%的(牡蛎所赖以栖息的)在消亡。

    A survey of oyster habitats around the world has found that the succulent mollusks are disappearing fast and 85 percent of their reefs have been lost due to disease and over-harvesting.


  • 即使警笛响彻天空时,仍有一无知者继续派对,完全没有意识身后有一场悲剧发生

    Many continued to party even as the air was filled the noise of police sirens, unaware of the tragedy taking place behind them.


  • 日本小笠原地处亚热带,西鳞白鲳贴近海面追逐浮游生物

    Hunting for morsels of plankton a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's subtropical Bonin Islands.


  • 特别中非,象遭到严重打击。

    The herds of central Africa are being particularly hard hit.


  • 母鸡把地上的灰尘四散

    Chickens are scattering its dust abroad with their beaks.


  • 非洲企鹅开普敦一处保护中心的池塘边。国际鸟类联盟认为非洲企鹅濒临灭绝

    A group of African penguins gather near a pond at a conservation site in Cape Town, South Africa. Birdlife International say the African penguin is edging closer to extinction.


  • 哈雷的现有顾客渐渐变他们身后却没有足够年轻顾客补充进来

    Its current owners are getting old, and not enough younger ones are coming up behind them.


  • 饮料生产商以寻求广泛的消费为目标,扩大分销范围不断开发主流市场需求。

    Manufacturers have been extending distribution and developing more mainstream appeal, targeting a wider range of consumer groups.


  • 当时完全吓呆了很快意识到小孩围着

    And I was totally shocked, but I had noticed there were a bunch of kids ganging up behind me.


  • 前面,一衣着光鲜高中女孩拍手游戏似乎没有打扰其他乘客

    A row ahead of the men, a group of high school girls with glossy hair and spaghetti straps plays a clapping game that does not seem to annoy the other passengers.


  • 叹了口气回到后排那一耐心等着学生

    With a sigh she walked back to her other students who were clustered at the back table patiently waiting her return.


  • 叹了口气回到后排那一耐心等著学生

    With a sigh she walked back to her other students who were clustered at the back table patiently waiting her return.


  • 记录了坦桑尼亚北部纳特龙湖(Lake Natron)上有一百万之众的粉红色火烈鸟生活搏斗它们的生存受到一项在地区新建工厂计划威胁

    It follows the life and struggles of a million-strong colony of pink flamingos in Lake Natron, northern Tanzania, which are threatened by plans for a new factory in the area.


  • 前面站着十多岁活泼朝气蓬勃青少年他们得合不拢嘴。

    In front of it stood a bunch of 3 bubbly, youthful adolescent teens, grinning ear-to-ear.


  • 米勒曾经梦露为“街角尽力着一扒掉衣衫的人们念诗诗人”。

    Miller once called Marilyn "a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes."


  • 米勒曾经梦露为“街角尽力着一扒掉衣衫的人们念诗诗人”。

    Miller once called Marilyn "a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes."


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