• 不利的投典型这种没有击中出界认为经过

    A pitched ball that is counted against the batter, typically one that is swung at and missed, fouled off, or judged to have passed through the strike zone.


  • 点着它们的名字:工作,家庭健康朋友精神,你保持这些空中

    You name them-work, family, health, friends and spirit, and you're keeping all these balls in the air.


  • 另一幅图显示了起了涟漪橡胶好像依附于悬浮空中的满一样-重力作用毁了这个瞬间之前。

    Another shows the rippled skin of rubber seemingly clinging to a ball of water suspended in the air - before gravity brings the moment to an end.


  • 天体物理学家使用南极陆基探测器仪器越来越观测这些云系,也许不久会报告他们观测结果

    Astrophysicists working with ground based detectors at the South Pole and balloon borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.


  • 虽如此,但如果来信你38、对先生相当厌倦考虑练习羽毛提出解决这一问题方法可能同样适用

    That said, his approach to the problem could equally have applied if you had written to say that you were 38 years old, rather bored with your husband and were thinking of taking up badminton.


  • 但是那场半决赛没有盘,但出现了也许今年最佳德约科维奇在对角线位置用『我记得是反拍擦网……』挽救一个赛点

    But that semi didn't go five and feature perhaps the shot of the year: Djokovic slapping a cross-court forehand return to save a match point.


  • 这个牧师犹豫些什么,突然产生了高尔夫冲动。于是一个助手说他生病了,不能去教堂布道。

    The preacher was in a quandary as to what to do, and shortly, the urge to play golf overcame him.


  • 还给与会者播放著名的《花生米漫画中的一个片段,主角露西拼命的从底线的查理·布朗手中抢走橄榄

    Chaikin also Shared a famous Peanuts cartoon showing Lucy pulling the football out from under from Charlie Brown.


  • 在前16场比赛中只有 23%最终入门,上届杯赛的20%和历届世界杯平均18%数字略而与2002持平。

    Of the shots on goal in teams' first games this year, 23% found the back of the net--slightly higher than the rate of 20% in the first 16 games last year, and the 18% mark for the tournament overall.


  • 在第7分钟,寄诚开出的任意飞过了对方防守队员,传到隐蔽门柱的李秀脚下,由他攻入粒入

    Ki Sung-yong's seventh-minute free kick went over a group of players and to an unmarked Lee Jung-soo at the far post to tap in and convert South Korea's first chance on goal.


  • 姿用力挥,出去了但是只有100距离

    Put is the station appearance with a heavy, my ball flies out but only 100 yards distance.


  • 格里森一路小跑进来投新一轮第一

    Gleeson is now trotting in to bowl the first ball of a new over.


  • 那个站在边界守场员接住了。

    The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.


  • 那个穿着黑衣老太婆靠着坐在长椅上,不,坐在我欢乐架子上(个小妖精伏在长椅摸索着一个玻璃),是不是肚子痛——你这个傲慢的老巫婆,啊,快从身边滚开。

    That old woman in black who sat down next to me on my bench, on my rack of joy (a nymphet was groping under me for a lost marble), and asked if I had stomachache, the insolent hag.


  • 微风詹妮弗头发金色太阳缓缓落下沙滩看着火红色的

    A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer's hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery ball.


  • 站在边界线守场员接住了。

    The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.


  • 在这儿!有人等着你!信任获得友谊关键

    That's the ball! Someone is waiting. Trust will be the key to getting his friendship!


  • 提出了—板间隙环—板间隙操作冲击50%击穿电压估算公式

    Formulas for estimating 50% breakdown voltages of sphere-plane and ring-plane gaps are presented.


  • 比赛可以使用自童;资格赛练习不得使用车,资格赛当日可以使用手拉车。

    Own Caddie is allowed on Tournament Day. Trolley will be available on Q-school Tournament Day, NO buggies are permit on practice day.


  • 托雷斯状态甚至恶劣天气也阻挡不了他。强行点附近,随后完成了加盟切尔西后732分钟粒进

    Torres was in electrifying form, even defying the weather conditions that forced the ball to be held up in the penalty area to score his first goal in 732 minutes as a Chelsea player.


  • 本文报告平头柱形体对铝制撞击引起变形动力响应的实验研究

    The normal impact of a blunt cylindrical projectile on the apex of a thin spherical aluminium cap which caused large permanent displacements was experimentally investigated.


  • 主队已经连续输了四个现在他们一步步追赶客队,获得了底线得分射门得分。

    The home team had been the victim of three or four close calls, and they were now trailing the visitors by a touch-down and a field goal.


  • 预备时,看见一支长长的送葬队伍沿着道路方向走来。

    One of the guys is about to chip onto the green when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course.


  • 我们努力做到这一点,特别是定位防守上。

    We are trying, especially to pay attention on set pieces.


  • 李佳薇手位胶的突击非常质量加上身高优势出众的摆能够所有高手制造不少麻烦

    Li Jia Wei is being hand-rubber ball attack is very low quality, together with the height advantage and superior speed ahead, all she can to master a lot of trouble to create.


  • 已经有稳定的击动作,包括反手中速有良好的方向深度控制

    You have dependable strokes, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate-paced shots.


  • 已经有稳定的击动作,包括反手中速有良好的方向深度控制

    You have dependable strokes, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides on moderate-paced shots.


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