• 即使一切恢复正常我们也将很快发现一场新的危机正在萌芽

    Once everything gets back to normal, we will soon begin to discern the green shoots of a new crisis.


  • 不过当前危机突出表明伴随银行体系崩溃周期性衰退数量级上要比正常的周期性衰退更为严重

    What the current crisis does underline, however, is that a cyclical downturn associated with a collapse of the banking system is by an order of magnitude worse than a normal cyclical downturn.


  • “很明显最近全球危机表明这个制度愈发不能正常工作了。”

    Obviously, the recent global crisis suggests that the system isn't working properly.


  • 18起较早危机中,生产增长平均跌幅达到约2个百分点,平均2之后增长才能回到正常幅度。

    In the 18 earlier crises, the average drop in output growth was two percentage points and it took two years for growth to return to normal.


  • 发现,经历了金融危机之后的经济衰退,其增长相当缓慢并且信贷增长停滞不前——而正常衰退之后的经济状况,两者均呈冲高势。

    He found that in recessions that followed financial crises, growth was a lot slower and credit growth stagnated-whereas after normal recessions it soared (see chart 6).


  • 富裕国家银行危机的经验增长恢复正常趋势平均年限最多长达3以上

    In the average rich-country banking crisis, it took two years for growth to return to trend; at worst it took more than three (see article).


  • 但是周日晚些时候报告显示2号核反应堆污水辐射水平是正常10万附近海域的则是正常值的1850倍,危机发生以来最高的警报数值。

    However, later reports on Sunday showed contamination 100, 000 times normal in water at reactor no 2, and 1, 850 times normal in the nearby sea, the most alarming levels since the crisis began.


  • 未来几年会出现期待什么样基金收益以及基金收益是否正常危机之前水平这个问题

    The question of what to expect from funds' returns, and whether they will normalise at pre-crisis levels, will play out over the next few years.


  • 肯定这场危机将会持续多久,相反我们发现近些年来看起来并不是正常状态

    While no one can say how long the crisis will last, what we find on the other side will not look like the normal of recent years.


  • 但是市场正常运行时间已经结束,许多美国公司陷入危机促使顾客无论多少罚金也取消业务

    But time is running out. Some Americanfirms have reached a level of distress that will prompt customers to withdraw their business, whatever thepenalties.


  • 卡鲁那指出,次贷危机发生至今已经信贷市场依然没有恢复正常运作。

    Caruana says more than six months into the crisis, credit markets are still not functioning normally.


  • 尽管航空公司警告需要好几时间服务才能恢复正常对于即将重返家园旅客而言,危机已经过去

    Although airlines gave warning that it would take several days for services to return to normal and for all passengers to be flown home, the crisis was over.


  • 3月28日星期三里德正常上班并不知道危机已经在三里展开

    Reid went to work on Wednesday, March 28, having no knowledge that a crisis had been unfolding at Three Mile Island.


  • 由于金融机构金融市场运转正常危机以来实际错配受到进一步鼓励

    And with neither financial institutions nor financial markets functioning properly, real misallocations since the crisis have been further encouraged.


  • 处理欧元区债务危机设立金融机构正常运作的条件下,计划才能顺利展开

    The trick will be to do that without paralysing the institutions being set up to deal with euro crises.


  • 经济使人长舒一口气认为市场摆脱危机阴云(比如货币市场中的贷款成本临近正常水平)。

    Some of this rally is down to sheer relief that the market is out of crisis mode (the cost of borrowing in the money markets is back to near-normal levels, for example).


  • 危机发生银行脆弱性直接危害整个支付清算系统正常运转造成连锁反应式的信用恐慌与崩溃

    When crisis began, the frangibility of bank endangered the normal operation of the payment and clearing system, which resulted in credit and confidence collapse.


  • 身体还是需要健康水化合物、健康的脂肪蛋白质保持正常血糖不出现危机

    Your body still needs healthy carbs, as well as healthy fat and protein to keep your blood sugar at bay.


  • 耐心点,经济危机开始正常

    Be patient! This is the beginning of economic crisis. This is normal.


  • 青年大学生网络人格危机,对青年大学生正常人格培养塑造具有极大的负面影响

    The network personality crisis of young undergraduates has a great negative impact on the training and shaping of their personality.


  • 绝大多数大学生心理危机缺乏正常人际交往良好的人际关系相联系

    The psychological crisis of college students is closely in connection with the lack of favorable interpersonal communication and of interpersonal relations.


  • 正如GradyBooch所说的:“我们这种情况软件危机坦率的说,长久以来我们一直把这种病态看作是正常的。”

    As Grady Booch noted, "We often call this condition the software crisis, but frankly, a malady that has carried on this long must be called normal."


  • 危机发生又是正常现象进行危机管理企业管理的重要职责之一,是安全必要的

    Anyway, the crisis is a normal phenomenon. To carry out crisis management is an important part of business management, safe and necessary.


  • 危机发生又是正常现象进行危机管理企业管理的重要职责之一,是安全必要的

    Anyway, the crisis is a normal phenomenon. To carry out crisis management is an important part of business management, safe and necessary.


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