• 坚持建设、谁拥有、谁管理、谁维护原则保证集雨节灌工程的建设质量持续正常利用

    The principle should be that the person who constructs it has the right to use it, and the person who manage it has the responsibility to maintain it. Insistence


  • 与其不良行为正常,还不如利用信息边缘化

    Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour, the message needs to marginalise it.


  • 总有一天我们也许能够利用端粒酶使任何细胞保持活力,使其正常工作永久地自我复制

    Someday we may be able to take any cell and keep it alive functioning and reproducing itself essentially forever through the use of telomerase.


  • 德国变得更加正常”,这意味着愿意利用自己力量同时接受随之而来的责任

    Germany is becoming more "normal", meaning more willing to use its strength and to accept responsibilities that go along with it.


  • 利用统计方法模型能够描述目标计算机在正常情况下应该如何运行

    Using statistical methods, a model can then describe how the target should behave under these normal circumstances.


  • 研究人员利用所谓离子显微镜比较月球岩石正常元素含量及同位素含量,元素氘比氢多带一个中子

    The researchers used what's called an ion microscope to compare the amount of normal hydrogen in the moon rocks to the amount of the hydrogen isotope deuterium, which carries an extra neutron.


  • 正常情况下所有动物性实验利用了有节奏动作功能呼吸相互喂食动作

    Under normal conditions, all of her experimental animals performed rhythmic motor functions such as breathing or feeding movements comparably to one another.


  • 我们可以大脑中的芯片这件事情之前种可利用特殊眼镜视频叠加我们正常视觉之上的设备已经面世。

    Until we can do this with a chip in our brain, a new device has come out that overlays video onto our normal vision using special glasses.


  • 希望它能够通过网络传播到各个国家,为无法通过正常渠道接受大学教育人们,提供便利,耶鲁,更是资源的充分利用

    And ideally will be access by people across many different countries some of them wouldn't normally have access to the university education I see this is a good and honorable use of Yale resources.


  • 利用这些操作页面脱机浏览时,正常服务器端处理无法实时发生因此产生的链接可能不会有效

    When pages utilizing these actions are browsed offline, the normal server-side processing cannot occur in real-time, and thus the resulting links may not be valid.


  • 弗洛伊德利用解析破译潜在含义- - -一种不同我们正常清醒思维所理解含义。

    Freud used dream analysis to interpret the underlying language of dreams - which is very different from normal conscious thinking.


  • 利用尽可能数据了解自己的“正常表现程度。

    Leverage as much data as possible in order to figure out your version of "normal" performance.


  • 除了可以按照国际象棋正常比赛方式和进行比赛外,用户也可以利用经典JScript和。NET来配置进行自我对战

    In addition to playing a normal game of chess against a human player, users can configure it to play against itself using both classic JScript and.net.


  • 扫描利用一种叫做正电子发射X射线层析照相术(PET)的技术。 扫描用以监测脑中代谢葡萄糖正常工作需要营养物)的变化

    The scans, which used a technique called positron emission tomography (PET), were designed to monitor changes in the way the brain metabolised glucose, the fuel it needs to function.


  • 好消息正如所料,利用QuickTime技术应用程序以前一样正常工作

    The good news is that, as you'd expect, applications which make use of QuickTime technologies will continue to work as before.


  • Portlet应用程序开发人员通常需要进行额外的编程(正常Portlet开发以外)就可以利用基本代理合作机制

    To take advantage of basic brokered cooperation mechanisms, portlet application developers are usually not required to do additional programming (beyond normal portlet development).


  • 日志利用率增长时,这些类型指示器状态正常变化提醒报警

    When it increases, these types of indicators go from a normal, to a warning, to an alarm state.


  • 前路进入手术利用正常组织需要去除任何结构;所以可以保留正常脊柱解剖结构。

    The normal anatomy the spine is preserved since the frontal approach takes advantage of normal tissue planes and does not require removal of any bone.


  • 正常情况下中国医院收取服务费用有限的,自由利用过度扩大医疗服务和过多提供包括药品在内医疗产品提高收入

    Officially Chinese hospitals are limited in what they can charge for services, but are free to generate volume to boost revenue by over provision of services and medical products including medicines.


  • 如果时间间隔较大则中断阈值可能达到黑客利用程度,于是正常运行时间有效性造成不利影响

    If the time gap is large, interruption thresholds could reach the level that could be exploited by a hacker, causing an adverse impact on the uptime availability.


  • 利用提供强大功能保持站点任何条件下正常运行

    Take advantage of the power of cloud computing to keep your site up and running under any conditions.


  • 利用生成的JSP代码可以测试方法确保这些方法可以正常工作太可能将JSP代码用于实际解决方案中,因为用户界面不完整。

    The generated JSP code allows you to test the methods to make sure they are working properly, but likely won't be used in a real-world solution as the user interface is incomplete.


  • 这个转换可以利用意义重大数据模型数据更新管理产生一个正常运作站点

    This transformation can take a significant data model and generate a working Web site for data update and management.


  • 本文中,重点介绍这些利用影响SLA正常运行时间有效性漏洞

    For this article, I'll highlight those exploitable vulnerabilities that would impact the uptime availability in the SLA.


  • 如今公司178,000个雇员80个工厂使得公司的产能利用达到较为正常的85%。

    Today the company has 178, 000 employees and 80 plants worldwide, which has helped to push capacity utilization to a healthy 85%.


  • 如今公司178,000个雇员80个工厂使得公司的产能利用达到较为正常的85%。

    Today the company has 178,000 employees and 80 plants worldwide, which has helped to push capacity utilization to a healthy 85%.


  • 用户能够访问他们应用程序CPU承受正常负载,CPU利用为80%多(10%内核+ 70%用户)。

    Users were able to access their application, and the CPU incurred a decent load, going above 80% CPU utilization (10% kernel + 70% user).


  • 经过一系列制造程序,登月飞船携带的材料加工设备利用月球泥土中的提取的材料制造出可正常运行太阳能电池

    Through a series of manufacturing steps, the onboard materials-processing unit will use the soil sample to fabricate a functioning solar cell.


  • 经过一系列制造程序,登月飞船携带的材料加工设备利用月球泥土中的提取的材料制造出可正常运行太阳能电池

    Through a series of manufacturing steps, the onboard materials-processing unit will use the soil sample to fabricate a functioning solar cell.


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