• 希腊人民-希腊-入不敷出的生活可能已经持续了几十年,正如他们指出的,很多也都这样包括美国人

    Greeks - and Greece - may have lived beyond their means for decades, but as they point out, so did many others, including Americans.


  • 然而正如哈佛大学艾米·埃德蒙森指出的那样,越来越多组织将“团队用作动词名词,原因是他们往往为了一些特殊目的组建团队之后迅速地又解散团队。

    However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organizations increasingly use "team" as a verb rather than a noun: they form teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them.


  • 正如I'mFirst鲁宾诺夫指出的那样,有助于解释为什么这些学生最终选择学校可能适合他们的。

    That helps explain why, as I'm First's Rubinoff indicated, the schools to which these students end up resorting can end up being some of the poorest matches for them.


  • 怀尔德伯格主妇并非没有受过训练因为正如吉维在其他地方指出的那样,妻子孩子主人一起工作他们训练可能是非正式的,仍然存在

    Wildberg master-widows were not untrained for, as Ogilvie notes elsewhere, wives and children worked with masters, their training may have been informal, but it existed nevertheless.


  • 正如德克萨斯大学詹姆斯·彭尼贝克《语言风格秘密指出的那样,人们感到自信的时候,他们关注的手头的任务,而不是自己

    As James Pennebaker of the University of Texas notes in his book, The Secret Life of Pronouns, when people are feeling confident, they are focused on the task at hand, not on themselves.


  • 正如书名指出他们大多不会

    As the title of his book suggests, they mostly do not.


  • 一方面,正如戈特利布指出的,面对过度确认,人们往往重新听取他们抱怨,然后开始反驳

    For another, as Gottlieb notes, people confronted with over-validation often hear their complaints afresh and start arguing back.


  • 几周前有人在文中指出的那样,他们吃得很好,而且不易变胖。

    As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight.


  • 的确他们中的很多公司在股价暴跌逃离市场但是正如报告指出那样其他操盘手也是一样。

    It is true that many of them fled the market when prices plummeted but as the report points out, so did other traders.


  • 此外正如文章所指出的,私营机构能够挑选选择他们提供的、流行又成本专业。

    Furthermore, as your article points out, private providers will be able to pick and choose what is popular and cheap for them to provide.


  • 正如一些中国报纸指出的,造成当前困境的部分原因是因为许多中国人都相信他们自己税收获益甚少

    As some Chinese newspapers have pointed out, this is partly because many Chinese believe they get little in return for their taxes.


  • 但是正如米勒·亚当斯女士指出的,孩子们免除学费不能保证他们进入大学或者进入大学之后一定成才

    But, as ms Miller-Adams notes, offering children free tuition does not ensure that they go to college or thrive once they are there.


  • 正如查尔斯·布里斯指出的,他们于1926年纽约出生

    As Charles Burris has pointed out, they were both born in New York City, in 1926.


  • 正如凯恩斯指出实际操作者影响最大经济学那些逝者时间使他们的原始构想穿越研讨会的会议室,引起更为广泛讨论

    As Keynes pointed out, the economists who most influence practical men of action are the defunct ones whose scribblings have had time to percolate from the seminar room to wider conversations.


  • 正如指出印度少于5%水资源3%的耕地养活世界人口的17%,中国也是同样。他们看着今年谷物的价格的上涨

    As he points out, India feeds 17% of the world's people on less than 5% of the world's water and 3% of its farmland-and, along with China, is seeing its cereal crop rise this year.


  • 正如经合组织Stefano Scarpetta所指出的,如今设计政策意在使人们工作鼓励他们舍弃劳动

    As Stefano Scarpetta of the OECD points out, today's policies are designed to keep people working rather than to encourage them to leave the Labour force.


  • 正如propubica最近的一则报道指出的,一些教师几十年来一直偷偷学生——无论他们有无要求——在标准化考试中获取高分

    As a recent ProPublica story noted, teachers have been secretly helping their students achieve better scores on standardized tests for decades, both with and without the consent of their pupils.


  • 专栏多年指出的那样,亚洲人他们邻居怀有无比强烈的反感

    As this column has pointed out for years, Asians harbor remarkably intense antipathy for their neighbors.


  • 正如前面指出的,如果最终用户无法有效找到他们正在查找信息,那么存储库将不会有效并且可能被废弃不用。

    As noted earlier, if end users can't effectively find the information they're looking for, the repository won't be effective and will likely fall into disuse.


  • 正如指出我们现在所面临的问题,大都源于一个事实许多美国人认为他们要比他们实际上富裕的多。

    As Cowen notes, many of our recent difficulties stem from the fact that many Americans think they are richer than they are.


  • 正如研究人员论文指出,随着时间的推移,孤独会愈发孤独,而这并不是因为社交孤立而是因为他们将这种孤独感觉扩散到了他们的社交网络

    As the researchers note in the study, lonely people tend to get more lonely over time not because of social isolation, but because they spread the feelings of loneliness across their social network.


  • 可能性范围广泛而且正如我们一再指出的,我们打算建立具体直到开始分享他们民众知道

    The possibilities range broad, and as we have repeatedly stated, we are not going to be specific until the establishment starts to share what they know with the populace.


  • 正如以前文章指出承办每一分钱他们值得你们负责

    As I have noted in previous articles, a good contractor is worth every penny they charge you.


  • 不过正如他们指出的,在这个市场进化为当前我们看到北美市场如此发达之前面临着诸多严峻考验。

    However, as they pointed out, there are enormous challenges to overcome before the market evolves to anything like the levels we see in North America.


  • 不过正如塞尔维亚一家日报Danas辛辣指出的,“他们许诺科索沃留在塞尔维亚,把塞尔维亚送进欧盟。

    But as Danas, a Serbian daily, noted tartly, "They promised a Kosovo in Serbia and a Serbia in Europe."


  • 很多可爱正如威廉詹姆斯指出的,每种动物大多数动物许多动物他们孩子

    Many of them are not and, as William James points out, every animal, most animals, many animals love their children.


  • 正如已经指出生存竞争之中强者他们子孙更适于生存弱者他们子孙则要碾碎,被消灭

    In the struggle for existence, as I have shown, the strong and the progeny of the strong tend to survive, while the weak and the progeny of the weak are crushed and tend to perish.


  • 正如已经指出生存竞争之中强者他们子孙更适于生存弱者他们子孙则要碾碎,被消灭

    In the struggle for existence, as I have shown, the strong and the progeny of the strong tend to survive, while the weak and the progeny of the weak are crushed and tend to perish.


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