• 穷人是正发党的主要支持者

    AK draws much of its support from poorer Turks.


  • 正发AK)党受欢迎最大原因就是成功经济管理

    The biggest reason for AK’s popularity is its successful economic management.


  • 正发对于这次凡省震灾处理已经被证明是有效率

    AK's handling of the Van disaster has proved much more effective.


  • 他们一起创立了正发2002年的选举中第一次胜出

    They co-founded AK and secured its first election victory, in 2002.


  • 银行家认为正发适合处理该国不断膨胀往来帐户赤字的,并非每个人都认同措施

    Bankers say that AK is best placed to deal with the country's ballooning current-account deficit, but not everyone agrees with its approach.


  • 正发(AK)党内部规定下,尔多安先生不能竞选第四首相,因此除了往上爬之外别无他法

    Under AK's internal rules Mr Erdogan cannot run for a fourth term as prime minister, so he has nowhere to go save upstairs.


  • 最近几个月中他们大大加强了火力,但8月13号宣布停战要求党在9月20号前满足要求。

    Having sharply escalated its attacks in recent months, on August 13th it announced a ceasefire, saying it was giving AK until September 20th to meet its demands.


  • 年前总检察长控告并试图取缔正发证据包括某网站内容,该虚假网站经查与艾格塞兹将军有关。

    General Igsiz has been linked to bogus Internet sites used to smear AK; their content was used as evidence when Turkey's chief prosecutor sought to ban the party two years ago.


  • 最后似乎另一种流行假设矛盾我们学生作业负担导致了所有问题

    This last finding would appear to contradict another popular hypothesis that it is our burdening of students with assignments that is causing all the problems.


  • 我们评估通过并购中国扩张机会收购时代零售将可能选择之一,”乐天百货的一言人表示

    "We are reviewing opportunities to expand in China through mergers and acquisitions and buying Times could be one of the options," said a Lotte spokesman.


  • 法国工程公司阿尔斯通言人他们致力于一系列工作,以提高电站效率减少排放。

    A spokesman for French engineering company Alstom said they were working on a range of initiatives to improve the wider efficiency of the plant and reduce its carbon output.


  • 考虑做其它外科手术,例如做一次脂手术。

    I was thinking about other surgical procedures like another implant and liposuction.


  • 没有注意了错误,失了良机,身心疲惫失去控制怒火一触即

    You do not pay attention to what you are doing, make mistakes, miss opportunities, get tired quickly, lose control and get angry quickly.


  • 索尼1979年便携式卡带机,最终在日本市场寿终寝。

    Introduced by Sony in 1979, the portable cassette-tape player is finally being discontinued in the Japanese market.


  • 美国国会对于人为操纵人民币汇率的愤怒由来已久了,但是现在变得不可收拾的局面。

    Anger over the artificially low yuan is a long-simmering issue on Capitol Hill, but is becoming more pronounced.


  • 周二时代周刊上的文章所述,瑞典哥德堡所拥有汽车厂商有着截然不同的现状,萨博遭遇着前所未有的困难沃尔沃已经准备大干一场了!

    GOTHENBURG, SwedenBetween Sweden's two main carmakers, as I reported in The Times on Tuesday, Saab Automobile has hit hard times, while Volvo Cars appears to be going great guns.


  • 将到大马士革的时后,约在晌午忽然天上,四面照着

    And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me.


  • Coldplay现在伦敦北部的某个录音室里努力推敲着他们仍未命名的第四张专辑具体细节,专辑预计于五月行。

    Coldplay are currently holed up in a studio in northern London, trying to hammer out the details for their still-untitled fourth album, due out in May.


  • 4月柏林雾蒙蒙夜晚汉斯•莱普站在一个燧枪团的营房外站岗。 他既是一个年轻军校学员,又是一个崭露头角的诗人

    One foggy April night in Berlin, Hans Leip, a young officer cadet and budding poet, was standing guard outside a fusilier’s barracks.


  • 4月柏林雾蒙蒙夜晚汉斯·莱普在一个燧枪团的营房外站岗。他既是一个年轻军校学员,又是一个崭露头角的诗人

    One foggy April night in Berlin, Hans Leip, a young officer cadet and budding poet, was standing guard outside a fusiliers barracks.


  • 研究小组致力于找到这些代谢综合征症状儿童生继疾病风险所在。

    Her team is trying to find a risk profile for later disease among children having the symptoms for metabolic syndrome.


  • 是呀如果没有飞机美国大楼一样不会9.11,美国的飞机都没有停飞过

    Is: yeah, if not the plane, the United States as well as building not backward, but 9.11 happen for more than a year, the United States had no grounded.


  • 我们已经为明天做好准备,而且我们期待能够赛中对此能有个不错的改变。

    We are still well-placed in fourth and fifth positions on the grid and looking forward to a challenge tomorrow.


  • 从东京报道——东电总裁清水周三声明说,东电将对核危机中蒙受损失的居民提供临时赔偿金满足他们目前需求

    Co. plans to offer provisional compensation payments to meet the immediate needs of people affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, the company president said Wednesday.


  • 将到大马色,走的时后,约在晌午忽然天上四面照着

    About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me.


  • 有源位z VS - PW M变换器可以适应这一趋势,因为它具有开关磁芯自动复位功能

    The active clamp ZVS-PWM forward converter has been answered for with the merits of the soft switch technique and the magnetic reset technique.


  • 告诉法国《巴黎人》,尽管2008年之后,出于“现实原因”布吕尼没有继续演出或者唱片,但她现在计划举行一系列演出最新专辑

    She told le Parisien that while Bruni had not performed or recorded for "practical reasons" since 2008, she was now planning a series of shows and a new album.


  • 告诉法国《巴黎人》,尽管2008年之后,出于“现实原因”布吕尼没有继续演出或者唱片,但她现在计划举行一系列演出最新专辑

    She told le Parisien that while Bruni had not performed or recorded for "practical reasons" since 2008, she was now planning a series of shows and a new album.


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