• 欧洲评论计划网上预定节假日旅客应享受更多财政保护

    Travellers who book holidays on the Internet could receive more financial protection if things go wrong, under plans in a European review.


  • 一些艺术评论表示裸体男人女人一个天使唱诗班围绕也意味着欧洲各国正走到一起

    Some critics have suggested that the naked figures of a man and woman surrounded by a choir of angels signify the nations of Europe coming together.


  • CAA设备生产商依据数据提供临界点劳斯莱斯航空公司生产喷气发动机欧洲主要制造商,对此评论

    That threshold, the CAA says, was provided on the basis of data from equipment-manufacturers; Rolls-Royce, the leading European maker of jet engines for airliners, has made no comment on this.


  • 上述评论导致欧洲股市温和下跌、欧元美元汇率走弱

    The comments sent European stocks modestly lower and weakened the euro against the dollar.


  • 周二欧洲位高级外交官评论特纳计划表示,“这不可能实现,美国也清楚这点”,盖特纳先生目前依旧持有这种观点而且看起来暂时还不会改变。

    “It’s not going to happen, ” one senior European diplomat said of Mr. Geithner’s plan on Tuesday, “and the Americans know it.” Mr. Geithner still endorses the idea, but he seems to be scaling back.


  • 罗马上周欧洲联赛科西塞3 - 3战平后,丹尼尔·德罗西评论如果他们对阵意大利球队时表现仍然这样糟糕的话将净吞弹。

    After Roma's 3-3 draw with Kosice in the Europa League last week, Daniele De Rossi commented that they would ship five goals if they played that badly against an Italian team.


  • 欧洲央行对此没有作出评论

    The European Central Bank had no comment on the intervention.


  • 杂志报道外交界主要活动、对各国驻英使节访谈、国际问题评论等为主要内容,读者包括各国驻英外交官、英国内阁成员、上下院议员、欧洲议会议员、国际问题专家学者等。

    Its readership includes diplomats in the UK, British Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet members, MPs, Lords, MEPs and international relations scholars and experts.


  • 官方媒体欧洲标准一致评论家们应该等到他们的处罚实施后再进行反击

    Officials say the laws are in line with European norms and that critics should wait for their implementation before sniping.


  • 欧洲大国们并没有失去勇气他们也没有许多评论预言那样只是保护他们自己

    The leading nations of Europe did not lose their nerve, and they did not work only to protect themselves, as many pundits predicted.


  • 大恐慌金融市场根深蒂固之时,评论咒骂缺乏欧洲热情以及犹豫不决

    Her critics damn her for a lack of European zeal and for dithering when panic took hold in the financial markets.


  • 很多评论最近几月德国欧洲所担当的角色表示痛心很明显对于欧洲计划(特别是欧元)日渐失去幻想。

    MUCH of the commentary on Germany's role in Europe in recent months has lamented its apparently growing disenchantment with the European project in general and with the euro in particular.


  • 欧洲评论抱怨协定美国好处太多。

    European critics complain that the deal gives too much ground to the Americans.


  • 美国评论似乎特别享受欧洲解体他们福利制度的情景。美国也以同样的热情接受了欧式统一医疗保健

    American commentators seem particularly amused to watch Europeans "dismantle" their welfare systems, just as America embraces European-style universal health care.


  • 这种观点欧洲大陆毋庸置疑的,特别是在比利时法国,在这两个国家,连环画作品是文学批评的文章评论并且学术论文被剖析的。

    That is an uncontroversial view in continental Europe, especially in Belgium and France, where cartoon strips are reviewed in critical essays and dissected in academic thesis.


  • 美国评论似乎特别享受欧洲解体他们福利制度的情景。

    American commentators seem particularly amused to watch Europeans "dismantle" their welfare systems.


  • 1893年,就Wiertz作品巴黎的画展沙龙遭受敌对评论批评后,他强烈号召布鲁塞尔崛起成为欧洲都”,巴黎仅仅成为“省城”。

    After a hostile reception by critics at the Paris salon of 1839, Wiertz published a furious call for Brussels torise upand becomecapital of Europe”, leaving Paris a mere “provincial” town.


  • 德国央行行长欧洲央行政策制定者之一韦尔特克(ErnstWelteke)周末评论进一步质疑欧洲央行的降息行动

    Ernst Welteke, President of the Bundesbank and one of the ECB policymakers, raised further doubts about an ECB move with his comments over the weekend.


  • 目前我们评论队伍来自美洲欧洲东南亚中国的人员组成。

    To date, our review team consists of individuals from the Americas, Europe, South East Asia and China.


  • 意大利人 ——欧洲其他国家人对意大利人的评论大部分正面的,但是主要还是因为意大利美食

    The ItaliansMost of the stereotypes are positive, but mostly because of the food.


  • 欧洲委员会,据说收到50来自不同组织工业评论响应50份回应可能代表了数以千计公司

    The ec is said to have received about 50 responses from various organizations in response to its call for industry comment. Those 50 responses potentially represent thousands of companies.


  • 研究人员评论说,紫外线辐射(紫外线辐射),澳大利亚这样即使在冬季,水平紫外线辐射超过欧洲国家在今年夏天。

    Researchers commented that ultra violet radiation (UVR) in Australia is such that it even in winter its level of UVR exceed those of European countries in the summer.


  • 他们对于欧洲危机评论非常之多。

    They have a lot to say about Europe's crisis.


  • 这里,工作寻求欧洲各国官方专家CBS广播节目发表评论

    His job was to get European officials and experts to provide comments for CBS broadcasts.


  • Topolanek评论一直以来强烈,他作为27集团欧洲领导由于最近美国控诉他们在刺激需求花钱不够而毛发直立了。

    Topolanek's comments are the strongest criticism so far from a European leader as the 27-nation bloc bristles from recent U. S. criticism that it is not spending enough to stimulate demand.


  • 其次,通过多方搜求中西学者各类研究论文及专著片断,从译者个人认识、中国学者欧洲学者的评论等三个方面回顾了《红楼梦》德文译本的研究历史,作为本文研究论述基础

    Here the reasons of this work, the researches on the German version done by translator himself, Chinese Scholars and European Scholars are introduced as the foundation of the further research.


  • 其次,通过多方搜求中西学者各类研究论文及专著片断,从译者个人认识、中国学者欧洲学者的评论等三个方面回顾了《红楼梦》德文译本的研究历史,作为本文研究论述基础

    Here the reasons of this work, the researches on the German version done by translator himself, Chinese Scholars and European Scholars are introduced as the foundation of the further research.


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