• 其次欧元基金容易救助贷款附加严苛条件

    A second quibble is that a euro fund may find it difficult to impose tough conditions on rescue loans.


  • 引发指责似乎2月26日篇名对冲基金联手做空欧元”的新闻报道。

    The spark that led to the charges appears to have been a February 26 newpaper article titledHedge funds are ganging up on weaker euro.


  • 欧洲金融稳定机构欧元应急基金必须尽可能同时注入资金地区银行

    The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro zone's bail-out fund, must carry out simultaneous injections of capital into the region's banks as soon as it can.


  • 首先,前景明朗,尤其是欧洲稳定基金如何利用1万亿欧元

    First, it is not clear yet precisely how the EFSF will be leveraged to 1 trillion euros.


  • 传言声称对破坏欧元规则国家会采取接近自动的制裁例如取消他们的投票权拒绝给付欧盟基金或者吊销欧元成员国资格

    There is talk of near-automatic sanctions on countries that break the euro’s rules, such as cancelling offenders’ voting rights, withholding EU funds or even suspending euro membership.


  • 葡萄牙希腊指责德国要求它们必须采取财政紧缩的政策换取紧急援助基金的做法,以此维持欧元的稳定。

    Portugal and Greece blame Germany for the austerity they have to undergo in exchange for bail-outs to keep the euro together.


  • 问题在于4,400亿欧元规模,扩容后的基金还是没有足够火力安抚市场重振投资者信心

    Trouble is, at 440 billion euros, the newly expanded fund still doesn't have enough firepower to quell the markets and restore investor confidence.


  • 信息机构Lipper估计,中等规模欧洲基金拥有2500万欧元资产很难实现规模经营

    Lipper, an information group, reckons that the median European fund has euro25m of assets, barely enough to be economic to run.


  • 去年春天基金至多可筹集500亿欧元匈牙利提供紧急贷款的不时之需。

    The fund’s ceiling was raised to euro50 billion last spring, to cope with the potential need for emergency loans to Hungary and others.


  • 低于2000万欧元资产基金费用比率往往高于2%。

    Funds with less than euro 20m of assets tend to have expense ratios of more than 2%.


  • 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的人物john Lipsky本周说,欧元高于国际货币基金组织中期估价基准

    John Lipsky, number two at the IMF, said this week that the euro is above the fund's medium-term valuation benchmark.


  • 预期计划包括欧洲主要救援基金——现在4400亿欧元欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)扩大到原来倍。

    The package is expected to involve a quadrupling - from the current projected level of 440bn euros - in the firepower of Europe's main bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).


  • 那么司法部为何调查对冲基金欧元之 事,不去调查聚会有人提议购买医疗保健服务提供商McKesson公司股票事呢?

    So why would the Justice Department probe the euro bet and not a proposal to buy shares in health-care-services provider McKesson, one of the other ideas?


  • 本周欧盟表示基金总额120亿欧元增至约250亿欧元

    This week the European Union said it would raise its own rescue fund from 12 billion euro perhaps to 25 billion euro.


  • 如果现在欧元计价的基金招募资金有可能个对美国投资者不利汇率锁定他们的资金从而会侵蚀掉这些投资者潜在收益

    But calling up capital in, say, a euro-denominated fund now could lock in money from those U.S. backers at an unfavorable exchange rate, eroding potential gains for those investors.


  • 如此,救援基金扩充看来势必要全部17个欧元国家批准实行

    The fund expansion has to be ratified by all 17 eurozone nations to take force.


  • 欧元需要成立一项基金帮助成员国应对经济震荡

    The euro zone needs a fund that can help member states cope with shocks.


  • 关于是否扩大欧元纾困基金规模争论,也放大了弥漫欧洲的困惑情绪。

    The confusion across Europe was amplified by a dispute over whether to expand the size of the eurozone's bail-out fund.


  • 基金面对主要问题就是欧元

    The main issue facing the fund is the euro zone.


  • 一种想法仿效国际货币基金组织,欧元区成员国建立专门救助基金

    One idea is a dedicated bail-out fund for euro-zone members, along the lines of the IMF.


  • 假以时日,这个紧急基金就能演化促进欧元财政协作机构

    Over time, the emergency fund could evolve into an institution that improves the euro area's fiscal co-ordination.


  • 基金组织已经结束了欧元大约一半贷款可能一个严重爆发

    The fund, which already has over half of its outstanding loans in the euro zone, would become even more heavily exposed to one region.


  • 国际货币基金组织表示,欧元需要采取行动稳定他们金融体系并且减少主权债务

    The IMF says eurozone countries need to take action to stabilize their financial systems and reduce their sovereign debt.


  • 通过联合担保而发行欧元债券不同,欧洲金融稳定基金背后的国家担保机制每个国家承担一小部分担保责任,责任大小这些欧元国家的经济体大小成正比。

    Unlike jointly underwritten Eurobonds, the national guarantees backing the EFSF puts each state on the line for only a share of it, broadly in line with its weight in the euro-area economy.


  • 欧元也许过于自负,不愿踏进基金组织个斋戒期的忏悔者了解者必败。

    The euro zone may be too proud to go to the IMF, but as any Lenten penitent should know, pride comes before a fall.


  • 周四宣布方案还包括其他一些措施,其中有项计划是将欧元纾困基金最终变成一个欧洲的国际货币基金组织。

    Among the other changes announced on Thursday were plans to ultimately turn the Eurozone's bail-out fund into a European equivalent of the IMF.


  • 西班牙国债价格昨天下跌,创下欧元建立以来最大跌幅,欧盟和国际货币基金组织救援爱尔兰没有缓解外界欧元债务危机蔓延的担忧。

    Spanish bonds fell yesterday by the most since the start of the euro era as a bailout for Ireland failed to assuage speculation that the debt crisis will spread.


  • 葡萄牙继希腊爱尔兰之后第三欧盟和国际货币基金组织寻求联合救助欧元国家

    Portugal is the third eurozone country after Greece and Ireland to reach an agreement on a joint bailout from the eu and the IMF.


  • 葡萄牙继希腊爱尔兰之后第三欧盟和国际货币基金组织寻求联合救助欧元国家

    Portugal is the third eurozone country after Greece and Ireland to reach an agreement on a joint bailout from the eu and the IMF.


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