• 中国欧亚地区重要国家

    China remains an important country in the Eurasian region.


  • 中国欧亚地区重要的国家。

    China plays an crucial role in Eurasia.


  • 乌兹别克斯坦欧亚地区具有重要影响国家

    Uzbekistan is a country with important influence in Eurasia.


  • 运用非线性成分分析法欧亚地区1948—2007年冬季海平面气压距平进行分析。

    Eurasian winter sea level pressure anomalies during 1948-2007 were investigated by applying a nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) method.


  • 运用非线性成分分析法欧亚地区1948—2007年冬季海平面气压距平场进行分析

    Eurasian summer sea level pressure anomalies during 1948 -2007 were investigated by applying a Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis (NLPCA) method.


  • 然而多哈蒂还表示减少欧亚地区生物燃料燃烧有可能短期减缓北极气候变暖产生重大影响

    However, Doherty said that decreasing biomass burning in Eurasia would likely have the biggest single impact on reducing Arctic warming in the near term.


  • 利用观测资料夏季欧亚地区阻塞活动代际变化特征及其我国降水年代际变化的可能联系进行了分析。

    On the basis of observations investigation is conducted on the decadal characteristics of summer Eurasian blockings and its possible relation to precipitation over China.


  • 科赫工业公司的分支机构大卫·科赫经营的科赫化工技术集团于2008年4月聘用叶格罗娃-法利娜(Egorova- Farines)作为职位欧亚地区道德合规经理

    Koch Chemical Technology Group, a Koch Industries subsidiary run by David Koch, hired Egorova-Farines in April 2008 for the newly created position of compliance and ethics manager for Europe and Asia.


  • 研究人员说,大麦一个意外发现这种作物生长欧亚大陆西部,直到大约两千成为中国中部地区主食

    Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn't become a staple food in central China until about 2,000 years ago, according to the researchers.


  • 研究人员说,大麦一个意外的发现这种作物欧亚大陆西部引进,直到大约2000年前成为中国中部地区主食

    Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn't become a staple food in central China until about 2, 000 years ago, according to the researchers.


  • 畜牧业出现传播欧亚大陆内部历史产生了深远影响同时,也间接地影响欧亚大陆以外亚洲欧洲部分地区

    The emergence and spread of pastoralism had a profound impact on the history of Inner Eurasia, and also, indirectly, on the parts of Asia and Europe just outside this area.


  • 也许时候,欧亚大陆内部大草原上出现了独特游牧文化,这种文化主导了地区几千历史

    Perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia.


  • 最有可能发生这一地震地带也许西南部100千米更远地区,那时菲律宾板块冲到欧亚板块下面引发持续不断摇晃

    The most likely spawning ground for that earthquake will be 100km or more to the south-west, where the Philippine plate dives under the Eurasian plate, creating a continuous sequence of shudders.


  • 俄罗斯横跨欧亚大陆北部大部分地区

    Russia stretches across much of the north of the supercontinent of Eurasia.


  • 去年冬天之前中的七年一样,出乎寻常的大雪纷飞,寒流甚至席卷美国东部地区欧亚大陆。

    Last winter, too, was exceptionally snowy and cold across the Eastern United States and Eurasia, as were seven of the previous nine winters.


  • 与此同时西伯利亚冷空气南下横跨欧亚大陆进入东亚地区甚至西南进发而达到欧洲

    Meanwhile, across Eurasia, cold air from Siberia spills south into East Asia and even southwestward into Europe.


  • 美洲绝大部分地区欧亚大陆北部享有着大量淡水供给

    Much of the Americas and northern Eurasia enjoy abundant water supplies.


  • 未来5-8欧亚中东地区部分国家预计转变这趋势,因为这些国家将尽量减少光电设备陆基C4ISTAR系统之间的能力差距

    In the next 5-8 year, part of Europe, Aia and the Middle Eat are projected to witne a hift in trend, a thee countrie will try to reduce the capability gap exitent with their land-baed C4ISTAR.


  • 北极圈夏天欧亚大陆多个地区遭受了非同寻常的热浪席卷。

    The northern hemisphere summer saw exceptional heatwaves in several parts of Eurasia.


  • 如果说基辅号角由于地区拉伸活动,那么这个欧亚板块正在忍受东欧知道亚洲拉伸活动是否波兰列车脱轨有关呢?

    If the Kiev trumpets are due to a stretch in the area, might this stretch of eastern Europe through to Asia that the Eurasian Plate endures have something to do with a train derailment in Poland?


  • 战争发生率而言,随着北半球气温变化欧洲亚洲北半球地区干旱地区欧亚大陆北非的干旱地带参见si Fig。

    In the same manner as the NH temperature variations, the incidence of warfare in the NH, Europe, Asia, and the arid areas of the NH i.e., the arid zone from Eurasia to North Africa; see si Fig.


  • 中国历史包括一个很大地理地区西伯利亚赤道太平洋欧亚大陆中心

    China's history involves a vast geographic area, from Siberia to shores of the Pacific and from the Equator to the heart of the Eurasian continent!


  • 欧亚大陆热带温暖地区里的广泛分布

    This species is very widely distributed in tropical and warm regions of the Old World.


  • 兴安悬钩子:一种蔷薇多年生蔓生草本植物(兴安悬钩子悬钩子属) ,原产于北美欧亚北部地区白花结浅黄可食果实

    A creeping perennial herb (Rubus chamaemorus) in the rose family, native to northern regions of North America and Eurasia and having white flowers and edible, yellowish fruit.


  • 中国西南地区地震活动反映印度欧亚板块碰撞引起的动力作用由西向东由南向北推进过程

    The earthquake activities in Southwest China reflect the eastward and northward progression of tectonic movements caused by the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates.


  • 欧亚国际货运代理股份公司一家铁路运输核心,主要中国俄罗斯中亚地区提供运输物流服务龙头企业。

    Trans Eurasia Transport Solutions is the leading service provider for transport solutions on rail with the focus on China, Russia and Central Asia.


  • 欧亚国际货运代理股份公司一家铁路运输核心,主要中国俄罗斯中亚地区提供运输物流服务龙头企业。

    Trans Eurasia Transport Solutions is the leading service provider for transport solutions on rail with the focus on China, Russia and Central Asia.


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