• 生成器这样一个函数,记住上一返回时在函数中的位置。

    A generator is a function that remembers the point in the function body where it last returned.


  • 细胞里面,染色经过或者是多爆炸成为成千上万个碎片

    It seems that in a single cell, one or more of the chromosomes explode - literally into hundreds of fragments.


  • 立方上面金字塔房间,可操作控制自己每月完成旋转

    Above that cube would be a smaller pyramid housing executive activities and completing a rotation once a month.


  • 大学毕业女子数量超过男子美国历史上第一

    For the first time in American history there are more female than male college graduates among this age group.


  • 他们谨慎的,因为生命中经历具有决定意义全国性事件教导他们永远别指望能满打满算

    As a group, they were cautious, because the two defining national events of their lives taught them that you can never really count on anything.


  • 这个立方完成旋转需要时间。

    The cube would complete a rotation in the span of one year.


  • 对于作为发达经济衰退之后全球金融危机1930年来影响最大的一

    For the advanced economies as a whole, the slump that followed the global financial crisis was by far the deepest since the 1930s.


  • 接受时尚芭莎杂志的一访问中说道:“觉得母乳喂养真的能帮助保持 形)。”

    In an interview with Harper's Bazaar magazine, she said: "I think breastfeeding really helped [me keep my figure].


  • 五岁差点丢了,当时上了一条鱼,但是因为太早把它拖上来,几乎解了,你还记得吗?

    Five and you nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green and he nearly tore the boat to pieces. Can you remember?


  • 密歇根大学研究显示,2003以来18岁上下的越来越多的青少年认为即使仅吸食了冰毒也是有巨大成瘾危险的。

    According to the Michigan study, the share of 18-year-olds who believe that using crystal meth even once or twice carries a great risk has risen every year since 2003.


  • 华盛顿·卡内基研究院艾里克豪瑞分析被叫做熔融包裹一类岩石

    This time around, Erik Hauri of the Carnegie Institution of Washington analysed a different part of the rocks, called melt inclusions.


  • 中国还是任何规模经济唯一在增长个,尽管增速已降至“一级的”(并非有意的双关语)6% - 8%。

    China is also the only economy of any size that is actually still growing, albeit at a subprime (no pun intended) 6-8 per cent.


  • 个四模组机器人2.5分钟内即可完成对供给区”选取出的立方的重新组合,实现一复制

    The four-module robot was able to construct a replica in 2.5 minutes by lifting and assembling cubes from the feeding locations, said Lipson.


  • 中国人对于原材料机械日用消费品需求依然强劲,这些会亚洲其他经济起到重要的支撑作用—据预测该区域将在明年躲过衰退

    Continued strong Chinese demand for raw materials, machinery and consumer goods is expected to prop up other Asian economies -the region as a whole is projected to dodge a recession next year.


  • 随着时间推移,在行星外层空间之间相互运行了成百上千,他们开始形成

    As time goes on, the stars' outer layers orbit each other hundreds of times and begin to form into one.


  • 那样轰击会将这种细菌染色击碎,但是几个小时后,便可以自行复原。

    A blast like that shatters the bacterium's chromosomes, but it can repair itself within hours.


  • 如果取样中,所有锆石里都不含这种矿物就是在提示化学成分可能已经发生了改变

    If that type of mineral is missing from all of the zircons in a particular sample, he notes, that's a clue that the inclusions may have been chemically altered.


  • 例如立方只做设置可能实际需要设置每个

    For example instead of setting them once for a cube, you may need to set the capabilities six times, once for each face.


  • 物理学家第一明确地证实了梦寐以求夸克胶子等离子叫“夸克”)反应。

    This is the first time that physicists were able to positively confirm the creation of the much sought after quark-gluon plasma, orquark soup’.


  • 这些央行提高利率提供了依据,同时因为危机美国经济频衰退,同时其他经济经济有所降温。

    That argues for raising interest rates. At the same time, because of the credit and housing crisis, America is close to a recession and other economies look set for a fall.


  • 上个月美国做过演讲,我指出,再过去20个世纪里,有18个世纪,中国全世界最大经济

    I gave a speech in the US last month in which I pointed out that China had been the world's largest economy for 18 out of the last 20 centuries.


  • 美国欧洲经济愁楚也使得亚洲经济前景黯淡老虎咆哮又一响彻在一些经济的耳边。

    The economic woes of America and Europe have darkened Asia's mood. Some can again hear the tiger's growl.


  • 特兰提斯水晶开启以太门户元间门户生命人类原生质生命接触。

    The Atlantean Crystals open the etheric gate, the dimensional portals that will allow mankind of carbon based life to interface with those of bio-plasmic life.


  • 这种情况下消息很少被访问AXIOM提供优化具有最好性能

    In such cases, the body is rarely accessed twice and the optimization provided by AXIOM gives the best possible performance.


  • 受益者还包括某些发达经济,这些经济监控措施严格而著称,问题直接间接风险敞口有限。贷问题是导致本危机根本原因

    Some fringe developed economies with a reputation for tough regulatory controls and limited direct or indirect exposure to the subprime problem at the root of the crisis have benefited.


  • 受益者还包括某些发达经济,这些经济监控措施严格而著称,问题直接间接风险敞口有限。贷问题是导致本危机根本原因

    Some fringe developed economies with a reputation for tough regulatory controls and limited direct or indirect exposure to the subprime problem at the root of the crisis have benefited.


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