• 发现兄弟套肮脏的、蟑螂横行公寓里

    He found his brother in a seedy, roach-infested apartment.


  • 所以回到马车横行的年代去?

    So you want to go back to the horse and buggy days?


  • 是个横行的圣人堂皇恶棍

    A damned saint, an honourable villain!


  • 好象传说中的恣意横行的野兽

    It was like a beast long fabled for its ferocity.


  • 刚才说电脑横行时代需要记忆力

    You said in the age of computers, we don't need memory.


  • 我们勉强过去投行横行的40年间生存下来。

    We've (barely) lived through a 40-year period in which investment Banks have imposed themselves on us.


  • 影片失去了它该有的灵魂横行特效神话

    Films that lose their soul to special effects or mythology run amok.


  • 我们不想再次成为一个军警横行的国度,”

    We don't want to be a police state all over again, " she said.


  • 横行纤维接索则把成对两个神经节连在一起

    The transverse fibres or commissure unite the two ganglia of a pair.


  • 既然不怎么样何来横行说法看到某人帖子十分可笑了

    Since the so-so where is rampant say? I saw someone's post will be very ridiculous.


  • 我们读著不禁要问:在势力横行情况下,保罗还能抵达罗马吗?

    As we follow the story, we can't help but ask, will the evil forces prevail? Will Paul be able to arrive at Rome?


  • 即使是里约州全球慓悍警力之一,亦弭平盗匪横行贫民窟而开始赢得赞赏

    Even the police, one of the most brutal forces in the world, are starting to win praise for pacifying bandit-ridden slums.


  • 冲突横行二十世纪八十年代玛格丽特撒切尔面对抗争工人总是确保警察护卫左右。

    Margaret Thatcher, prime minister through the conflict-ridden 1980s, was careful to have the cops on board when she confronted unhappy workers.


  • 一方面地狱、“无物之阵作为主要意象绘制了一幅多灾多难鬼魅横行生存场景

    The author had drawn a existence scene that calamitous , ghosts and goblins run wild as the main image with hell, fire residence, "the lines of nothingness", etc.


  • 由于目前国际法尚无健全制度制约主权国家恣意横行单边措施,使众多国家包括我国深受其害

    Since there is no sound system of international law restricting the country's unilateral measures, many countries, including China suffered.


  • 但是,冷静、真实、客观现实主义描写使沙汀难以忽视在兽横行盆地内女性悲剧性生活状态

    However, the reality is that Shating s style of writing makes it impossible to overlook the tragic condition of women who have lost touch with their humanity and turned to bestial ways.


  • 衣着不用丝绸皮革尽管那里时候,正是蚊子横行夏季,也从没过伤害蚊子或其他任何生命

    There was no silk or leather in any clothing, and though I was there in the summer mosquito season, it was absolutely not an option to kill a mosquito or any creature.


  • 不幸是,罗马帝国西元第五世纪瓦解之后,在英国国家横行野蛮民族对于个人卫生并不特别感到兴趣

    Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century A. D. , the barbarians who overran countries like England were not particularly interested in personal hygiene.


  • 不过卡萨诺瓦斯医生,世卫组织认为艾滋病横行一些地方母乳喂养恐怕还是配方牛奶喂养婴儿要好些

    But Doctor Casanovas says WHO believes that in many places where HIV is prevalent, it still might be better for mothers to choose breastfeeding over formula milk.


  • 本周法国海军护卫舰护送经过海盗横行索马里海域粮食援助的艘货轮,受到联合国世界粮食计划署称赞

    This week a French naval frigate was praised by the UN's World food Programme for escorting two freighters loaded with food aid through pirate-infested waters to Somalia.


  • 家庭用户甚至可以孩子们横行一个下午家用电脑并且任何损害,可以立即撤消恢复所有文件安全知识

    Home users can even let the kids run amok on the family PC for an afternoon and be safe in the knowledge that any damage can be instantly undone and all files recovered.


  • 假货横行国家可能并不严加查验这样官方数字好看一些;相反假货较少的国家倒会警觉起来缉获更多的假货。

    The countries with the most fakes may not be cracking down, so official figures will look rosy; in contrast, countries with a smaller counterfeit trade that are vigilant may end up with more seizures.


  • 恩先生辩称,这场斗争中除了表现出侵略性微软别无选择庞大经销商合作伙伴网络盗版横行的地区无法生存

    Mr.Finn argues that Microsoft has no choice but to be aggressive in its fight, saying its immense network of resellers and partners can't make a living in areas flush with counterfeit software.


  • 结果,随之而来生化战争屠戮了Nozho城90%的人口,克拉克·多尔花园般的世界变成片怪兽横行的蛮荒之地。

    The end result of the conflict was biological warfare that wiped out 90 percent of Nozho's population, and transformed the garden world of Clak 'dor VII into a monster-filled wasteland.


  • 无论如何,我们还是狮子老虎狗熊横行世界里茁壮成长起来了,当然身边还伴随一些花鸟鱼虫什么的,我们的成就幸福都源于大自然

    Finally, we have evolved in a world of lions and tigers and bears; of plants and birds and rocks and things. We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.364.


  • 所以跟他们讲,当年他们妈妈攻读博士学位时,我们一起住在布鲁克林个蟑螂老鼠横行的公寓里,靠着初级记者薪水勉强度日。

    So I talk about the mouse - and cockroach-infested Brooklyn apartment where we all lived while their mother worked on her Ph.D. and we squeaked by on a junior reporter's salary.


  • 所以跟他们讲,当年他们妈妈攻读博士学位时,我们一起住在布鲁克林个蟑螂老鼠横行的公寓里,靠着初级记者薪水勉强度日。

    So I talk about the mouse- and cockroach-infested Brooklyn apartment where we all lived while their mother worked on her Ph. D. and we squeaked by on a junior reporter's salary.


  • 所以跟他们讲,当年他们妈妈攻读博士学位时,我们一起住在布鲁克林个蟑螂老鼠横行的公寓里,靠着初级记者薪水勉强度日。

    So I talk about the mouse- and cockroach-infested Brooklyn apartment where we all lived while their mother worked on her Ph. D. and we squeaked by on a junior reporter's salary.


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