• 伊夫斯博士解释到,基于用来模拟卫星衰变软件可以产生不同估计数

    And a number of different estimates could be produced depending what software is used to model the satellite's decay, Dr Eves explained.


  • 主要功能就是通过改变相位多普勒频移载波比来模拟卫星轨道上真实卫星发射的信号

    Their main function is to simulate the satellite signal from the really satellite on the satellite orbit through changing code phase, Doppler shift, carrier and signal-to-noise ratio.


  • 波音公司研制型火箭的初次发射中,其携带1万三千模拟卫星最终坠毁大西洋中。

    For the inaugural flight, the rocket, made by the Boeing Company, will carry a 13,000-pound dummy satellite and then crash into the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 其中半实物仿真节点是自行设计仿真节点根据卫星运行轨道通过控制以太网接口模拟卫星网络星际链路切换,改变网络拓扑结构

    The semi-physical node controls the interface of Ethernet according to the satellite orbit and simulates the handoff of ISL, and so changes the topology of satellite network.


  • 如果模拟可以直接连入卫星数据库甚至可能帮助未来拖船驾驶员安全地拖动冰山

    If the simulation can plug directly into a satellite database, it might even help future tugboat pilots safely steer with an iceberg in tow.


  • 模拟显示,在冰层脱离之后土星引力导致卫星硅酸盐核心的毁灭,将最终撞向这颗行星。

    After pulling off the ices, the gravity of Saturn would have doomed the moon's silicate core, tugging it closer and closer until it smashed into the planet, the simulation shows.


  • 文中相比较的两上面精细化全球气候模型模拟结果,下面是同一时刻GOES卫星观测结果。

    These images compare a simulation from a detailed global climate model, top image, with observations from the GOES satellite from the same time, lower image.


  • 组精密计算机模型模拟出了土星潮汐引力可能不幸位于某一特殊位置的大型卫星外层壳剥离开来。

    A sophisticated computer model demonstrates how tidal forces on Saturn could have peeled away the icy outer layers of a large moon that occupied an unfortunate piece of real estate.


  • 张法国夏多布里昂(Chateaubriant模拟自然彩色卫星照片上,现代文明标志中的中世纪布列塔尼(Brittany)遗迹依然清晰可见。

    Vestiges of Medieval Brittany among signs of modern civilisation in this simulated natural colour satellite image of Chateaubriant, France.


  • 除了模拟照片里所看到了行星卫星我们太阳系统还包含一个恒星一些小行星彗星,和冥王星那样侏儒行星。

    In addition to the planets and moons seen in this simulated photo, our solar system contains a star, asteroids and comets, and dwarf planets such as Pluto.


  • 如果模拟系统能够直接连入海洋实时天气卫星数据库的话,未来拖船驾驶员们能够安全地拖动冰山

    If the simulation can plug directly into a satellite database for real-time ocean weather tracking, it might even help future tugboat pilots safely steer with an iceberg in tow.


  • 科学家们模拟火箭点火舱体飞行,演示届时酒泉卫星发射中心观察控制联络系统运转情况。

    Scientists simulated the ignition of the rocket and the in-flight moves of the capsule to test how the observation, control and communication systems at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center work.


  • 模型模拟太阳风暴2003年的Holloween超级太阳风暴还要强烈,研究结果中的电子助焊剂低轨道地球卫星产生影响

    The model simulated a solar storm stronger than the so-called Halloween solar superstorms of 2003 and investigated what effect the resulting flux of electrons would have on LEO satellites.


  • 卫星模拟电视相比有着诸多优点

    Compare with analog TV, it has a lot of advantages.


  • 模拟科学研究常用方法之一观测模拟对于天文观测与研究特别是对于人造卫星观测研究尤为重要

    Simulation is one of the most useful methods of scientific research. However, simulating observation is important for the astronomical observation and research, especially for the satellites.


  • 进行卫星姿态控制系统故障模拟,对控制系统优化配置、故障诊断、系统重构技术研究实验验证具有重要作用。

    The fault simulation of satellite attitude control system is crucial for research and experimental verification on optimizing configuration, fault diagnosis, reconstruction of control system.


  • 目前问题主要研究方法通过卫星浮标实测资料数值模拟等。

    At present, researching by the satellite data, buoy data, observation data and numerical simulation is main studying method of the above problems.


  • 对于相同云图成像基准地面测试卫星在轨运行,与模拟遥测对应变化关系一致的。

    When the satellite works on orbit or is testing on ground, the relative changing laws of simulated telemetry values are consistent with the same cloud picture imaging standards.


  • 模拟结果表明土星潮汐剥离巨型卫星表层冰面并引向主星理论是可以解释土星巨大光环的神秘来源

    Simulations show that the still-mysterious origin of Saturn's vast, icy rings could be explained by the 'peeling' by Saturn's tides of the icy mantle of a large satellite migrating towards the planet.


  • 结合推广卡尔滤波算法建立了该方法仿真模型某地球同步卫星为背景,利用模拟数据进行系统仿真。

    A simulation model of the method is set up using filtering algorithm of extend Kalman, and the system simulation is made using simulative data at the basic of a synchronization satellite of the earth.


  • 考虑成本因素采用遥测参数数据格式编程卫星信号模拟

    Considering the cost factor, the telemetry parameters and data formats for programmable satellite signal source are needed.


  • 模拟方法结果我国确定重力卫星指标有着重要意义。

    The simulation method and results may be more significant to select the SST separation parameter for our country's gravity satellite system.


  • 模拟电视信号启用播放卫星电视接收器需要将数字信号转换为标准电视可以识别播放模拟格式。

    To enable playback on an analog TV signal, the satellite TV receiver converts the digital signal into an analog format that a standard television can recognize and playback.


  • 卫星遥感估产作物生长模拟两项新技术作物监测估产方面巨大的应用价值

    Crop yield estimation by remote sensing and crop growth simulation models have highly potential application in crop growth monitoring and yield forecasting.


  • 卫星观测TOMS臭氧总量资料应用区域气候模拟中,在不同纬度的地区采用随季节变化臭氧总量。

    The TOMS total ozone data observed by satellite has been used to the regional climate modeling considering the variation of the total ozone amount with season and latitude.


  • 基于模拟CHAMP卫星观测数据分别用数值微分能量守恒法恢复50阶次的重力位系数

    Numerical differential method and energy balance approach are applied respectively to recover the geopotential coefficients until 50 degree based on the simulated observation datum of CHAMP.


  • 基于模拟CHAMP卫星观测数据分别用数值微分能量守恒法恢复50阶次的重力位系数

    Numerical differential method and energy balance approach are applied respectively to recover the geopotential coefficients until 50 degree based on the simulated observation datum of CHAMP.


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