• 储油罐系统可靠计算中,采用条件关联系数考虑失效模式相关性影响,进而得出储油罐系统可靠度估算值。

    When calculating the system reliability of oil tank, conditional correlation coefficient is used to consider the failure dependence among various failure modes.


  • 所以统计专家所做基本上就是研究过去公司违约股价相关性编程设计出模型推定当前相同模式下的情况。

    So what the statisticians did, essentially, was to study past correlations in corporate default and equity prices and program their models to assume the same pattern in the present.


  • 如果存在这样一种相关性至少也是很微弱的,但这是个好消息,因为意味着我们可以改变自己依附模式

    If there is a correlation, it's weak at best, which is good news because it means that we can change our attachment style.


  • ESB可以支持复杂更成熟的路由模式例如请求分发响应相关性聚合甚至是复杂的事件处理

    An ESB can support more complex and sophisticated routing patterns, such as distribution of a request and correlated aggregation of responses, or even complex event processing.


  • 扫描结果输入电脑中,电脑会寻找录像中的颜色形状动作志愿者大脑内活动模式之间相关性

    The results were fed into a computer which looked for links between colours, shapes and movements on the screen, and patterns of activity in the brain.


  • 模式往往具有相关性因此可被用来创建更大架构设计方案

    Patterns are often related, thus used together to create larger architectures and designs.


  • 对于这个模式客户机负责创建相关性标识(correlation ID)通过双方同意的任一种机制发送服务提供者

    For this pattern, the client is responsible for creating the correlation id and passing it to the service provider via whatever mechanism has been agreed upon by the two parties.


  • 采用随机事件条件概率的运算法则引入失效模式条件关联系数反映结构之间的失效相关性

    Adopting algorithm of random event 'conditional probability and introducing condition association coefficient of failure mode can reflect failure dependence of structure.


  • 目前对于以上发现尚无明确解释,因为这些结果一定程度上显示饮食模式风险有相关性,但并不意味着饮食直接参与了癌的发生

    It's not yet clear what to make of the findings, in part because they show associations between dietary patterns and cancer risk — and not that the foods directly affect cancer development.


  • 关联规则序列模式研究发现事务数据库数据项之间相关性方法

    Association rule and sequential pattern techniques are the methods that study and find the relationship in the items of transaction database.


  • 台湾海峡国光钻油平台与新竹海气象浮标有效分析对象,通过移转机率矩阵建立马尔可夫波高相关性模式

    In order to extend the short-term wave records, the statistical correlation model of wave heights between two close wave stations is investigated and established by using the Markov Chain theory.


  • 采用随机事件条件概率运算法则,引入失效模式的条件关联系数反映结构之间失效相关性

    Adopting the algorithm of conditional probability of random events, the coefficient of conditional connection between failure models may be introduced to show the failure relevance between structures.


  • 网络告警关联隐含着丰富模式知识,通过研究告警信息间的因果相关性能够显著的提高网络故障管理智能度

    Rich pattern knowledge regarding network behavior is hidden behind alert correlation, when pattern knowledge is discovered and research, network fault management will be more intelligent.


  • 事实上,即使具有相同相关性强度随机变量也可能因为有不同相关模式尾部特征而表现出完全不同结构特点。

    In fact, the same relativity of two pair random variables possibly can have the different related pattern and the special part characteristic.


  • 为了降低计算复杂度,根据帧内预测算法特征提出一种基于像素方向相关性帧内预测模式快速选择算法。

    In order to decrease the computational complexity of the algorithm, a fast algorithm for intra-prediction mode decision based on pixel's directional relativity is presented in this paper.


  • 本文介绍了根据流域洪水厄尔尼诺相关性研究而建立二者相关关系模式厄尔尼诺年流域洪水的预测预报找到了一条途径

    The paper introduces a correlation model of both based on correlativity study watershed flood and el Nino year. A new way is found for the watershed flood forecast in el Nino year.


  • 一时间上相关性经过适当模式化后卡曼滤波器理论将其纳入。

    The temporal effects , when appropriately modeled , can be taken into account by means of the kalman filter theory.


  • 论文主题关于一种潜在相关性模式使得这种潜在问题突出的框架。

    The topic of this paper is the underlying dependency model, and the scheme by which potential problems are highlighted.


  • 实验表明方法分析模式相关性检测改进查询精度响应时间

    Simulation shows that the method improves the query precision greatly and saves response time in pattern analysis and relation detection.


  • 结论蛋白质模式中的蛋白质点进一步分析有助于研究HBV相关性hcc肿瘤标记

    Conclusions Further analysis on these proteins in the proteomic pattern will be helpful to screen tumor markers for HBV related HCC.


  • 由于无需进行模式相关性近似分析,因而提高了系统失效概率计算精度。

    Because there is no need to determine the correlation of failure modes approximately, the precision of analysis can be raised.


  • 分析连续生产模式备件管理特殊性,讨论了相关性最强的四个备件控制特征备件重要性、通用性需求模式价格

    The special characters of spare parts inventory management based on continuous production and its four control characteristics, i. e. criticality, specificity, demand pattern and value, are discussed.


  • 方法21维持性血液透析经常出现血液透析相关性低血压的患者进行低温曲线模式透析常规透析进行自身对照

    Methods Give 21 patients with regular low blood pressure related to hemodialysis low temperature sodium curve mode dialysis and compare to self routine dialysis.


  • 提出一种H . 264编码中模式选择算法利用帧之间的时间相关性并提出通过模式识别统计分类的方法对间宏块模式进行分类。

    In this paper, we have proposed an inter-mode selection algorithm for H. 264, which is based on the time-relativity of the neighboring frames and adopts the idea of statistic classification.


  • 兰姆波模式空间能量分布变化强度较好的相关性

    The Lamb modes in the AU signals were analyzed using time-frequency method, and the energy variation of Lamb modes was correlated to the adhesive bond strength with good correlation.


  • 第四章英语自主学习教学模式实验。实验结果表明自主学习模式高中英语教学效果学生英语成绩成相关性

    It proves to be that the autonomous learning has a positive correlation with the effectiveness of English teaching and students 'score.


  • 第四章英语自主学习教学模式实验。实验结果表明自主学习模式高中英语教学效果学生英语成绩成相关性

    It proves to be that the autonomous learning has a positive correlation with the effectiveness of English teaching and students 'score.


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