• 第三部分阐述柔性管理借鉴模式高校人力资源柔性管理模式定位

    Thirdly, it introduces the modes of flexible management and positions the mode of flexible management of human resource in universities.


  • 通过市场细分北京房地产经纪公司进行目标客户定位区域市场定位商业模式定位

    Subdivide through market, apt to occupy real estate manager Company carry on target consumer orientation, regional market orientation, commercial mode make a reservation to Beijing.


  • 的教改实践证明:此种教学模式定位比较合理有助于激发学生学习兴趣,提高医学遗传学综合成绩

    Through three years' practice, the model proved reasonable and helpful in activating student interest in the study of their medical genetics and acquiring comprehensive achievements.


  • 利用长期施肥模式定位试验采用陶土管土壤溶液采集装置,研究南方红壤丘陵区稻田不同施肥模式农业水环境影响

    Two filed experiments located at the south edges of the Loess Plateau were used to study the effects of different cultivation and fertilization models on contents of SMBC, SMBN, SOC and SON in soils.


  • 我们现在知道大脑神经元放电模式人类决策产生的根源所在。

    We now know that the decisions humans make can be traced to the firing patterns of neurons in specific parts of the brain.


  • 为了切换游标定位模式用户可以激活链接星号(*)标示,接下来就是输入区域

    To switch to cursor positioning mode, the user activates the link, designated by the asterisk (*), following the input field.


  • 现在需要按钮控件进行定位或者修改尺寸(按照意愿),然后关闭设计模式测试控件。

    All that is left to do now is to position or size the button control as you want and then turn off design mode to test the control.


  • 一旦成功一个社会交易所定义新的股市模式使投资者社会受益,挑战传统证交所价值定位

    If successful, a social stock exchange which benefits investors and society could define a new model for the stock market, and challenge the value proposition of the traditional stock exchanges.


  • 一定程度是因为盗版与民众拥有其他娱乐选择所以好莱坞正向商业模式迈进定位于拍摄那些必看无疑、场景宏大壮观影片---影视业俗称为“大片”。

    In part because of piracy, in part because people have so many other entertainment choices, Hollywood is moving towards a business model based on must-see spectaculars—“event movies” in the jargon.


  • 布兰丁·汉姆说,方法更少洛杉矶应用这个软件更多定位全人类行为预计性模式

    Brantingham says his approach is less about adapting the software for L.A. and more about spotting predictable patterns of universal human behavior.


  • 他们被迫快速做出回应商业模式企业产品受众细分定位技术渠道企业一切方面都要快速进行更新迭代

    They are forced to respond quickly with rapid iteration of everything from their business model or offerings to audience segments, targeting technology, new channels, and much more.


  • 模式(叫做标记)一个矩形用其相机打印定位

    A pattern, also called marker, is a rectangular shape that you need to print and position in front of your camera.


  • 使非常适合为有重点发现模式提供便利,包括帮助请求者迅速定位潜在的通信伙伴

    This makes them very adept in facilitating focused discovery patterns, including helping requesters quickly locate potential communication partners.


  • 扭转局面,巴西航空工业公司把市场定位中型喷气机同时也创造了新的商业模式

    Embraer turned itself around by spotting a market niche in medium-sized jets and by inventing new business models.


  • 模式就是要让广告主可以根据各种数据诸如兴趣年龄性别等信息来精确定位目标用户

    Advertisers can target based on age, gender, location and topics of interest to users.


  • jmt . conf文件数据条目格式连接名称一个空格资源定位模式组成。

    The format for data entry in the file jmt.conf consists of the junction name, a space, and the resource location pattern.


  • ServiceLocator模式封装使用JNDI代码仍然有用即使定位使用缓存

    The Service Locator pattern is still useful for encapsulating the code that uses JNDI, even if the locator does not use caching.


  • 没有方面可能重新生成系统,将调用定位服务设计一个适配器执行Adapter模式

    Without aspects, you will probably refactor the system, locate every call to the service, design an adapter, and implement the Adapter pattern.


  • 使用智能模式, JUnitEETestRunner 可以自动 "Test"或者 "Tests" 的测试进行定位

    Using the smart mode, the JUnitEE TestRunner automatically locates all test classes that end with "Test" or "Tests" and executes them.


  • 另外可以使用设置Enablecurs orpositioningoptiononinputfields允许用户数据输入模式切换游标定位模式

    In addition, you can use the setting, Enable cursor positioning option on input fields, to allow the user to switch from data input mode to cursor positioning mode for input fields.


  • 对于PureMVC用户来说,主要好处遇到依赖时可以使用依赖注入。 同时也是最大的缺点,因为DI的使用不可避免地会改变一些原始的PureMVC使用习惯,而这些习惯是基于服务定位模式的。

    The main benefit for PureMVC users is a consequence of using the dependency injection pattern when dealing with dependencies.


  • 处于游标定位模式时,用户可以切换或者定位游标输入区域任何一个字符之上。

    When in cursor-positioning mode, the user can tab to, or position the cursor on, any character in the input field.


  • 如果解析已经知道命名空间中的模式类型或者其他寻找这些模式类型方法需要定位所提供位置

    If the parser already knows about the schema types in that namespace, or has some other means of finding them, it does not have to go to the location you gave it.


  • 我们的独特价值定位就是简单近乎免费的模式人们好像也期待这样定价模式

    Our unique value proposition is built around being "hassle-free and simple" and people seemed to expect that in the pricing model as well.


  • 我们回忆时候实际上是重现原来感知行为也就是说,我们按照原来感知这种模式过程,重新定位模式

    When we remember, we re-create the act of the original perception; that is, we relocate the pattern by a process similar to the one we used to perceive the pattern originally.


  • 仅仅年前,这一行业大部分观察家不敢预测惠普定位是从这些增长机遇中受益最好模式

    Only two years ago most industry observers would not have dared to predict that HP would be best placed to benefit from these growth opportunities.


  • 设计模式倾向定位特定问题域上,而模式可以更具普遍性

    While design patterns tend to target very specific problem domains, antipatterns can be more general.


  • 可以36090模式检测、识别、跟踪定位敌方间接火力迫击炮大炮火箭等

    S.Army.It detects, classifies, tracks, and locates enemy indirect fire such as mortars, artillery, and rockets in either 360 - or 90-degree modes.


  • 工具自动生成用于实施变更管理依赖对象命令自动定位由于模式变更所导致副作用

    This tool automatically generates commands to implement changes, manage dependent objects, and take actions to address any side effects caused by schema changes.


  • 如果选择了验证必须提供消息名称名称将用于定位代理文件系统XML模式

    If validation is selected then you must also supply the name of the message set which is used to locate the XML Schema on the broker's file system.


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