• 调试压机另外一个优点就是冲压模具进行定位(例如调整模)。

    Another benefit of the tryout press is that it permits die spotting (i.e., adjusting the upper and lower dies) prior to stamping operations.


  • 重新调整身体任何重新模具位置变化,在短短10

    Re-adjusts to any positional change of the body and re-moulds within just 10 seconds.


  • 去掉模具这些试验人员再次进行调整也比较容易。大脑似乎能够记得真正耳朵形状需要重新熟悉。

    After removing the molds, volunteers had no trouble readjusting. It seems that the brain remembered the shape of its real ears and didn't have to relearn it.


  • 预热控制调整模具卷轴距离以及卷轴的压力可以修改基层黏合生产线速度通常控制涂料重量

    Adjustment in preheated control, die-to-roll distance, and roll pressure can be made to modify substrate adhesion. Coating weight is usually controlled by adjusting line speed.


  • 但是之后他们大脑熟悉了带有塑料模具形状耳朵能够做出相应调整

    After a few weeks of wearing the molds, however, their brains learned the new shapes of their ears and adjusted accordingly.


  • 后来这个过程中软件允许精细刀具路径”,用于实际削减钢铁生产压力机用于模具调整

    Later in the process, this software allows for fine-tuning of the "cutter path" that will be used to actually cut the steel die used in the production presses.


  • 参与相关员工模具维修工,调整操作工必要培训包括模具安全操作

    Participate in the necessary training to relevant workers such as mold maintenance workers, adjustors and operators, including tooling safety operation.


  • 控制变形方面,采用调整结构,使模具适应不同厂商供应的原材料。

    And in order that the die can fit for different raw materials, we take use of the adjustable pressing chunk structure.


  • 对于一些定位定位,进行修理模具由于调整定位孔加工中心上的位置时间并且定位精度

    According some molds repair need location by location hole, because time cost long that adjust location hole location in CNC machine, and location accuracy is low.


  • 从而模具调整预期工作状态生产出合格零件

    Thus the mold can be adjusted to the expected conditions, to produce qualified parts.


  • 改进后顶调整定位操作容易模具消耗设备有效作业率提高

    Thanks to the said improvement, operation of the plug bar positioning adjustment has become much easier, die tooling consumption lower and equipment availability higher.


  • 介绍了拉伸可调式落料拉伸复合设计,实现对凸缘直径尺寸可以进行调整以实现一定公差要求模具结构。

    Introduced design of the adjustable blanking-drawing compound for the drawing with flange, the drawing die could adjust the flange size, and satisfied the part tolerance requirement.


  • 模具结构合模加压系统机理结构作了介绍,讨论压力调整可行性。

    And we also introduce the construction of mold, the mechanism and construction of mold-closing pressure-increasing system, the feasibility of pressure adjustment.


  • 模具啮合调整达到最佳位置两个拉膜之间切线模具的封合线成“三点一线”。

    Optimum gearing position of the mold is its alignment with the tangent of the two film-drawing wheels and with the sealing line of the transverse-sealing mold.


  • 模具制造企业需要有一套先进管理系统提高管理水平具备快速反应及时调整能力

    The molding tool manufacturing enterprise need to be have a set of forerunner of management system manage the level with the exaltation, have the fast reaction and ability that adjust in time.


  • 通过座椅调整成形性工艺分析提出采用复合结构的方法,并介绍了模具的具体结构及模具工作过程。

    Through the analysis of forming technology of regulator of left chair, the method of using two sets of compound die is put forward.


  • 介绍模具设计要点更多考虑模具结构调整性、易更换模具成本

    The critical points of die design are introduced, and the adjustable character of die structure, exchange character as well as the die costs are all considered further.


  • 设计模具他们再一次其它现有可利用的设计图纸依据,来做调整以实现他们设计的想法。

    Again he will refer to available drawings of other designs and will try to modify for his purpose.


  • 汽车座椅滑槽支架结合模具设计特有工艺性进行工艺分析模具结构分析;介绍了模具设计要点,并更多考虑了模具结构的可调整性、易更换性及模具成本。

    Taking the front bracket of automobile saddle runner as an instance, combining with its special process of die design, the process analysis and die structure analysis are carried out.


  • 利用算法模具安装压制进行模拟从而模具实际安装提供有价值数据节省调整模具的时间

    Fixing and pressing of the mould can be simulated by the algorithm. This can offer the valuable data for the actual fixing of the mould, so save the time to adjust the mould.


  • 通过座椅调整成形性工艺分析提出采用复合结构方法介绍了模具具体结构模具工作过程。

    Through the analysis of forming technology of regulator of left chair, the method of using two sets of compound die is put forward. The specific die structure and its work pro - cess are introduced.


  • 送料宽度长度无级调整调整准确,能适用不同模具排列,材料利用率

    The width and length of feeding can be stepless adjusted accurately, suitable for the arrangement of different mould, with high use-factor of the sheet.


  • 支线自动焊好根据法兰大小规格更换夹具模具网线长度任意调整

    Flange into fixture in the mould, open switch will be 120 regional automatic welding, according to the size of the flange size to replace fixtures mold, cable length can be arbitrary adjustment.


  • 提出一种简单高效涡轮叶片精铸模具型面逆向设计方法特征参数逆向调整法。

    A simple and efficient reversing methodology of adjusting featured parameters is proposed for the casting-die profile design of turbine blades.


  • 意味着模具可以移动调整大小握把大小工作表窗口中的黄金比例旋转

    This means that the stencil can be moved, resized and rotated on the worksheet window of Golden Ratio by means of the resizing grips.


  • 发泡 模具的大小可随产品需要随意调整发泡保温层厚度随着发泡模具的大小变化。本制作方法简化制作流程提高生产效率并且降低了成本

    The present invention can make foamed heating layer around the inner container in proper thickness, and has simple making process, high production efficiency and lowered cost.


  • 发泡 模具的大小可随产品需要随意调整发泡保温层厚度随着发泡模具的大小变化。本制作方法简化制作流程提高生产效率并且降低了成本

    The present invention can make foamed heating layer around the inner container in proper thickness, and has simple making process, high production efficiency and lowered cost.


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