• 因此把握好塑料模具安装调试至关重要

    Therefore it is the key that we grasp installation and debugging of plastic mould.


  • 阐述冷冲压模具安装技术分析模具装配及使用过程中易产生的故障原因解决办法

    Installation technology of die is stated, as well as, die assembling, the fault easy to raise and the correcting methods are analyzed.


  • 利用算法模具安装压制进行模拟从而模具实际安装提供有价值数据节省调整模具的时间

    Fixing and pressing of the mould can be simulated by the algorithm. This can offer the valuable data for the actual fixing of the mould, so save the time to adjust the mould.


  • 模具寿命又模具材料热处理模具结构以及所加工制作材料诸多因素有关模具安装与使用直接关系到模具的使用性能及安全;

    The mold life with the mold material and the heat treatment, the mold structure as well as processes the manufacture material related and so on many factors;


  • 具备锻造机器操作员经验后,可能晋升铁匠模具安装监督职位

    Progression to blacksmith, die setting, or supervisory positions is possible with experience for forging machine operators.


  • 金属铸工安装操作各种铸造铸造和非金属产品手工舀取熔化的金属,倒入模具生产铸件

    Metal casters set up and operate various casting machines to cast ferrous and non-ferrous metal products; hand ladle and pour molten metal into moulds to produce castings.


  • 必须足够,以便使用中能易于模具拆卸安装

    Dowel pins need to be short to allow easier dis-assembly and assembly of the mould during use.


  • 模具轻松访问安装定位准确木钉接受冲击

    Tooling Plate: Easy access mounting, accurate dowel location, accepts shocks.


  • 平板模具筒式热管加热,这种电热管安装精选钻孔避免所在熔点影响熔体流动均匀性

    Flat sheet dies are heated with electrical resistance cartridge heaters placed in holes drilled in areas carefully selected so as to avoid localized hot spots which would affect melt flow uniformity.


  • 介绍模具井筒装备安装中的具体应用

    The application of die plate in shaft equipment installation is introduced.


  • 本文主要阐述了塑料模具之一注射模注射机上安装之后调试过程

    This article mainly expounds the debugging process of injection mould after installing it on the injection machine.


  • 滚珠端部安装制动器凸凹模具运动到位通过制动器制动滚珠丝杠,然后再开始冲压

    Brake was installed at the top of the ball screw. When die and punch moved to the right position, the ball screw was stopped at first and then began pressing.


  • 只要可能,复合二重工序模具安装一个公用的模板上同一台冲床中进行冲压。

    Multiple secondary operation dies to be mounted on a common plate to run in one press whenever possible. (to be determined at pre-engineering launch meeting).


  • 设计模具制造生产销售安装售后服务一体的专业制造厂商

    It is a professional manufacturer, integrating design, mold making, production, sale, installation and after-sale service.


  • 模具选用安装是否正确

    Whether it is correct to select, use and install the mould.


  • 由于洁净高度限制,使得模具无法上方安装时,往上的安装方式可以实现更高模具的装,不影响生产。

    In case the mold cannot be installed from the machine top because of the height limit of the clean room, a higher mold can be assembled and disassembled by the bottom upward way easily.


  • 介绍模具结构安装使用方法以及使用模具盘的意义

    This paper introduces the structure, installing, using way of model tool plate and importance to use it.


  • 介绍安装模具结构,重点介绍样图主要零件设计同时提供一些经验数据

    The die structure of progressive die of assembled panel is introduced. The strip layout and the design of main parts are also analyzed. Some reference data are also provided.


  • 模具具有安装简单方便机械强度优点

    The filtering plate mold has the advantages of easy and convenient installation and high mechanical strength;


  • 通过数值模拟研究获得包括防皱块形式尺寸安装位置在内模具结构制件成形质量的影响规律

    The influence laws of mould structure, including wiper die and the style, size and installed position of mandrel, have been studied.


  • 模具重要组成部分,其作用在于安装模具的工作零件辅助零件,构成完整模具结构。

    As an important component of the mold, Die-set is used to mount working parts and auxiliary parts to construct a complete die.


  • CGS的系列提供多种安装选项安装两个幻灯片装配模具

    The CGS-Series provides several mounting options to mount both the slide assembly and tooling.


  • 模具精密机械方便工具附件安装

    Tooling Plate: Precision machined with easy access mounting holes for tooling attachments.


  • 汽车行李箱铰链安装模具设计分析对象,进行了基于A UTOFORM模具虚拟调试研究

    Taking the mould design of hinge installed plates which used for trunk lid of cars as an analyzed object, a study for mould virtual debugging was carried out based on AUTOFORM.


  • 另外热流供应商需要根据客户塑料制品以及使用模具情况帮助客户设计安装适合的热流道系统

    In addition, the hot runner suppliers based on customer needs and the use of plastic mold situation to help customers design, installation of a suitable hot runner system.


  • 其一模具安装提前回位拉杆,铸件变形情况得到改善,铸件抱死在静模的现象也减少

    Advanced preset pull rod for pressure rod was assembled on the mould to improve the deformation of the housing and reduce the housing soldering the static container.


  • 设计需要时,供应商可从前提供安装圆形垫脚安装时应考虑叉车搬运模具能力。a。

    When required by the die design, the Vendor will furnish and mount ground parallels running from front to back, mounted with the capability for fork truck die handling.


  • 通过更换不同工位即可完成不同规格系列门窗的冲压加工采用圆盘工作台个工作位置,可以安装模具

    Every combination punching die equipped with the machine can achieve various punching, various types pro files can be processed. Adopt disk worktable, equipped with six set dies.


  • 通过更换不同工位即可完成不同规格系列门窗的冲压加工采用圆盘工作台个工作位置,可以安装模具

    Every combination punching die equipped with the machine can achieve various punching, various types pro files can be processed. Adopt disk worktable, equipped with six set dies.


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