• 好消息,即使极度狂热中,依然有一些怀疑论者:每日野兽霍华德尔兹,大西洋月刊的詹姆斯•法斯,新共和周刊的乔纳•查特。

    The good news is that there were a few skeptics, even during the height of the mania: Howard Kurtz of The Daily Beast, James Fallows of The Atlantic and Jonathan Chait of The New Republic.


  • BBC驻中东商业记者。唐默表示阿拉伯联合酋长之所以威胁可能试图让RIM做出让步

    BBC Middle East business reporter Ben Thompson said the threat by the UAE was likely an attempt to wring concessions out of RIM.


  • 观看利物浦的比赛时,这样的情形几乎不会出现。

    This statistic alone is so refreshing when you look at sides like Inter, Arsenal and Liverpool.


  • 是冲着财长保尔来的,鲍尔是为了之前由促成发起旨在讨论长期关系经济战略对话来到北京的。

    The message went to Hank Paulson, the US Treasury secretary, in Beijing for the strategic economic dialogue he helped launch to discuss long-term issues between the two countries.


  • 保尔指出,至关重要,美中扩大合作解决双方共同面临的问题。

    Paulson said it is important that the two countries increase cooperation to target problems they are both facing.


  • 达拉谟大学克里斯·戴维这个酋长撰写了一部史书,把比作“海绵经济”,即为吸取外资而服务。

    Chris Davidson of Durham University, who has written a history of the emirate, describes it as a "spongelike economy", designed to absorb foreign money.


  • 松崎出生,会做法日本曾经铁人厨师本正治一起纽约工作多年

    Born in Shikoku and trained in both French and Japanese cooking, Matsuzaki spent years working with Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto at New York City's Nobu.


  • 曾担任希拉里·克林顿的发言人的霍华德·沃尔弗共和周刊》的博客上称,麦凯恩负面竞选策略无法拯救自己。

    Howard Wolfson, Hillary Clinton's former communications manager, wrote in a blog for New Republic that McCain's negative campaign would not save the Republican candidate.


  • 曼德尔纽约发表演讲警告欧盟成员即将面临不同领域竞争救助项目威胁

    Mandelson was in New York to deliver a speech warning that EU member states faced a threat from competing bail-out programmes for different industrial sectors.


  • 显而易见的阻挠是对大使提名者,比如叙利亚任命的罗伯特福特土耳其弗兰克•里奇昂多,阿塞拜疆马修•布雷扎以及去往捷克共和的诺姆•艾

    The most visible holds are several U.S. ambassadorial nominees, such as Robert Ford to Syria, Frank Ricciardone to Turkey, Matthew Bryza to Azerbaijan, and Norm Eisen to the Czech Republic.


  • 独家报道:勒缪尔·格列佛来到小人,该片改编自乔纳·斯威夫特1726年文学经典。

    The Scoop: Lemuel Gulliver (Black) finds himself towering over and wrangling with the miniature island creatures of Lilliput in a long-awaited remake of Jonathan Swift's classic 1726 tale.


  • 马克斯·乐施会政策官员。他说,一些背弃他们2005年格伦·伊格尔斯峰会所作增加援助承诺,这是个丑闻。

    Max Lawson, a policy officer at Oxfam, describes the reneging of countries on promises they made to increase aid at the G8 summit at Gleneagles in 2005 as a scandal.


  • 根据路透评测机构的研究评估,未来10年科研成果超过世界上任何

    China will be producing more scientific research than any other country within a decade, according to an analysis by publisher Thomson Reuters.


  • 为了满足巴马去年做出的增兵1万人决定,拉斯穆先生已经成功说服了部分成员派出更多的士兵。

    Mr Rasmussen has also been more successful than expected in persuading members to meet Mr Obama's request last year for 10, 000 additional troops.


  • 为了满足巴马去年做出的增兵1万人的决定,拉斯穆先生已经成功说服了部分成员派出更多士兵

    Mr Rasmussen has also been more successful than expected in persuading members to meet Mr Obama's request last year for 10,000 additional troops.


  • 沃尔芬重申了今年9月阿拉伯联合酋长迪拜举行世界银行年会上讲话要点,世界“失去了平衡”。

    Mr Wolfensohn's comments echoed his speech at the World Bank's annual meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in September, where he said the world was "out of balance".


  • 说:“可以发现集团正在逐渐偏离他们作出每年500亿美元承诺

    You can see that the G8 are keen to gradually step away from the promises they made ... to increase aid by 50 billion [dollars].


  • 经合组织的经济学家萨沙 伍兹-爱,“对于大多数经合组织成员来说经济整体复苏乏力IT业亦如此。”

    Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, an economist at the OECD, says, “For most OECD countries, the prospects are of a very fragile and weak recovery, for the overall economy and thus for IT.”


  • 无论是九州,都见到故乡那样峡谷

    In Aomori, Shikoku and Kyushu, I once see that kind of valley.


  • 保尔,美中应当合作使替代性能源可以容易取得促进能源的安全和环境维护

    Paulson says the two countries should also work to help make alternative energy sources more available, and promote energy security and environmental sustainability.


  • 强调指出,欢迎这种做法,并且希望看到更多这样措施。谢伟表示,美“欢迎全球事务中扮演其角色”。

    Thee US has emphasised it welcomes this and hopes to see more of it. Mr Sedney said the US "welcomes China as a global player".


  • 强调指出,欢迎这种做法,并且希望看到更多这样措施。谢伟表示,美“欢迎全球事务中扮演其角色”。

    Thee US has emphasised it welcomes this and hopes to see more of it. Mr Sedney said the US "welcomes China as a global player".


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