• 结果,那年十月国土安全宣布将停止使用鞋子扫描设备因为无法通过检测武器爆炸物最低检测标准

    So that October, DHS announced it was discontinuing use of ShoeScanner because it did "not meet minimum detection standards" to find weapons and explosives.


  • 国家公路交通安全管理局了解到,包括突然火灾被损坏沃特车电池在内的,存在潜在火灾风险的产品均已被分置于威斯康辛州灵顿市一个用来检测设备零件的停车场内。

    NHTSA learned of a possible fire risk involving damaged Volt batteries when a fire erupted in a Volt that was being stored in a parking lot of a test facility in Burlington, Wis.


  • 培训课程包括:野外测绘实验室分析化验分析、设备检测校准环境安全监管以及其他相关学科

    Training includes field mapping, laboratory analysis, assay analysis, test equipment operation and calibration, environmental and safety monitoring, and related subjects.


  • 生产经营单位必须安全设备进行经常性维护保养定期检测保证正常运转

    Production and business units shall have their safety equipment constantly maintained and serviced and regularly tested in order to ensure its normal operation.


  • 如果怀疑空气中缺氧缺氧可能发生,使用检测设备测试缺氧空气。可以回顾一下合适材料安全数据(MSDS)。

    If oxygen-deficient atmospheres are suspected or can occur, use oxygen monitoring equipment to test for oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Review the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


  • 如果怀疑空气中缺氧缺氧可能发生使用检测设备测试缺氧空气。可以参考合适材料安全数据(MSDS)。

    If oxygen-deficient atmospheres are suspected or can occur, use oxygen monitoring equipment to test for oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Review the liquid nitrogen Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


  • 质量检测中心先进检验检测设备切实保障市民盘子安全

    Quality Inspection Center is equipped with the advanced testing machines to make sure of security of the citizens' "fruit plates".


  • 计算机安全用语,指用以检测入侵行动的设备,通常是一块带有压力传感器橡皮乙烯垫子,用以检测入侵行动。

    In computer security, an intrusion detector; a thin rubber or vinyl mat, with pressure sensors, used to detect intrusions.


  • 第二十九安全设备设计制造安装使用检测维修改造报废应当符合国家标准或者行业标准

    Article 29 Safety equipment shall be designed, manufactured, installed, used, tested, maintained, renovated and abandoned in compliance with the national standards or industrial specifications.


  • 我公司具有质量的、完整安全质保体系,拥有国内外先进的生产检测设备

    We have high quality and complete quality assurance system and advanced testing devices from home and abroad.


  • 设备法定认可检测检验机构检验合格取得安全使用证方可投入使用。

    The hanging basket equipment should pass through the legal approval the examination examination organization examination to be qualified, after and obtains the security use permit, is operational.


  • 破损燃料组件定位检测系统为了确保反应堆安全运行及时处理燃料壳破损事故安全重要设备

    The failed fuel assembly identification system is an important safety system which ensures safe operations of reactor and immediate treatment of failed fuel rod cladding.


  • 根据CAN总线有效地支持具有很高安全等级分布实时控制特点建立基于CAN总线的ECU检测设备

    According to the characteristic of the CAN bus's effective support of the distributing real time control which have high security, this paper setup an ECU inspect equipment based on the CAN bus.


  • 为了配合仪器设备电气安全性能检测国标制定实施,设计符合IEC61010标准耐压测试系统

    For the establishment and execution of new state detection criterion, this paper introduces a withstand voltage test system which corresponds to the standard of IEC61010.


  • 试验结果可以直接检查汽车轮胎轮毂性能保障汽车车辆安全可靠性所不可缺少试验检测设备

    Test results can be directly check out the car tires wheel performance, is the guarantee automobile vehicle safety reliability indispensable testing equipment.


  • 水工金属结构设备水工建筑物重要组成部分,概述了近几年水工金属结构设备安全检测技术主要进展

    Hydro steel structures are the important components of hydro structures. In this paper the development of safety detection technologies for hydro steel structures is summarized.


  • 通过采用涡流法进行实际检测证实:在凝汽器检修采用此法快速找到问题部位检修提高效率设备安全运行提供保障

    Through practical eddy current testing, it shows that eddy current method can find quickly problem position in repair to condenser and improve efficiency and provide safeguard.


  • ROHS认证美国FCC认证中国GB4943-2001《信息技术设备安全检测证书

    ROHS certification, U. S. FCC authentication and Chinese GB4943-2001"Safety of information technology equipment" test certificate.


  • 电信设备实施进网检测是网络安全保障之一,针对电信接入网设备入网检测遵循标准以及项目测试等予以介绍

    This article gives an introduction to the standards should be followed and the project test should be made for the NAL test to telecom access network equipments.


  • 设备运行动态检测进一步完善了控制电路保证设备安全可靠运行。

    Dynamic testing of equipment has improved control circuit to guarantee safe and reliable operation.


  • 为了确保石化装置设备安全运行必须定期钛制设备进行现场检测其它试验分析。

    In order to ensure a reliable and safe operation of titanium equipment of petrochemical processing units, the titanium equipment must be field tested and analyzed periodically.


  • 产生上述问题原因在于当前大部分网络安全设备仅仅只关注系统检测到的?。

    Test result of demo system proves that applying event correlation method on the threat analysis decreases the false positive and redundant alarm from network security devices.


  • 电力设备绝缘检测保证安全发、配电及时发现事故隐患提高供电可靠性重要技术手段。

    The on-line insulation monitoring of power apparatus is very important to guarantee the safety of power delivery, find insulation faults in time and increase the reliability of power supply.


  • 通过采用涡流法进行实际检测证实压缩机中间冷却器检修中采用此法快速找到问题部位检修提高效率,也为设备安全运行提供保障

    Through practical eddy current testing, it shows that eddy current method can fine failure position quickly in repairing, and can improve efficiency and provide safeguard.


  • 可编程逻辑器件安全性漏洞检测平台正是为了检测出逻辑芯片内可能存在攻击后门设计缺陷研制的,从而确保电子设备信息安全可靠。

    This paper is aimed at detecting the backdoor attacks and design defects which might be embedded in logic chips, so as to insure the salty and creditability of the information in electronic equipment.


  • 设备周围采用安全光栅检测组件光电开关提高了员工安全减少了设备故障率

    The photoelectric switch of safety grating and testing module around the equipment improves the safety of the staff and reduces the failure rate of the equipment.


  • 这种水流量检测控制器相关设备中水循环系统中的水位、水流量水温进行可靠检测确保设备安全

    The water flow rate testing controller can reliably test water level, water flow rate and water temperature in water circulating systems in relevant equipment, so as to ensure safety of equipment.


  • 这种水流量检测控制器相关设备中水循环系统中的水位、水流量水温进行可靠检测确保设备安全

    The water flow rate testing controller can reliably test water level, water flow rate and water temperature in water circulating systems in relevant equipment, so as to ensure safety of equipment.


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