• 但是直到梦想理想幻想他们概念相差万里

    But until I dream, fantasy their ideal is the concept of the difference.


  • 年轻理想主义往往勇敢的并且愿意放弃梦想

    Youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams.


  • 实上,崇高理想是由许许多多的小梦想构成的。

    A big dream is, in fact, many small dreams.


  • 在读期间经济形势大好他们梦想一个理想未来,与他们情侣一起着快乐幸福的日子。

    The economy was fine during their college years and it allowed them to dream of an ideal future, living happily-ever-after with their sweetheart.


  • 梦想理想奇迹般事情可以带来希望动力

    Dreams and ideals are the magic things which can bring hope and motivation.


  • 现实可能性而不只是一个理想,一个愿望或者是一个梦想

    A real possibility, not just an ideal, a wish or a dream.


  • 认为大家有能力追逐自己梦想需要一点点站自身角度之外思考——毕竟没人给你一个完全量身定做的理想工作

    I think we are all capable of going after our dreams, but that does require a little bit of thinking outside the box on our own part - nobody is going to hand us a cookie-cutter dream job.


  • 人人梦想遇见理想伴侣遇到了心仪的对象的时候,我们常常不敢接近

    We all dream of meeting our ideal mate, but when we see someone we're extremely attracted to, we're usually too intimidated to approach them.


  • 第三梦想理想

    The third one is for dream and ideal.


  • 一些理想民族主义者以“摇篮报复回击英国1759年的占领[1]这一梦想,却似乎没有如此深远的影响。

    The revanche du berceau (“revenge of the cradle”) dreamed of by some romantic nationalists as retaliation for the British conquest of 1759 didn’t seem so far-fetched.


  • “克拉尔”这个名字代表有梦想理想主义的女生,她喜欢学习,喜欢分析,喜欢追求知识智慧

    Coral likes to dream and develop idealistic understandings, to study and analyze, to gain knowledge and wisdom.


  • 他们之后重新获得自由那一代人身上,可以清楚看到那种特有美国式理想主意的烙印-未来的美好畅想以及全力追赶梦想驱动力

    But in the freedom generation who benefited from the fall of the Communist empire you see a very distinct breed of American idealism a hope for the future and the drive to get there.


  • 有着清晰目标梦想公司的存在是为了追逐理想,但随着时间的推移和随之而来成功她们不可避免地失去了目标

    And therein liesthe rub.Companies that are founded with a clear sense of a higherpurpose or cause exist to advance that cause, with time and success,inevitably lose that sense of purpose.


  • 不必等候理想环境离奇的困难梦想危险;你只要起来对付今天放在四围的现成事情好了。

    Do not wait for some ideal situation, some romantic difficulty, some far-away emergency; but rise to meet the actual conditions which the Providence of God has placed around you today.


  • 这些办法管理财产选择安排住所理顺你的日常事务,张扬你的梦想使用协助实现生活理想资源

    These ideas will help you manage your possessions, choose and arrange the place where you live, streamline your daily routine, support your dreams, and use resources to support your life's goals.


  • 16岁的中学女孩简.古达尔,梦想成为一名研究非洲野生动物教授,但是,她学校职业顾问听到不切实际理想后,惊呆了。

    The 16-year-old schoolgirl dreamed of a profession studying wildlife in Africa, but the school's career counselor was "horrified" at this impractical idea.


  • 注意我以梦想棱镜其他人视为理想角色时交流呈现出完全不同的形态。

    I've noticed that conversations take on a whole different flavor when I view them through the dream lens and when I address the other person as a dream character.


  • 曾是德克萨斯大学名十九岁大学生通向理想路上信步前行,梦想我会成为整形外科医生

    I was a 19-year-old student at the University of Texas and well on my way toward fulfilling my "big dream" of one day becoming an 1 orthopedic surgeon.


  • 长远来看通过梦想的生活”说出自己的理想从而工作集中大的精力。

    In the long term, she could gain a stronger focus on her work by stating her personal goals using "Live Your Dream."


  • 但是一直梦想报社记者或者电视新闻记者,然而要是我追求自己的理想的话,爸爸说我得自力更生,不得不打全工来支付我在大学的费用。

    But I've always dreamed about being a reporter or a TV newsman.


  • 对于马克思来说意义在于梦想一个理想未来而是解决当前社会中的矛盾,因为它们阻碍更好未来的到来

    The point for Marx is not to dream of an ideal future, but to resolve thecontradictions in the present which prevent a better future from coming about.


  • 个都他们寻求注入活力的一个雕像视野一整套理想梦想紧紧连接。

    Each is in love with a statuesque vision, a set of ideals or dreams that they have sought to breathe life into.


  • 第一选择就是学会打破常规,不要拘泥于现实,也不要太理想主义追寻伟大的愿望梦想

    The first option is to learn to break the rules, to be unrealistic and idealistic, to chase grand vistas and big dreams.


  • 李青史铁生的离去实在突然了,很后悔没见到最后一面,记得从小梦想运动员希望他到天国当个运动健将,满足他小时候理想

    He said that Shi had said that his dream was to be an athlete since he was a child. So Li Qing hoped that he could realize his dream in the Heaven.


  • 本身没什么认为如果一味试图实现别人理想放弃自己梦想,那你永远不会快乐

    There is nothing wrong with that but I think that if you are trying to fulfill other people’s dreams without keeping yourself fulfilled, you will never be happy.


  • 本身没什么认为如果一味试图实现别人理想放弃自己梦想,那你永远不会快乐

    There is nothing wrong with that but I think that if you are trying to fulfill other people's dreams without keeping yourself fulfilled, you will never be happy.


  • 每天都思考生活事业自己梦想目标,他时间要实现的理想在脑海中形象化——每晚睡觉都这样

    He told me that he reads his life and business vision and goals daily, and that he TAKES TIME to visualize exactly what he wants to create-EACH NIGHT before falling asleep.


  • 虽然如此可能已经遇到了一些非常欣赏理想主 义但是同时也告诫你要放低你的眼光,稍稍丈量你的野心自己的梦想放低一些。

    Even so, you'veprobably also run up against people who love your idealism, but warn you tolower your sights, to scale back your ambitions a bit, to settle for somethingless.


  • 我说这些问题,并不是打压年轻人充满热情的、然而理想梦想

    This is not an argument for squashing young, enthusiastic, yet idealistic, dreams.


  • 我说这些问题,并不是打压年轻人充满热情的、然而理想梦想

    This is not an argument for squashing young, enthusiastic, yet idealistic, dreams.


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