• 勒迪斯格里菲斯:彻勅博士这种变化实在人类社会别无选择只能适应已改变的海洋气候

    MEREDITH GRIFFITHS: Dr Church says the changes have gone too far so society has no choice but to adapt to the altered oceans and climate.


  • 博士否定了一些传统认为这一疗法具有效果。

    But Dr Meyer also rejects some of the traditional claims made on its behalf.


  • 博士团队正处在第二星团研究进程中。

    Dr Meibom and his team are, however, in the process of studying a second cluster.


  • 布莱博士卡内基·大学约翰·拉弗蒂建立模型也考虑到了一点。

    But Dr Blei's model, which he developed with John Lafferty, of Carnegie Mellon University, allows for that.


  • 第一大赛失败告终到了 2005 年,特隆博士斯坦福团队制造汽车竞争对手卡内基大学的汽车的比赛中获胜

    The first contest ended in failure, but in 2005, Dr. Thrun’s Stanford team built the car that won a race with a rival vehicle built by a team from Carnegie Mellon University.


  • 第一大赛失败告终到了2005年,特隆博士斯坦福团队制造汽车竞争对手卡内基·大学的汽车的比赛中获胜

    The first contest ended in failure, but in 2005, Dr. Thrun's Stanford team built the car that won a race with a rival vehicle built by a team from Carnegie Mellon University.


  • 乔治大学一位博士卫星得以近距离观察这个自古以来就神秘兮兮的国家

    A doctoral student at George Mason University is using satellite images to get a closer look at a historically secretive country.


  • 加州大学旧金山分校神经学家迈克尔尼希博士说:“人大脑就是一部学习机器。”

    Your brain is a learning machine, ” says Michael Merzenich, PhD, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.


  • 格拉夫本书誉为是大学运转结构性描述反对纳德这个系统痼疾所开出的药方:降低哲学博士学位的学术要求

    Grafton praises the book as a structural account of how the university works, but he objects to Menand's prescription for the ills of the system: easing the requirements for earning a Ph.D.


  • 负责进行本次研究工作是来自新西兰西大学安德莉娅·马奈特耶博士尼尔·皮尔斯博士

    For their study, Drs. Andrea Mannetje and Neil Pearce of Massey University in New Zealand analyzed previous studies on occupation and bladder cancer risk.


  • “除了皮肤癌其他所有皮肤病都会压力加剧,”纽约蒙蒂菲奥里医疗中心皮肤科医生医学博士帕拉·佳库布维茨

    "Almost every skin disease except for skin cancer gets worse with stress, " says Pamela Jakubowicz, M.D., a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York.


  • 遇刺的前一天夜里博士坦普尔教堂得满满屋子的人做了个带点迷信的预言性布道

    The night before he was killed, Dr. King gave an eerily prophetic sermon to a packed house at Mason Temple Church.


  • 美国密歇根大学门诊保健政策中心主任、约翰·博克博士对此研究发表评论,“某种意义说,他们发现并不令人惊讶。”

    Commenting on the study, Dr. John Birkmeyer, director of the Center for Healthcare Outcomes and Policy at the University of Michigan, said that "in some respect their finding isn't surprising."


  • 因为手术后的初期看起来不错,所以使得每个人都沾沾自喜,但这并不意味着一定有效或者说工作已经完成。” 伯格博士

    Just because it looks good at first and everyone gets excited, ” Dr. Mayberg said, “doesn’t mean it’s necessarily efficacious or your work is done.”


  • Couzin博士一直使用研究生科林开发一个程序,该程序追踪鱼缸里的行为。

    Dr Couzin has been using a program developed by Colin Twomey, a graduate student at his laboratory, to track individual fish in a tank.


  • 获得了CMUCarnegie-Mellon University卡耐基•隆大学,一个能够颁发博士学位的大学,的奖学金,前途一片光明

    A bright student, he won a scholarship to the doctoral program at Carnegie Mellon.


  • 拥有博士学位的计算机科学卡内基·隆大学,他拥有20美国专利

    He has a doctorate in computer science from Carnegie Mellon, and he holds 20 US patents.


  • 然而乔治大学马丁·福德博士认为名字没有那么大的象征意义

    Dr Martin Ford of George Mason University, however, believes a name does not stand for much.


  • -这是证明我们一直等待,”博士告诉记者

    "This is it - this is the proof we've been waiting for," Dr. Masson told reporters.


  • 诊所韩斯鲁德博士,正相反可能饿死早期表现。还说:“一旦重新进行正常饮食时,所有事情都会回归常态。”

    The Mayo Clinic's Dr. Hensrud says it could be incipient starvation instead. 'But once you reintroduce a normal diet, everything goes back to normal, ' he says.


  • 西·伯夫博士阐述教学方法基础

    Dr. Mesibov set forth the basis of his approach to teaching students.


  • 约翰·里曼耶鲁大学历史系教授密歇根大学专修法国现代欧洲历史专业,并且获得密歇根大学博士学位。

    John Merriman is a professor of history at Yale University. Specializing in French and modern European history, he received his Ph. D. from the University of Michigan.


  • 研究报告主要撰写匹兹堡卡内基·大学谢尔登·科恩博士解释说:“‘情绪积极’的人对于病毒免疫力较强。”

    "People with a positive emotional style may have different immune responses to the virus," explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.


  • 首先要先祈维信展开较量,这位自民党商务大臣对于保守党厌恶几乎不掩饰之后,卡伦才能找理由清出福克斯博士

    First, Mr Cameron would struggle to justify removing Dr Fox after persisting with Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat business secretary, who barely bothers to hide his distaste for the Conservatives.


  • 目前不清楚没有大脑的豌豆如何评估风险的,博士认为它们一定遵循着某些简单规则而不是进行推理

    How brainless pea plants evaluate risk is still unclear, but Dr. Shemesh thinks they must be following simple rules, not reasoning.


  • 哈佛大学公共卫生学院厄·史丹博士说:“一个可靠的论文, 而且有助于我们认知能力下降理解。”

    "This is a sound paper and contributes to our understanding of cognitive decline, " said Dr. Meir Stampfer of Harvard's School of Public Health.


  • 约翰·里曼耶鲁大学历史学教授密歇根大学专修法国现代欧洲历史,并且获得密歇根大学博士学位。

    John Merriman is a professor of history at Yale University. Specializing in French and modern European history, he received his Ph. D. from the University of Michigan.


  • 约翰·里曼耶鲁大学历史学教授密歇根大学专修法国现代欧洲历史,并且获得密歇根大学博士学位。

    John Merriman is a professor of history at Yale University. Specializing in French and modern European history, he received his Ph. D. from the University of Michigan.


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