• 生产伸缩缝、水带支座橡胶产品。

    And we can produce bridge rubber parts, including Bailey, expansion and bearing.


  • …架搁栅,为…装托平行水平构筑

    To construct with such parallel horizontal beams.


  • 研究重型吊车梁用D36低合金高强钢焊接性。

    The paper investigates the weldability of D36 HSLA steel used for heavy crane beams.


  • 黑色波纹金属包裹着远处看,它们看起来像是新旧结构绘制线条

    The beams are clad with black corrugated metal. From a distance, they appear like lines drawn between the old and the new structures.


  • 分析了加热炉水冷外层耐火材料损毁机理,研制新型耐火涂料确定了水冷梁用半干法喷涂料配方

    The damage mechanism of outer refractory in water-Cooling beam of heating furnace is analysed. The new spraying coating is researched and the formulation of spraying coating is confirmed.


  • 设有吨位吊车系统重型厂房,吊车占比例较大,对吊车的优化设计工程造价影响很大,大跨多跨重型厂房吊车突缘变截面简支结构。

    The weight of steel for crane beam has a great proportion in the total amount consumed in the construction of the heavy-duty plant with large-tonnage cranes.


  • 材料喷雾泡沫器把找到地下室框架砖石之间贯穿外墙管道或电线周围条裂缝堵住

    Walk around the basement with caulk and cans of spray foam and plug every gap you can find between framing and masonry and around pipes or wires that penetrate the rim joist or exterior walls.


  • 虽然有人倾向认为先生的环保成就不能促进中国进步先生矢志不移——中国的蓬勃发展,应当绿色意识、绿色精神武装起来的蓬勃发展。

    Some were inclined to think that Mr Liang was less than committed to China’s progress. But he was determined that China should surge forward armed with green sensibility, and a green heart.


  • 一方面,缅因大学可以现场构建——纤维布套充气弯曲成简单形状真空泵灌注树脂

    The University of Maine arches, on the other hand, can be fabricated on sitethe fabric inflated, bent around a simple form and infused with resin using a vacuum pump.


  • 安装腹板上,运输时捆绑吊钩

    The welding on the girder web first before installation, transportation lashing hook.


  • 这个结构主要柱子窗框组成,并且这些构建都是落叶松橡木制成的。

    This old structure was mainly composed by columns, beams, paneling window frames, and doors, all on larch or oak wood.


  • 艾氏冲击试验规定高度锤对处于悬臂状态缺口试样进行一次性打击测量试样折断冲击吸收的试验。

    The impact test of the pendulum is used to strike the notched specimens of the cantilever beam with a prescribed height, and the test of impact absorbing power when the specimen is broken.


  • 比(V缺口)冲击试验规定高度摆锤处于简支状态的V型缺口试样进行一次性打击测量试样折断时冲击吸收功的试验。

    Charpy impact test (V gap) : the specified height of pendulum of the one-time blow to V notched specimens in beam state, test specimen is broken by the impact absorbing energy.


  • 通过计算证明引起断裂根本原因应力超过疲劳极限另一原因的结构不合理。

    The primary cause of breakage is that the dynamic stress exceeded the allowable fatigue limit of the beam, and another cause is that the structure of the beam is unreasonable.


  • 铜绿山矿某三铰屋架单轨结构体系,因技术改造增加设备简体重量,随意滑轮组起吊检修,导致拱架上弦截面贯通开裂结构事故

    Then the structural accident of total section drive-through type crack is caused in arch frame top chord, which is induced by hoisting and detection using pulley arbitrarily.


  • 气体保护对接焊接外侧

    Weld the outer side member with a full butt weld under shielding gas.


  • 加速度传感器DSPS系统实现了悬臂结构在线监测

    Monitoring online of the cantilevering beam can be realized through accelerating transducer and DSPS system.


  • 此外由于纵向有预应力钢筋预应力钢筋,不同所以钢筋约束不同,对挠度影响较大。

    Moreover, due to the non prestressed steel and prestressed steel, and the different amount of using steel in pulling and pressing areas, so the restrain of steel is different.


  • 虽然我们可以几种方法来分析连续但是只有迭加法切实可行

    Although we may analyze a continuous beam by several methods, only the method of superposition is practical.


  • 有限元法摊铺机振动进行固有特性谐波响应分析

    The intrinsic characteristics and harmonic responses of vibrating beam of paver are analyzed using FEA.


  • 介绍了线材轧机步进式加热炉设计基本思想,并通过具体实例对主要参数的确定采取的技术措施详细地加以阐述

    The basis design thought of walking of walking beam furnace attached to the bar and wire rolls is introduced. The main parameters and technical measures are stated in detail.


  • 最后本文对单轨交通轨道生产模板误差进行了研究,提出提高轨道加工制作精度建议

    At last, the error of the production formwork of track beam is researched, several proposals of improving the accuracy of track beam manufacture are recommended.


  • 为此,提出挠度曲线表示较快车辆速度-时间关系曲线,由此得到了种无格子模型。

    In this paper, the deflection curve of a beam of fixed ends is used to represent the speed-time relation of the faster vehicle.


  • 通过实验研究每一岩土体的破碎断裂尺寸可以悬臂来确定

    With experimental study, the crush and rift size of every rock and soil layer can be defined with the fault separation of the cantaliver.


  • 结果表明理论分析结果理论推导的结果具有相同表达形式

    The study result shows that the same expression can be obtained both from slab theory analysis and rock beam analysis.


  • 试验表明预应力碳纤维布加固充分碳纤维布强度改善结构性能加固效果显著提高。

    Test data indicate that the strength of CFRP can be fully used to improve structure performances of beams, and that this technology has very good strengthening effects.


  • 本文提供一种截断多项式求解连续弯曲变形简单方法

    This paper provides a simple method for an interrupted polynomial solution for the deflection of a continuous beam.


  • 本文提供一种截断多项式求解连续弯曲变形简单方法

    This paper provides a simple method for an interrupted polynomial solution for the deflection of a continuous beam.


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