• 结果表明设置弹性能较好的减小塔顶纵向位移

    The results showed that setting elastic cable reduced the longitudinal displacement of main beam and top of the tower.


  • 本文系列工作第三部分,研究了功能材料悬臂横向集中力作用情况。

    As the third part of these series works, the present paper deals with a piezoelectric cantilever beam subjected to a transverse concentrated force at the free end.


  • 根据连续介质力学组合力学行为特点,建立考虑滑移影响的空间非线性组合有限元法。

    Based on the behaviour characteristics of composite box beams, a new triaxial nonlinear finite element for composite box beams with slip effect is presented.


  • 根据工程情况不同转换简化普通模型、普通肋模型组合空腹桁架模型。

    The box transfer story can be simplified into wall model of common girt strip, beam model of common girt strip and open-frame girder model of compound beam according to different project situations.


  • 通过株洲湘江公路大桥预应力加固裂缝处理工程施工实例,简要介绍桥体加固及裂缝处理施工技术,可供类似加固工程参考。

    By the case study of the Zhuzhou Xiang River Bridge, techniques are introduced to consolidate the prestress trunk beams and repair their cracks for the guidance of construction of the kind.


  • 结构并非混凝土而是23根碳纤维玻璃纤维布做成优雅

    Rather than steel or concrete beams, the structure consists of 23 graceful arches of carbon - and glass-fiber fabric.


  • 一流选手王瑾告诉报纸爱上现在丈夫刘国时,主动离开前往日本另谋出路。刘国那时是个明星选手,之后成为男子主教练

    One top player, Wang Jin, told the newspaper that she left for a career in Japan after falling in love with her now husband, Liu Guoliang, then a star player and subsequently men's head coach.


  • 如今分手,人们议论纷纷,好像洛施开始实施什么大计划一般。

    Now that it`s splitsville, people talk about it as if Leong had a master plan to begin with.


  • 虽然有人倾向认为先生的环保成就不能促进中国进步先生矢志不移——中国的蓬勃发展,应当绿色意识、绿色精神武装起来的蓬勃发展。

    Some were inclined to think that Mr Liang was less than committed to China’s progress. But he was determined that China should surge forward armed with green sensibility, and a green heart.


  • 先生心肠且感性”,一个悲伤博客先生去后这么写道

    Mr Liang’s heart, very sensitive, very soft, ” wrote a sad Chinese blogger after his death.


  • 悬索桥和横的连接处,纵腹板发生开裂。

    Stringer webs have cracked in suspension Bridges at the stringer - floor bean connections.


  • 组长内装公斤块石铅丝上部加上公斤荷重在外作用中部虽然发生弯曲变形铅丝笼却始终断裂破坏

    In a leader, installed in the upper crossbeam gabion stone kg, plus kg load under the action of external load, while the central beam bending deformation, but the wire cage has not broken beam.


  • 形状记忆金丝还能提高屈曲临界温度抑制热屈曲的发生使已发生热屈曲的回复原来的平衡状态

    Shape memory alloy wires can increase the critical temperature of the beam, and also can restrain thermal buckling occurring or make the post-buckled beam back to initial equilibrium states.


  • 悬索桥和横的连接处,纵腹板上发生开裂

    Stringer webs have cracked in suspension Bridges at the stringer-floor bean connections.


  • 结构无法漆防锈蚀为了防止水汽侵入腐蚀内腔,必须保住内腔的密封性。

    The box type structure, cavity cannot antirust paint corrosion, in order to prevent moisture intrusion corrosion beam cavity, sealing the inner cavity of the main girder must keep.


  • 作为叠合斜拉桥,四方台大桥下部的工字钢上部的混凝土行车道板组合而成。

    Harbin sifangtai bridge is a cable-stayed bridge whose girder is composed by steel i-beam above and concrete deck slab below.


  • 主跨加劲钢箱加劲为预应力混凝土

    The stiffening beams of the side spans are prestressed concrete box beams.


  • 直人原有建筑介入设计体现在天花板增加了细薄的深这些不同点处相交

    Fukasawa's main intervention into the building was to add thin, deep beams across the ceiling that intersect at various points.


  • 粘结预应力混凝土分析有粘结混凝土复杂

    Analysis of beams prestressed with unbonded tendon is much more complicated than that of bonded concrete beams.


  • 结果表明高强混凝土轻集料混凝土的抗承载力较大提高,且比普通混凝土抗剪强度大;

    The tests indicated that the ultimate shear strength of it was a little larger than normal-weight concrete beam's, and larger than lightweight concrete beam.


  • 大夫陈冲情人却发现自己疯恋上了老师黄秋生老师身陷漂亮女人的爱慕。

    Doctor Lin (Joan Chen) is the mistress of Old Tang (director Jiang), but she finds herself drawn to teacher Liang (Anthony Wong), who is catnip to beautiful women.


  • 屋顶预制木板之间跨越胶合木屋面板建成。

    The roof is made of prefabricated wood boards, with plywood sheathing that spans from beam to beam.


  • 本文介绍我国新型简支空中横移铁路架桥机总体结构设计及其结构荷载试验

    This paper describes general structure design and structure load test of girder type railway bridge erecting machine with single simple supported beam and overhead transversely travelling trolley.


  • 混凝土收缩徐变和车辆超载是跨度连续桥主挠严重主要因素之一

    The creep is the main reasons why the deflection of the girder is larger than that of code.


  • 架上2轨道用于应垫节点处,下车轨道边上工字钢垫好。

    There are 2 rail dual beam bridge, for pad beam pad on each node truss should get off track, on the edge of the I-beam to pad.


  • 中托墙中的“组合作用”进行了论述国家现行规范中的计算方法提出探讨建议,同时介绍了配筋混凝土空心砌块砌筑墙的初步试验结果

    This article deals with the composite action between bressummer and wall on it in wall beam, and puts forward discussion and proposal to the calculation method in current national code.


  • 阐述作用PC轨道结构上荷载曲线pc轨道内力计算,预应力计算,应力计算及组合。

    The article have expounded the load acting on PC single track beam, and the calculation of curved PC single track beam including force, prestress and the stress etc.


  • 工程上组合吊车设计具有实际意义。

    And it can be used for designing composite i-beam and i-typed crane beam.


  • 破坏阶段——墙体视为肋严重破损框架模型

    Failure stage. The wall was equaled to a beam-hinged frame.


  • 破坏阶段——墙体视为肋严重破损框架模型

    Failure stage. The wall was equaled to a beam-hinged frame.


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