• 曾将英国诗人西·松的诗《于我,过去,现在以及未来》翻译成中文。

    He once translated English poet Siegfried Sassoon's poem In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet into Chinese.


  • 位于地下实验室,在罗马以南120(或75),世界上类型最大粒子物理宇宙研究实验室。

    The underground Italian laboratory, some 120 km (75 miles) to the south of Rome, is the largest of its type in the world for particle physics and cosmic research.


  • 维林他们大学宿舍,注册了脸书公司,然后又一直帮助打理。自从扎克承认维林脸书公司有关系,现在已经差不多年了

    It has been almost five years since Zuckerberg has acknowledged Saverin as having anything to do with the company, which Saverin incorporated and managed for Zuckerberg from their college dorm.


  • 位于日内瓦欧洲粒子物理研究所科学家们450意大利索地下实验室的探测器发射了中微子。

    Scientists at the Cern lab in Geneva fired a beam of these particles through 450 miles of rock towards detectors in the Gran Sasso lab in Italy.


  • 英国吉尔福特大学雷厄姆·米勒说进行跨国旅行时候这种感受甚至强烈。

    This feeling is even more pronounced when it comes to foreign travel, according to Graham Miller at the University of Surrey in Guildford, UK, and colleagues.


  • 有传闻称,《百孤独》作者加西亚·马尔克斯雷戈·拉说,英文翻译自己西班牙原著更好

    Gabriel Garcia Marquez allegedly told Gregory Rabassa that his English translation ofOne Hundred Years of Solitude was better than the Spanish original.


  • 马德小心地将冰人的身躯转移到定制盒子,盒子的边缘是过毒的铝箔

    Egarter Vigl and Samadelli carefully transferred the body to a custom-made box lined with sterilized aluminum foil.


  • 尽管特纳受到表扬,温也表扬了纳斯阿尔文,温受说道纳斯进步的很快,天赋而且开始变得高效,第一就是他的传给阿尔沙文,而且他自己也有一个漂亮的进球

    He has talent and he is starting to be efficient now. He made a great pass to Arshavin for the first goal [which Bendtner scored] and he scored a great goal himself.


  • 欧洲核子研究委员会(CERN)研究主任贝尔托卢奇博士:“最近几天我们开始索实验室发射一些不同时间结构光束,”

    Dr Bertolucci, the director of research at Cern, told BBC News: "In the last few days we have started to send a different time structure of the beam to Gran Sasso.


  • 办公室人员进行大的变动以后,美国(Visa U.S.A.)公司加州福斯特项目协调员伊丽莎白·伯发起了舟会,帮助公司员工学会如何一个环境合作共事。

    After an office shake-up, Elizabeth Burg, a project coordinator for Visa U.S.A. in Foster City., Calif., staged a regatta to help employees learn how to work together in a new environment.


  • 机长切斯利·副驾驶杰弗·斯基尔斯则认为实现了航空史成功水上迫降。

    The plane's captain Chesley Sullenberger and first officer Jeffrey Skiles pulled off what is now regarded as the most successful ditching12 of a plane in aviation history.


  • 可拉当时正准备火炬交给萨里慈善工作者雷汉姆·怀特这时名年轻人突然冲出人群抢走火炬。

    Ms Skora was about to hand over the torch to Graham White, a Surrey charity worker, when the teenager burst out of the crowd and tried to grab it.


  • 斯图尔特一向采访中的恋情很腼腆,最近告诉今日》的凡纳·喜欢他们一直猜测爱情生活

    Stewart was known for playing coy about her relationship in interviews, most recently telling Today's Savannah Guthrie she likes to "keep 'em guessing" about her love life.


  • ·瑞安的电影包括遇到时》、《壮志凌云》、《太空》等。

    Megs movies include: When Harry Met Sally, Top Gun, Innerspace, and many more.


  • 米兰卡多奥利维拉坚称赛季结束皇家格萨租借回归

    Milan outcast Ricardo Oliveira insists that he has earned a return from his loan spell at Real Zaragoza at the end of the season.


  • 列夫斯先生点点头举起纸片。“这些纸片都放到箱子,”摩斯指示,“比尔拿来进去。”

    Mr. Graves nodded and held up the slips of paper. "Put them in the box, then, " Mr. Summers directed. "Take Bill's and put it in. "


  • 菲利斯·先生1872年居住花园维尔街7,1814年时就是过世的。

    Mr Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814.


  • 下马塔作为法布雷加斯替代者他们可能接下几周离开枪手,分别和曼城。

    Wenger was looking to sign Mata as a replacement for Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri, who are both expected to leave the club in the coming weeks, set for Barcelona and Manchester City respectively.


  • 领主莱尼灰烬使者,从前血色十字军领导者,也是血色指挥官小莫莱尼的父亲,现在纳克黑暗堡垒骑士中的员。

    Highlord Mograine the Ashbringer, the former leader of the Scarlet Crusade and father of Scarlet Commander Mograine, is one of the Four Horsemen in the black citadel of Naxxramas.


  • 文章旨在塞丝,保罗D视角,来认识制的历史残留问题,通过他们遭遇揭露出蓄奴制的罪恶本质。一个原本在历史上被剥夺了语言权利的民族,却在书写段历史中找回自己的声音。

    It aims to let people learn about the history and legacy of slavery from Sethe's, Paul D's, and Baby Suggs's points of view, and expose the evil nature of slavery from these characters' suffering.


  • 酷悠中英文对照阅读网 被称之为斯蒂利茨委员会这个组织过去18个月一直授意下进行有关幸福指标建议的研究。

    The so-called Stiglitz commission has been working at the French president's behest for 18 months on recommendations for measuring well-being.


  • 王广义结构主义艺术家芭芭拉克鲁约翰‧巴尔代萨里等的消费主义至上者,结合一些看似不同的图像形式语言提出宏观哲学问题

    Like other consumerism-minded, structuralist artists Barbara Kruger (Fig. 3) or John Baldessari, Wang combines seemingly disparate images, forms, and language to raise broad philosophical questions.


  • 王广义结构主义艺术家芭芭拉克鲁约翰‧巴尔代萨里等的消费主义至上者,结合一些看似不同的图像形式语言提出宏观哲学问题

    Like other consumerism-minded, structuralist artists Barbara Kruger (Fig. 3) or John Baldessari, Wang combines seemingly disparate images, forms, and language to raise broad philosophical questions.


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