• 该市现任市长路易吉·布鲁嘲笑联合国教科文组织管闲事同时继续支持雇佣了5000名威尼斯居民的游轮行业

    The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents.


  • 尔·尼卡袭击激发了巴勃·毕加索创作热情天赋挥笔揭露战争真相:战争无关权力和荣誉,它带来的是痛苦和死亡。

    The attack on Guernica inspired the passion and genius of Pablo Picasso to reveal his truth about war: war is not about power and glory, war is about pain, suffering, and death.


  • 格罗或许奇怪方形方向盘一个感觉不太舒服的变速器,据一位用户描述,“就像是一根针搅拌大理石一样”。

    The Allegro may have had a strangely square steering wheel and a gearbox that felt, in the words of one owner, "like stirring a bag of marbles with a knitting needle".


  • 免疫系统作用办法实际上可能就是把新的森伯

    One other way to get the immune system moving might be, in effect, to replace it with an entirely new one, says Rosenberg.


  • 这种做法许多纽约人,即使是姆·支持者不满

    This did not sit well with many New Yorkers, even Bloomberg supporters.


  • 1993年,约瑟夫·史蒂利兹阿兰·布林德CEA就职并且最后被广为引用的大卫·卡特勒和马修·夏皮因为在其中担任高级经济师平均分达到了736.5。

    For 1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinder were members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually much-cited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is 736.5.


  • 麦克恩先生对手之前到达收银通道的队列之后,他突然发现位超市职员这时出现了,打开另一个收银通道,先生就占了上风,而这也麦克恩先生发狂。

    After arriving in the checkout queue just ahead of his opponent, Mr McEnroe is distraught to see an employee appear and open another till, giving Mr Borg the upper hand.


  • 甚至安吉拉·波尔搬出了伯·霍夫别墅,以便名正言顺地戏称为大酒店”的城堡主人。

    He even ordered Angela Raubal out of the Berghof, so that Eva could take over as chatelaine at the place she nicknamed "the Grand Hotel."


  • 时,解释则通知标题取自斯蒂芬J.霍尔(一名商人文艺复兴主义者)写的有深刻见解的他一同著作的还有马克.

    let me just say that the title of this post is the title of an insightful book by Steven J.Fogel, business leader and Renaissance man, with Mark Rosin.


  • 说,有一点我们要注意的是,我研究结果毕竟基于一个相对比较范围,这个结果怎么能比得上吸烟诱发肺癌2000%的增长率这么人吃惊。

    For one thing, Rosenberg explains that the association she found is relatively small. Compare the 65 percent increase in risk with the 2,000 percent increase in risk of lung cancer linked to smoking.


  • 我们艺术家尼莫•哈预留空地他可以在这里创作

    We reserved one of the courtyards for the artist Jeronimo Hagerman to produce a piece there.


  • 尽管如此,斯特姆·毕竟缺乏执导经验,或多或少影片变得一场时尚大杂烩同时原谅一切主题也显得老套。

    Even so, Stromberg's lack of directing experience shows, sometimes making the film more of a stylish mishmash, with cliched themes such as "love forgives everything".


  • 斯蒂利茨另一位经济学家卡尔·夏皮指出企业或许会为了雇员更重视他们工作而支付奖励工资

    Mr Stiglitz and Carl Shapiro, another economist, showed that firms might pay premium wages to make employees value their jobs more highly.


  • 。地狱咆哮:考虑一下。

    Grom Hellscream: I'll consider it.


  • 赫莱布承认后悔离开阿森纳加盟巴萨并且感觉到失望了

    The Barcelona star – on loan at St Andrew's for the season – admitted he regrets leaving the Emirates and feels he let down the Frenchman.


  • 他们显然会是无比幸福的一对儿虽然刚才小姐切斯特家产不高兴

    They will obviously be an extremely happy couple, although I told Miss Ingram something about the Rochester property which made her look quite depressed.


  • 去年经济的急速衰退更是书店销量急剧下滑了5%,格罗·斯米自己开始认识到,书店是维持下去了。

    The economy's rapid decline in the last year put an even bigger dent in sales, 5%. and Ms. Grossmeyer says she realized she couldn't remain in business.


  • 马德里竞技立即塌方表示他们允许阿圭如果然后森德,他们是谁爱上了,皇马变暖板凳上赛季。

    Atletico will cave in immediately but say they will only let Aguero go if Wenger lets then have Phillipe Senderos, who they fell in love with while he was warming the bench at Real Madrid last season.


  • 赫敏不想其他人发现哈利小屋学校的途中雪地上所留下脚印时,她就一个擦除咒。 ( 《凤凰社》第20章)

    Hermione used an Obliteration Charm as she walked to make it look as though she, Ron, and Harry hadn't walked back from Hagrid's hut in the snow (OP20)


  • 赫敏不想其他人发现哈利小屋学校的途中雪地上所留下脚印时,她就一个擦除咒。 ( 《凤凰社》第20章)

    Hermione used an Obliteration Charm as she walked to make it look as though she, Ron, and Harry hadn't walked back from Hagrid's hut in the snow (OP20)


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