• 尽管特纳受到表扬,温也表扬了纳斯里阿尔萨文,温受说道纳斯里进步的很快,天赋而且开始变得高效,第一就是他的传给阿尔沙文,而且他自己也有一个漂亮的进球

    He has talent and he is starting to be efficient now. He made a great pass to Arshavin for the first goal [which Bendtner scored] and he scored a great goal himself.


  • 这里仅仅列举其中的位:威利斯·兰姆、朱利安·施温、尤因·纳、理查德·费曼、朝永振一郎、C.D.安德森E .塞O .张伯伦以及其他一些人。

    To cite just a few examples: Willis Lamb, Julian Schwinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, s. Tomonaga, C. D. Anderson, E. Segre, O. Chamberlain and many others.


  • 科对于正太们能否表现出色并没有太多担心他补充说:“也许就是那些我们必须设法克服时刻一些年轻球员也许也会和我们共进退。 温一直很善于培养这些家伙,像张伯伦和杰克-威尔希尔。”

    Kroenke has little fear that Wenger's current crop of youngsters will do well, adding: "Maybe it is one of those times when we have to work our way through, maybe with some young players.


  • 暂时收监人中有人是有名地产莱茨兄弟,罗伯特莱茨温森特 秋莱茨。

    Two of those briefly held were Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz, famous and fraternal property developers.


  • 球队上周末客场5比3力擒蓝军切尔西,球队正处于亢奋状态之中,本周二将坐镇主场挑战到访的法甲劲旅马赛认为马赛的场比赛将决定本组的出线形势,其重要性甚至不亚于两场杯赛的决赛。

    The Frenchman's squad are on a high after Saturday's incredible 5-3 win at Chelsea and Marseille arrive at Emirates Stadium for the second of what Wenger has deemed "two cup finals".


  • 最终拿下比赛。麦肯罗一年后卷土重来,决赛击败,复仇成功,并终结了伯在温网的统治地位。

    McEnroe gained his revenge by beating Borg in 1981, ending his reign at the All England Club.


  • 联系可能下一任主教练作为埃里克森继任者无意这样做!

    Wenger had been linked as a possible successor to Sven Goran Eriksson in charge of England, but he has no interest in coaching a country.


  • 现在雷汉姆相信必须迅速找到解决的方案,不然面临压力还会不断增加。

    Now, Graham believes that Wenger must find a solution quickly, otherwise he will face mounting pressure.


  • 爵士批评转会政策自己惊讶总是购买大堆进攻球员

    Sir Alex Ferguson has criticised Arsene Wenger's transfer policy by claiming he is astonished that his Arsenal counterpart continues to buy so many attacking players.


  • 一个记者关于昨天曼奇尼事件看法并且指出几年卷入类似争端。

    A reporter asked Wenger for his view of the incident during his pre-match press conference and pointed out that the Frenchman had been involved in his fair share of altercations down the years.


  • 上周的媒体也让此事浮出水面,但是这却遭到球员本人的反对,并且致使温米兰恶语相向。

    These reports surfaced last week, but were dismissed by both the player and Arsene Wenger, who had some harsh words for Milan.


  • 阿森纳球迷再一次呼吁购买球星,从而加强人员实力这样的要求不为所动。

    Arsenal fans again chanted for Wenger to invest in more talent to add depth to the squad, but the Frenchman will not be influenced by the calls.


  • 法布雷加斯重申阿森纳主教练钦佩这位巴塞罗那中场球员期望报答对他知遇之恩。

    Francesc Fabregas cannot reaffirm his admiration for Arsenal manager arsene Wenger enough. The former Barcelona midfielder is keen to repay the faith Wenger has shown in him.


  • 托马斯·温特·伯(电影狩猎远离尘嚣》的导演)和《女性瘾者》的导演拉尔斯•特里尔联合发起场名叫道玛95的电影运动将这场电影运动比作一个公社

    Thomas Vinterberg (the Hunt, Far From the Madding Crowd) co-founded the Dogme 95 film collective with Nymphomaniac director Lars von Trier, a movement he has compared to a commune.


  • 然而恰恰皮雷重返英超的艰辛路途上拉了一把,在把皮雷介绍给霍利尔之前一直让皮雷跟随阿森纳训练

    Yet it was Wenger who provided Pires with his unlikely route back to the Premier League by allowing him to train with Arsenal before then recommending him to Houllier.


  • 2007年买进尼亚完全了解对于俱乐部的重要性决定尽力拿到冠军奖杯报答教授俱乐部花费心血

    Sagna, who was signed by Wenger in 2007, knows the significance of Wenger and is determined to repay the Frenchman in trophies for the faith that he has invested.


  • 法布雷加斯留在阿森纳重要原因将温视为自己导师指导进步最佳人选

    The central reason for fabregas's contentment at Arsenal is Wenger, whom he regards as his mentor and the best person to oversee his development.


  • 图:冠军联赛决赛后亨利握手温确认他自己和亨利之间没有矛盾”,但是阿森纳队长面临几个星期缺阵

    Arsene Wenger has confirmed there is "no problem" between himself and Thierry Henry. However the Arsenal captain is facing "a few weeks" on the sidelines with injury.


  • 这位意大利人评论吃惊即使这位现有合同明年夏天到期24岁的球员没有签下一份合同,温还是打算留下

    The Italian's remarks surprised Wenger, who intends to keep Nasri even if the 24-year-old does not sign a new deal before his current contract expires next summer.


  • 看着辛普森阿森纳长大——自从球员抵达阿森纳,任命为主教练不久预测这位前锋光明未来

    Wenger has seen Simpson grow up at Arsenal - the player arrived at the age of nine, not long after the Frenchman was appointed - and he predicts a bright future for the bustling striker.


  • 不过显然来说巴普蒂斯塔状态来得根据马卡》的报道已拒绝永久转会埃米尔球场的机会

    However, it appears Baptista's form has come too late for Arsene Wenger, who has according to 'Marca' rejected the chance to keep his services at the Emirates permanently.


  • 里克坚韧促使批评曼联反足球”,但是弗莱彻将温评论视为一个赞赏

    The tenacity of Fletcher and Michael Carrick prompted Wenger to criticise United's 'anti-football', but Fletcher regards Wenger's comments as a compliment.


  • 上月透露秋季开始商谈续约,加齐迪斯相信俱乐部与温达成一致

    Wenger revealed last month that he would open talks over a contract extension "in the autumn" and Gazidis is confident that an agreement will be reached.


  • 考虑了利用莱曼的经营,德国门将球队年纪最大球员觉得场上担当重要角色

    Wenger is also considering using Jen Lehmann's vast experience. The German keeper is the oldest player in the squad and, the manager feels, he can have an important role off the pitch.


  • 被迫继续寻找足球主管,因为昨晚雷丁尼克-哈蒙德拒绝了邀请。

    Arsene Wenger was forced to continue his search for a director of football last night after being snubbed by Reading's Nicky Hammond.


  • 伦克先生表示全力支持主教练阿尔赛纳·温,并认可温一名非常出色的主教练。

    Mr Kroenke is also fully supportive of manager arsene Wenger whom he has stated is a wonderful manager.


  • 这位直率法国人强调球员从未谈论主教练离开可能,即使温合同将在明年到期

    The outspoken Frenchman insists that none of the players ever discusses the dreaded possibility of manager Wenger leaving when his Arsenal contract expires next year.


  • 前段日子已经俱乐部的董事会成员有过交流,至今温依然董事会的做法感到相当不满。

    Wenger has had talks with the board but remains angry at how vice-chairman David Dein was treated.


  • 尊重决定人们必须知道我在下赛季31岁了,在没有阿瑟·温大卫·邓恩的情况下我没法继续下去。

    I respect his decision and honesty but I will be 31 at the end of next season and I cannot take the chance to be there without Arsene Wenger and David Dein.


  • 尊重决定人们必须知道我在下赛季31岁了,在没有阿瑟·温大卫·邓恩的情况下我没法继续下去。

    I respect his decision and honesty but I will be 31 at the end of next season and I cannot take the chance to be there without Arsene Wenger and David Dein.


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