• 一种新颖的有监督学习方法

    Lattice machine is a novel approach to supervised learning.


  • 开始相信这个故事恩尼玛密码故事、以及二战德国密码的破译一样激动人心,一样重要

    I became convinced that this story was every bit as exciting and significant as that of Enigma and the breaking of German codes in the Second World War.


  • 15世纪,约翰内斯·古欧洲发明印刷文明产生巨大影响

    In the 15th century, Johannes Guttenberg's invention of the printing press in Europe had a huge impact on civilization.


  • 全国盲人联合会主席迈克尔·欣希望家庭能用一台电视独眼巨人家用模型

    Michael Hingson, Director of the National Federation for the Blind, hopes that families will be able to buy home models of Cyclops for the price of a good television set.


  • 作为日本神风敢死队袭击回应鲁门公司研发了 F8F熊猫,它是一种轻型战斗能够迅速爬升迎接来袭的

    As a response to Japanese kamikaze attacks, Grumman developed the F8F Bearcat as a lightweight fighter able to climb quickly to meet incoming enemy aircraft.


  • 林伯博士这种情况比拟为将来设计电视可以大海使不仅仅能够继续工作,还要可以工作很多年。

    Dr Greenberg likens it to designing a television set that can be thrown into the sea and will not only continue to work but will do so for decades to come.


  • 陆军海军空军都各自特制版本恩尼玛密码

    The army, navy and Luftwaffe each had specialized versions of the Enigma.


  • 按他们理论世界最大原子粉碎可能轰击单线粒子这种粒子可能会在产生碰撞发生之前出现

    The theory is that the world’s biggest atom smasher might be able to unleash the Higgs singlet - a particle that could appear before the collision that produced it.


  • 按他们理论世界最大原子粉碎可能轰击单线粒子这种粒子可能会在产生碰撞发生之前出现

    The theory is that the world's biggest atom smasher might be able to unleash the Higgs singlet - a particle that could appear before the collision that produced it.


  • 雷斯回忆道,“滑道没有摄像。”

    Recalls Gleis, "There was no camera on the skid."


  • 无论在圣彼得广场洛瑞亚还是看着刚出生的羚羊跨出一步,美好总是一瞬间的事情,但你需要摄像捕捉,静静观赏就好。

    The reward is a moment, whether it's hearing the "Gloria" at St. Peter's or watching a gazelle take its first step, that you won't need a video camera to capture.


  • 盟军密码学捕获密码密码帮助下破译了恩尼玛密码。

    The Enigma code was broken by Allied cryptanalysts, helped in part by the capture of machines and code tables.


  • 加利福尼亚大学研究员黛比萨克斯比、热莱斯奇同事一起天时间通过摄像采访以及问卷追踪调查30对双收入家庭

    Researchers Darby Saxbe and Rena Graesch of the University of California and colleagues tracked 30 dual-earner couples around their homes for three days, using video cameras, interviews and surveys.


  • 操作能力角度来看,汉姆·卡明先生有可能台分析性能做出粗略评估

    In terms of processing power, Mr Graham-Cumming said it was possible to make some rough estimates about the Analytical Engine's capability.


  • 愿纵容病人自负伯蒂则一直认为他的医生是一个江湖骗子,直到某个涉及哈姆雷特独白录音突破性

    Logue won't indulge his patient's stuffiness, while Bertie considers Logue a charlatan until a breakthrough moment that involves Hamlet's soliloquy and a recording machine.


  • 雷斯空中进行拍摄,依靠“B-25轰炸”、“IIIIV李尔王35这些特殊光学仪器的追逐捕捉目标外部图像

    Gleis also photographs on air-to-air assignments, capturing exterior images of subject aircraft by using chase airplanes such B-25 Bombers, Gulfstream IIIs and IVs and Lear 35s with special optics.


  • 博士防范这种声音侵犯提出了一个简单补救办法打开你的收音

    To protect against these sonic incursions, Dr Tygar suggests a simple remedy: turn up the radio.


  • 甚至自己的拥抱一层

    Even Grandin's own hug machine is now gathering dust.


  • 彼得·没有一家西方航空公司能够单独完成有人战斗研发工作。

    Singer says not a single Western aerospace company has a manned combat aircraft in research and development.


  • 原来,飞行员降下后,拆除藏起摄像然后回来雷斯恐。

    The pilot had landed the chopper, removed and hidden the camera, then returned to witness Gleis' panic.


  • 背景本片原作故事来源于阿布拉姆斯小时候超级8摄影的痴迷,本片制片人斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯也有相同嗜好

    DNA: Original Super 8 story hearkens to Abrams' fondness for toying around with Super-8 cameras when he was a kid, a hobby shared by the film's producer, Steven Spielberg.


  • 汉姆·卡明先生解释道:经过段时间研究,这台分析的一个电脑仿真最终的完整构造出来之前生产出来。

    Mr Graham-Cumming explained that, following a period of study, a computer simulation of the Analytical Engine would be produced before its eventual construction.


  • 诺·公司数字航电设备将安装海军陆战队召回并改装UH -1N直升后面

    The Digital Avionics Suite is installed in the back of a retrofitted UH-1N helicopter that has been transferred from the U.S. Marine Corps.


  • 摄影师斯列萨列夫·奥列·维克托维奇说,不管是新旧拉,现在已经荒凉中一点”,因为阿布·兹人开始回迁。

    According to photographer Slesarev Oleg Victorovitch, both New and Old Gagra are now "more alive than deserted," as the Abkhazian population has returned.


  • 莱汉姆·卡明先生说道:“‘分析事实上非常有效率的,鉴于微不足道,但因此巴贝正在考虑一些较为强大的东西。”

    [The Analytical Engine] is actually quite fast given that it's all in cogs, so Babbage was thinking about something relatively powerful.


  • 公司官员表示:诺实现了满足护栏”侦察基本需求全部演示目标超出了传感器系统稳定性性能预期

    Northrop Grumman met all objectives demonstrating basic Guardrail requirements and exceeded sensor system stability and performance expectations, company officials say.


  • 斯皮尔伯手持摄影我们带到了一片混乱环境之中,超强剪辑能力为观众创造出了一种零零碎碎状似马塞克一般恐惧感

    Spielberg's handheld cameras thrust us into this maelstrom, and his superb editing creates from these bits and pieces a mosaic of terror.


  • 回忆录中,瑞典传奇导演曼·这样描述他这部电影:“做到的极致……我触到了只有摄影才能发现无法言说秘密。”

    In his memoirs, legendary Swedish director Ingmar Bergman said of Persona, "I had gone as far as I could go ... I touched wordless secrets that only the cinema can discover."


  • 回忆录中,瑞典传奇导演曼·这样描述他这部电影:“做到的极致……我触到了只有摄影才能发现无法言说秘密。”

    In his memoirs, legendary Swedish director Ingmar Bergman said of Persona, "I had gone as far as I could go ... I touched wordless secrets that only the cinema can discover."


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