• 特温同事们了解为什么平均幸福感会发生这样变化

    Twenge and her colleagues wanted to understand why this change in average wellbeing occurred.


  • 民主党市场银行和商业带来变化持有不同态度

    Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changes brought about by the market, banks, and commerce.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯公共卫生学院社会流行病学家托马斯·拉斯说:“大多数专家认为这些变化环境有关。”

    "Most experts agree that the changes were related to something in the environment," says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


  • 篇如今已成为标准文章中,法拉展示了“对真正女性气质崇拜”的坚持,以及大话西游变化虚幻性。

    In one now-standard text, Faragher demonstrated the persistence of the "cult of true womanhood" and the illusionary quality of change on the westward journey.


  • 我们确信京都议定书》应当遵守特别是全球2020年后应对气候变化进入下一个阶段谈判需要以此议定书为参考”,菲雷多

    "We believe Kyoto should be kept alive, especially when you need it in future negotiations on the next steps in the international fight against climate change post 2020," he said.


  • 我们正在进入一个非常时期人类赖以生存海洋功能正在发生巨大变化某些情况下开始失效,”豪厄-古尔·伯

    "We are entering a period in which the very ocean services upon which humanity depends are undergoing massive change and in some cases beginning to fail," said Hoegh-Guldberg.


  • 环境思想家提姆·赫尔维·拉森(Tim Helweg - Larsen)通过气候变化比喻开着水龙头浴缸解释这种紧迫性

    The environmental thinker Tim Helweg-Larsen explains the urgency by likening climate change to a bath with the tap running.


  • 戈伦比威斯基比林斯利随后加入了另一个级别变革,中变化。中阶变化是存在于阶和二阶变化这两个极端之间变化

    Golembiewski, Billingsley, and Yeager8 subsequently added another level of change, defining middle-order change as lying somewhere between the extremes of first - and second-order change.


  • 周一早间一个分析师电话会议上表示,就我们目睹变化而言,Marvel无法避免遭受冲击。

    'They are not immune from the changes that we're seeing,' Mr. Iger said, referring to Marvel, during a conference call with analysts Monday morning.


  • 本文作者杰里米·莱特(JeremyLeggett)jeremyleggett.net,成立自己公司太阳能世纪(Solarcentury)应对气候变化

    Jeremy Leggett, jeremyleggett.net, set up his company, Solarcentury, to fight climate change.


  • 鲁夫认为,这种急剧变化和复杂气候环境推动了人类适应能力的进化。 换言之,就是这种气候变化有助于人类物种特征的形成(详见《考古科学杂志》Journalof Archaeological ScienceDOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.07.002)。

    Grove says such conditions would have favoured the evolution of adaptability that is a hallmark of the genus Homo (Journal of Archaeological Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.07.002).


  • 提醒到,由于数据局限性使得这个地区将来气温变化预测工作变得非常困难。

    Steig cautioned that the limitations of the data make it hard to predict future temperature changes in the region.


  • 先生许多积极变化特别是消费者角度来看。

    Mr. Gerth: There will be many positives, especially from the point of view of consumers.


  • 说,通过养成观察事物习惯我们认识世界实际上一直变化

    By acquiring the habit of noticing new things, says Langer, we recognize that the world is actually changing constantly.


  • 希望沙漠改变教会我们如何不用简化就能变化环境共处。

    Burgess hopes the flux of the desert can teach us how to live with a variable environment without simplifying it.


  • 说,如果人们能听从德国营养协会建议对大家,减缓气候变化使肉食消费降至每周300600。

    Aigner saidthat it would be good for all if recommendations of the German NutritionSociety (DGE) would be followed, which would come down to 300-600 gramme ofmeat per week.


  • 如果人们听从德国营养协会建议,将对大家,减缓气候变化使肉食消费降至每周300600。

    Aigner said that it would be good for all if recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) would be followed, which would come down to 300-600 gramme of meat per week.


  • 欧洲风能协会顾问鲁特,“科学研究民众调查都指向同一个方向气候变化问题采取更多行动

    Rémi Gruet, regulatory adviser to the European Wind Energy Association, said: "Science and public opinion are pointing in the same direction: more action on climate change.


  • 如果两个客户选择同一实例然后其中一个发生变化时,一个客户变化自动(并且立即)显示出来

    If both clients have selected the same instance, then, as changes are made in one, they are automatically (and immediately) visible in the other client's pane.


  • 微妙光线变化曼叹为观止,决定了一生所有电影都会像拥有那样的光线。

    The subtleties of the shifting light entranced Mr Bergman, who decided that his whole film should be lit that way.


  • 气候变化特使萨兰印度还是努力其他国家达成一个协定,也就是所说的“良好的”谈判结果

    Mr. Singh's special envoy on climate change, Shyam Saran, says India is still trying to reach an accord with other countries for what he terms a "good" outcome at the talks.


  • 尔认为排名变化原因包括欧元走金融危机的影响。

    He cites the strong euro and the financial crisis among reasons behind the change.


  • 担心,对变化景观赋予错综复杂的图像,公众得出一个'筛查无济于事'的结论,”博士说。

    "I am concerned that the complex view of a changing landscape will be distilled by the public into yet another 'screening does not work' headline," Dr. Begg said.


  • 克鲁说:“我们确实遇到过所谓死亡内部原因变化那些与危险行为间接相关的病症,心血管疾病癌症。”

    "We've actually seen changes in the so-called internal causes of death," says Kruger, "Things that aren't directly behavior related, like cardio-vascular disease and cancer."


  • 我们记忆变化,”纳·丹尼尔,他是哈佛大学心理学教授同时课题资深成员。

    Our memories are changing, "said Daniel Wegner, a psychology professor at Harvard and the senior author of the study."


  • 俄亥俄哥伦布高中的同-异性恋联合俱乐部指导教师杰夫·雷斯发现过去十年里学生认知已经发生了变化

    Jeff Grace, faculty adviser for a gay-straight alliance club at high school in Columbus, Ohio, said he has seen student perceptions change over the last decade.


  • 俄亥俄哥伦布高中的同-异性恋联合俱乐部指导教师杰夫·雷斯发现过去十年里学生认知已经发生了变化

    Jeff Grace, faculty adviser for a gay-straight alliance club at high school in Columbus, Ohio, said he has seen student perceptions change over the last decade.


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