• 迷走神经上,神经食管裂孔处,整个神经干全长均有细胞分布

    Cells are distributed on the whole length of the vagus nerve trunk of the horse, from the nerve root to the hiatus oesophagus.


  • 农业机械设计制图中,涉及支撑作用,在装配图由于处于倾斜位置难于确定形状位置。

    In the design graphics of agricultural machinery, we often deal with a oblique rod which plays a supporting role. In assembly drawing it is difficult to determine the form and position of the rod.


  • 上下两片叶组成了一 π

    Both of these lobes together constitute a pi bond.


  • 今天我一演播室里·女士新书成功秘诀》的作者

    With me in the studio today is Ms. Jane Logan, author of a new book, Secrets to Success.


  • 今天环保活动家·布朗,她的新书回收之外颇受争议成为报纸头条。

    With me today is Meghan Brown, an environmental activist whose controversial new book Beyond Recycling is making headlines.


  • 最初它们圆圆的金属片中间这样绳子就可以它们在一

    Originally they were round pieces of metal with a hole in the center, so that a piece of string could keep them together.


  • 相反其他植物可能有助于松散土壤碎片固定在一从而防止侵蚀

    In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.


  • 环顾四周,看见了仍然在一大树枝上的一双脚

    Looking around he perceived the feet, still hoppled together, hanging on a limb.


  • 相信存在每一纤维仍然能够我们作为美国人由于共同目标走到

    I believe with every fiber of my being that we - as Americans - can still come together behind a common purpose.


  • 添加文件夹一种很好的编程习惯因为业务对象构件生成时将物理进行分组,不是文件夹中的所有其他文件混合在一

    It is good programming practice to add a folder, as on generation the business object artifacts are grouped physically in folders rather than mixed with all the other files in the root folder.


  • 尽管几十年中青年流行文化背景兴趣不同音乐电视就像线,将整个时代人们穿在一

    Despite the diverging backgrounds and interests of youth and pop culture during those decades, MTV was the one thread holding together an entire age demographic.


  • 由于标签UUID友好名称永远专用设备绑定在一,因此不管拥有什么设备ID或者使用什么设备名称,系统总是能够找到文件系统磁盘

    Because label, UUID, and friendly name will bond with a dedicated device forever, no matter what device ID it has or what device name it gets, your system will always find your root file system disk.


  • 所以最后带子在一跳下楼梯不过套索中溜出去了。

    So finally I tied a couple of belts and jumped off the stairs, but my head slipped through the noose.


  • 湿地发现锦葵坚果水果混合

    Taking mallow root found in marshes, they mixed it with nuts and fruit.


  • 不过当然万事万物都与其他事物联系不论改变了什么,都改变周围事物、与它相关的、或者甚至关系很远的事物,通过长长的关系链联结在一

    But of course, everything was tied to everything else, and whatever you changed, changed things around it, connected to it, or even distant things, tied by a long thread of associations.


  • 余下生命里,马戏团里的疯子那样过活。他死后,他的大脑则连同填塞炸药的棒子陈列在哈佛医学院的博物馆里。

    For the rest of his life he made a living as a circus freak, and when he died, his brain and the tamping rod were placed in the museum of the Harvard Medical School.


  • 发生的时候,如果其中分子能在一固体线可能形成了。

    If the molecules within it hold together while this is happening, a solid thread may form.


  • 蒙特利尔图片,内容是:被绳子在一一辆福特f- 150一辆自行车,但是福特卡车却无论如何无法将自行车拖出车槽。

    In Montreal they have a picture of a Ford F-150 with a rope connected to a bike, but the truck couldn't get the bike out of the dock.


  • 开始借口避开家人吃饭并且很小一部分食物,情况变得更糟了。体重持续下降,她的家人感到无力求助

    But Megan just became worse, as she made excuses to avoid eating with the family, and cutting food into minuscule portions, her weight continued to drop and her family felt powerless to help.


  • 就像攀登者绳子在一一样,有纽带我们大家都会更安全更强大

    Like climbers tied together by a rope, we're all safer and stronger for the connections.


  • 那天,每天他们罗德菜园里竿子上用来吓跑那些麻雀,然后晚上进屋来。

    Day after day, they would tie Harold to a pole in the garden to scare away the birds. They brought it in the house every night.


  • 上个月荷兰还(芬兰)否决了让罗马尼亚保加利亚加入欧盟无边检旅游区。

    Last month the Netherlands vetoed (with Finland) the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU's Schengen passport-free travel zone.


  • 处锁篱笆里,500紫檀原木整整齐齐的被垛在,竹篱笆周围是成片的玉米地木薯地。

    Some 500 rosewood logs lay stacked behind a padlocked bamboo fence in a storage lot surrounded by fields of corn and manioc.


  • 马迪:“人们现在非常担心现在一件事都会玷污,都会非法的。”

    "There is also the serious concern that everything he does from here on out is going to be tainted, is going to be illegitimate," she said.


  • 马迪说:“人们现在非常担心现在一件事都会玷污,都会非法的。

    There is also the serious concern that everything he does from here on out is going to be tainted, is going to be illegitimate," she said.


  • 带有石器强壮树枝接在一,利用长矛人类可以极大提高速度、力度、效率安全性

    Attach a sharp stone to the end of astout piece of wood, and with this lever you can hugely increase thespeed, force, effectiveness and safety with which the axe can bewielded.


  • 好吧同意我们不能浪费无谓花费我将和你们国会并肩作战,将其展铲除。

    Well, I agree that wecan’t afford wasteful spending, and I’ll work with you, with Congress, to rootit out.


  • 的鼻梁骨断颅骨骨折颈部有两骨头高温熔化而接肋骨骨裂,脊椎上也处骨折,肩关节脱臼,这处伤至今未曾痊愈。

    I had a broken nose, a skull fracture, two fused bones in my neck, four cracked ribs, a fracture in my spine and my left shoulder is still separated.


  • 在那德国图宾大学汉斯-皮特.魏尔波找到了三个不同旧石器时代定居点,时间于125,000终于25,000年前。

    There, Hans-Peter Uerpmann of the University of Tubingen in Germany found three different Paleolithic settlements occurring from about 125,000 to 25,000 years ago.


  • 中世纪的哲学家们十分热衷于讨论这么个问题,就是针头可以容纳多少天使跳舞。

    Medieval scholastics are reputed to have enjoyed debating how many angels you can fit on the head of a pin.


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