• 实现顺利循环至关重要

    A standpipe was crucial for smooth circulation.


  • 到那日、耶西作万民的大旗寻求。他安息之所大有荣耀

    And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.


  • 其它叶子树顶上,还有细枝上特鲁法

    On the tip of a tree which had lost all its other leaves, two still remained hanging from one twig: Ole and Trufa.


  • 所以,文章我们现在认为那样,对光量子理论实验验证

    So Millikan's paper is not at all, as we would now expect, an experimental proof of the quantum theory of light.


  • 如果想像存在那么也就是在想象那个唯一的东西·卡不存在。

    And if you imagine Kagan not existing, then you're imagining that single thing, Shelly Kagan, not existing.


  • 最初喷器深水地平线平台英里长的垂直相连,这管子叫做管,石油既由此通过

    Originally the preventer was linked to the Deepwater Horizon by a mile long vertical pipe called a riser, through which oil would flow.


  • 所以如果想象存在那么当然也就想象一个东西,薛·存在。

    And so if you've imagined Shelly existing then of course you're imagining that single thing, Shelly Kagan, existing.


  • 所以甚至无法想象一个世界里,存在存在。

    So you can't even imagine a world in which Shelly exists but Kagan doesn't.


  • 想象一个世界存在存在因为这个世界里面没人

    Imagine a world in which Kagan exists, but Shelly doesn't exist, because nobody in the world is named Shelly.


  • 最终重新描述了关于他自己重要实验复杂历史使其符合现在物理教科书中的简单故事

    In the end, Millikan re-imagined the complex personal history of his splendid experiment to fit the simple story told in so many of our physics textbooks.


  • 可能做到因为现实世界里是,同一个东西两个不同名字

    And that you can't do, because in the real world of course Shelly and Kagan pick out just two different names of this very same thing.


  • 公司而细软管塞断裂的管里只能微量漏油。

    The company has managed to thread a long, thin tube into the broken pipe, but that is only drawing off a fraction of the flow.


  • 下层管家屋子看,那儿火炉静静地柱子上看上去雪人自己差不多大。

    He was looking into the housekeeper's room on the lower story, where the stove stood on its four iron legs, looking about the same size as the Snow Man himself.


  • 我们可以容易地想象一个世界里,或者,反过来,

    We can easily imagine a world in which I don't have the last name Kagan or perhaps to switch it around, Shelly's not my name.


  • 设想某个世界里面,存在存在。

    Look. Suppose we try to imagine a world in which Shelly exists but Kagan doesn't.


  • 所以想象世界存在存在或者存在而薛不存在,像是想象在一个世界里,我存在而我不存在。

    So imagining a world in which Shelly exists but Kagan doesn't or Kagan exists but Shelly doesn't, that's trying to imagine a world in which I exist but I don't.


  • 5月26日英国石油公司开始重型钻探泥浆用泵抽运进喷装置- - - - -由多个气阀构成,位于油井顶部连接着已断裂

    On May 26th BP started to pump heavy drilling mud into the blowout preventer, the set of valves at the top of the well to which that broken pipe is attached.


  • 最后一件讽刺的事情发生1950年,82发表了自传其中第九标题为“光子存在实验验证爱因斯坦光电方程”“the Experimental Proof of the Existence of the photon—einsteins Photoelectric Equation .”。

    One final irony: in 1950, at age 82, Millikan published his Autobiography, with Chapter 9 entitled simply "the Experimental Proof of the Existence of the PhotonEinstein's Photoelectric Equation."


  • 信息出来我们参观布鲁特教堂。

    Walking out from the information office, we went to visit the church in Heiligenblut.


  • 火车站出来大概45分钟车程我们到达布鲁特

    Driving out from the train station, it took us about 45 minutes to arrive in Heiligenblut.


  • 其实巴得嘎斯坦布鲁特不是很远只有一条隧道两地连接在一起,所以火车不可

    Actually it is not so far from Bad Gastein to Heiligenblut, but there is only one big tunnel connecting these two places, so only taking the train can reach the destination.


  • 咬定青山放松中,坚韧任尔东西南北风。——郑板桥。

    Insist Aoyama do not relax, rooted in the broken rock, known grinding million hit is also tough, Seoul, the four corners of the world wind.


  • 恶行不能坚义人动摇

    No one finds security by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved.


  • 水瓶喷头一个透明的盒子里喷

    Using a perfume atomizer, he sprayed tiny drops of oil into a transparent chamber.


  • 一些文章阐述油滴定漂移原因提出质疑阐明了自己原因分析调整方法

    The reasons to the oriented drift of Millikan oil-drop provided in some articles are questioned, and the analysis and adjustment method on the reason are introduced.


  • 分析、周期性结构态密度能带结构,以及分子轨道关系文中广泛应用。

    Mulliken population analysis, the relations among the DOS, the band structure and molecule orbital were widely used in the dissertation.


  • 所用的大约偏低1。

    Millikan used a value about 1% too low.


  • 文中考虑井架实际情况:自重、载荷大钩负荷以及各种恒载。

    All practical loads on the mast structure such as the wind load, the dead load and the hook load are considered.


  • 文中考虑井架实际情况:自重、载荷大钩负荷以及各种恒载。

    All practical loads on the mast structure such as the wind load, the dead load and the hook load are considered.


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