• 根水破裂漏了满屋子

    A pipe ruptured, leaking water all over the house.


  • 出来极强。

    It's like a hose but the water comes out really really fast and hard.


  • 设备可以穿梭加热炉内任意位置,具备可移动性稳定性操作性好的特点

    The equipment can shuttle to the position of any one water beam in the heating furnace back and forth, and has the characteristics of strong mobility, high stability and good maneuverability.


  • 起初古琴只有代表五种元素

    At first, the gugin had only five strings, representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.


  • 多尔河(以前是村民的源)迅速干涸时,赛迪曼意识到土地需要一些

    Sadiman realized that the land was in need of some water when the Gendol River—previously the source of water for villagers—was quickly drying up.


  • 这些顾客知道所有这些高档瓶装都是来自餐厅后面自来相同

    The patrons had no idea that all of the fancy bottles of water were filled with the same water from a water hose in the back of the restaurant.


  • 我们生活中早已变得相当平淡无奇(至少在西方第一世界国家如此),,“我们视若无睹,而且长期以来就一直如此。”

    "Water has become so commonplace in our lives (at least in Western First World countries) that, Fagan says," we are indifferent to it and have been for a long time.


  • 完全不足以

    But root pressure is not nearly great enough to push water to the tops of tall trees.


  • 每一抛物线将阳光聚集沿着玻璃镜槽的管道上,能量被聚集用于加热里面,最终产生蒸汽推动连接在泵上的蒸汽机。

    Each parabolic trough focused sunlight onto a tube running along its length, heating the water inside it.


  • 蓝蓝的天空块石头,每一清澈说明人们运动会付出灯火努力热情

    The blue sky, each stone, each piece of grass and the clear water are all blended to tell of people's efforts and enthusiasm for the Games.


  • 为了主意的顺利爬升,那里有至少有7旗杆(runningupthe flagpole for ideas投石问路,试)。

    There are no fewer than seven flagpoles for the running up of ideas.


  • 供职于德国哥马克思普朗克协会进行太阳系研究霍尔格思科表示颗彗星内部密度一半

    The comet's interior, meanwhile, says Holger Sierks of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, in Göttingen, Germany, has only half the density of water.


  • 设备包括有伸缩带有单独空气通道和喷嘴驱动机械

    Each device consists of a single, retractable lance and a drive mechanism equipped with separate air and water nozzles.


  • 在1984年我厂元老研发标准显微硬度有关专家鉴定,各项指标达到国际

    As early as 1984, the status of our plant veteran developed standards Shuigen microhardness block, by the experts, the indicators have reached international standards.


  • 大部分观赏植物和其他植物一样需要修剪以及检查病虫害

    Most ornamentals have the same needs as other plantswater, mulch, pruning for shape and inspection for pests.


  • 出生于摇篮里孵化出蝌蚪形状的幼体。

    Gungans are hatched from eggs in water cradles, and are born as tadpoles.


  • 一条普遍规则是:对体型较大型植物浇次数最好(例如一周一次),不过时让它们浸泡更长久这样才能抵达它们

    As a general rule, it's better to water larger plants less often (say, once a week), but to soak them longer so that the water can reach their deeper roots.


  • 人造悬浮空中极细的鱼悬挂),半透明树脂极薄片呈现上方的人工光照使地面呈现粼粼波光

    The artificial "stone", a thin layer of translucent resin shaped to a wavy form, will float (hung by transparent wires) in the air, with spotlight on top to strengthen the variation of the thickness.


  • 由于发射管位于每个工厂只有植物获得地面其余部分保持干燥

    Because the tubes and their emitters are located at each plant, only the roots of that plant receive water while the rest of the ground remains dry.


  • 它用蹄子植物得到少量

    The little water it gets comes from plant roots, which it digs out with its hoofs.


  • 老师准备许多道具铁棒块手帕一张一瓶酒精还有一盆装满

    Teachers prepared a number of props: an iron bar, a handkerchief, a piece of paper and a bottle of alcohol, there is a pot filled with water basin.


  • 可以使管道植物灌溉达到最佳值。

    For optimized irrigation, water and fertilizer are conveyed directly from the pipelines to the roots of the plants.


  • 幸运的是,抓住木头使他浮岛河岸

    Fortunately him, he grasped a big piece of wood, and the water him to the bank of the river.


  • 明天早上他们就能自己伸直,去地里找喝了。

    Tomorrow morning, they can spread their roots for water.


  • 频繁泥土表面伸展寻找,纵容植物产生不良好的结构

    Frequent shallow watering can force roots to come up to the soil surface in search of a drink, encouraging a plant to develop a weak structure.


  • 棵大树不多,自来停机

    He was like a tree that has not many roots, but one tap-root that goes down deep.


  • 化妆皮肤而后迅速蒸发没有时间养分渗透至皮肤里层。

    Make up water in the skin, then put on the table water evaporated quickly, root wood don't have time to let the nutrient to permeate to the layer of skin.


  • 实验所需塑胶钉子钳子一些

    What you will need: an empty plastic soda bottle, a small nail, pliers and some water.


  • 实验所需塑胶钉子钳子一些

    What you will need: an empty plastic soda bottle, a small nail, pliers and some water.


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