• 访问计划数据库引擎根据提交sql语句创建的。

    The access plan is created by the database engine based on the SQL statement that is submitted.


  • 根据提交付款类型流程将调用相应信用卡公司处理付款。

    Based on the type of payment submitted, the process invokes the corresponding credit card company to process the payment.


  • 演讲嘉宾应邀出席讲习班根据提交摘要口头报告。

    Speakers will also be invited to present in the workshops and in the oral sessions based on submitted abstracts.


  • 依据具体法庭规则,法庭可以根据提交摘要做出判决可以安排口头辩论

    Depending on the rules of the particular court, the court may decide the case based on the briefs submitted to the court or the court may schedule oral argument.


  • 而且一定编写大量PHP代码完成诸如分析表单提交根据提交数据决定之类的事务。

    You've certainly written a bunch of PHP code that did things like analyze form submissions and make decisions based on submitted data.


  • 任何相信符合必要专利(专利申请)的当事人,均有权根据提交条件程序申请上述专家组其纳入必要专利进行评估

    Any party that believes it has essential patents (or patent applications) is invited to submit them for evaluation and inclusion in accordance with the terms and procedures governing submissions.


  • 根据规定所有学位答辩人均提交论文一式

    It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation.


  • 美国邮政管理局敦促那些没有常驻地址的人根据地址提交地址变更

    USPS urges those without standing addresses to file change-of-address forms with their new location.


  • 在对运行查询相当好的主意之后可以编写程序根据算法生成提交查询,这一点下面就会讨论到。

    After you have a fairly good idea of the queries that you want to run, you can write programs that generate and submit the queries algorithmically, as I discuss next.


  • 协同过滤系统第二个效果是收集信息是基于哪种内容喜欢还是不喜欢评注根据提交参加投票的习惯,这些正是用户数据概况。

    The second aspect of the (CF) system collects information on what kind of content and commentary you like and dislike, and based on your submission and voting habits, it does user-data-profiling.


  • 不管数据是否提交以及根据语句谓词是否排除对于索引扫描访问执行这样锁定操作。

    This locking was done for both index scans and table access whether or not the row of data was committed or whether it would have been excluded based on the statement's predicates.


  • 根据请求提交证据查询决定是否授权该请求者访问保护资源

    Given the evidence that a requester submits, the query determines if the requester is authorized to access the secured resource.


  • 可以根据业务规则让延续失效这样容易防止两次提交表单

    You can invalidate continuations based on business rules, so it's easy to prevent a form from being submitted twice.


  • 服务构建提交ram时,策略治理器插件根据架构编码标准验证实现

    When the service build is submitted back to RAM, the policy governor plug-in validates the implementation against architectural and coding standards.


  • 事务性工作可以根据请求自动撤销(假设没有提交),使得脚本中的错误处理变得更加容易

    Transactional work can also be automatically undone at your request (provided you haven't already committed it), which makes error handling in your scripts easier.


  • 根据 Paper提交站点说明,大会的举办时间919-23日。

    The dates are September 19-23, 2010 and according to the submissions website


  • 具体来说,就是XFormssubmission增加一个resource元素允许用它所包含uri根据实例数据动态计算提交

    Specifically, a resource child element for the XForms submission element that will allow a URI to be used for dynamically calculating the submission based on instance data.


  • GoogleMaps根据通过网页表单提交输入用户地址显示不同地图。

    Google maps shows different maps according to the user's address input through a Web form submission on the Web page.


  • 存档过程InfoSphereContentCollector服务器会取得之前提交数据根据使用

    During the archiving process, the InfoSphere Content Collector server fetches previously submitted data and USES it according to the use case.


  • 提交根据资产版本化政策改进资产版本之前,RAM通过添加“versionof前缀修改现有资产版本。

    RAM modifies the existing asset version by prefixing it with "version of" in anticipation that the submitter will refine this according to the asset versioning policy.


  • Web服务可以让使用者根据鱼饵类型提交请求,查询库存

    The Web service enables calling consumers to submit a request for an inventory of lures based on the lure type.


  • 本次竞赛邀请有关组织根据以下三个主题提交建议书

    The 2009 competition invites organizations to submit proposals in three subthemes


  • 各国根据新的气候协议提交二氧化碳减排目标截止日期已经到了。

    The deadline has passed for countries to submit CO2-reduction targets under the new climate accord.


  • 承认自己之间存在着比较根据金于本周提交候选人参选文件,金现年应为四十而非先前金的自传所描述37岁

    He acknowledges that comparisons will be made between himself and Jean (who according to the candidacy papers he filed this week is 40 years old, not 37 as his BIOS previously said).


  • 根据用户提交搜索参数使用迭代方式构建查询将查询限制那些可以当前日期内有效显示的已批准清单

    Construct this query iteratively, depending on the search parameters submitted by the user, and restrict it to only those approved listings that are valid for display on the current date.


  • 根据这些新的要求公司在向投资者提交风险报告必须气候变化影响考虑在内

    Under these new requirements, companies must weigh the impact of climate change when reporting risks to their investors.


  • 根据这些新的要求公司在向投资者提交风险报告必须气候变化影响考虑在内

    Under these new requirements, companies must weigh the impact of climate change when reporting risks to their investors.


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