• 根据公约第33条,缔约方会议通过公约议定书

    According to Article 33 of the Convention, the COP may adopt protocols to the Convention.


  • 根据公约第16第5爱沙尼亚共和国表明承诺管辖范围内完全禁止自动售烟机

    In accordance with article 16, paragraph 5 of the Convention, the Republic of Estonia indicates its commitment to a total ban on tobacco vending machines within its jurisdiction.


  • 根据国际劳工组织有关公约,“童工劳动专门系指损害儿童健康、影响上学工作这种工作会阻碍儿童未来生长发育

    "Child Labour" according to ILO conventions, refers specifically to work that damages the health of a child, prevents school attendance and which could block future growth and development.


  • 根据历史悠久国际版权协议伯尔尼公约》,版权所有不必每个国家登记保护他们权利

    Under the Berne convention, a long-standing international copyright agreement, copyright owners do not have to register in every country in order to protect their rights.


  • 美国戴维斯开枪出于自卫,而且名外交官,根据国际公约立即释放他。

    The United States says Davis acted in self-defense and is a diplomat who should be released immediately under international conventions.


  • 根据欧元区稳定增长公约(SGP),经济运行赤字超过GDP3%则被认为每年削减结构性赤字应该占gdp的0.5%,否则将面临罚款

    Under the euro area's stability and growth pact (SGP), economies running deficits larger than 3% of GDP were supposed to trim their structural deficits by 0.5% of GDP per year or face fines.


  • 根据韦斯博士尚未发表数据,六氟化硫目前排放量框架公约报告的排放量的

    According to Dr Weiss's as-yet-unpublished figures, about four times as much of it is being emitted as is reported under the framework convention.


  • 根据伯尔尼公约解释,作者道德上权利以下几种。

    As defined by the Berne Convention, the moral rights of an author are as follows.


  • 根据国际公约一般在12月31日6月30日协调世界时中加入或减去闰

    Under an international pact, the preference for leap seconds is December 31 or June 30.


  • 根据儿童权利公约》,每个婴幼儿都享有获得良好营养权利

    Every infant and child has the right to good nutrition according to the Convention on the Rights of the child.


  • 为了通过儿童权利公约报告过程增进卫生监测活动,正在根据儿童权利公约制定儿童青少年卫生的主要指标

    To increase health monitoring through the CRC reporting process, the Department is developing key indicators on child and adolescent health in the context of the CRC.


  • 秘书处根据缔约方会议决定维持关于可得资金数据库缔约方提供援助实施公约》的一个工具

    The database on available resources maintained by the Secretariat in accordance with the decisions of the COP is a tool for Parties to assist them in implementing the Convention.


  • 同时保护世界卫生组织会徽、名称缩写避免根据保护工业产权巴黎公约第6注册商标

    The WHO emblem, name and abbreviation are also protected from being registered as a trade mark under Article 6 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.


  • 根据公约加拿大必须要在2013年之前提交申请,而且打算那时提交。

    Canada has until 2013 to file its claim-and intends to do so.


  • 公约自2005年2月27生效后,缔约方具有法律约束力缔约方义务根据公约规定实施烟草控制措施

    On that date, it became legally binding for its Contracting Parties, meaning that they were obligated to implement tobacco control measures according to the provisions outlined in the WHO FCTC.


  • 根据1997年签署一项国际武器公约日本义务向中国提供资金设备人员转移销毁遗留在中国的所有武器弹药。

    According to an international weapons convention signed in 1997, Japan is obliged to provide funds, equipment and personnel to remove and destroy all weapons it left in China.


  • 兹取得以下共同谅解根据公约承运人责任推定过失疏忽原则基础。

    It is the common understanding that the liability of the carrier under this Convention is based on the principle of presumed fault or neglect.


  • 根据濒临绝种野生动植物国际贸易公约》,象牙交易全面禁止,然而盗猎者们每年仍要杀掉数以万计的大象满足市场象牙的需求

    Poachers skill tens of thousands of elephants a year to meet demand for the material, despite the trade ban, according to the Convention on International trade in Endangered Species and other groups.


  • 期间提起司法诉讼仲裁根据公约任何诉讼失去时效。

    Any action under this Convention is time-barred if judicial or arbitral proceedings have not been instituted within a period of two years.


  • 这些证书在1已经过期了根据SOLAS公约的规定,救生筏12月进行一次检验

    PSCO: I'm afraid these reports were overdue one months ago. According to the SOLAS Convention., the liferafts should be examined every 12 months.


  • 无装饰包装根据《世卫组织烟草控制框架公约率先澳大利亚实行的一项措施

    Plain packaging is a measure, under the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, pioneered in Australia.


  • 此外参与计划根据国际劳工组织公约森林砍伐原始森林使用转基因棉花禁止奴役贩卖人口,使用童工

    In addition, participation in the program forbids slavery, human trafficking, child labor according to ILO conventions, deforestation of primary forests, or the use of genetically modified cotton.


  • 中国遵守加入国际知识产权公约协议的承诺根据有关国内法保护知识产权所有者权益

    China will comply with its commitments under relevant international IPR conventions or agreements it has entered and protect the interests of IPR holders according to its domestic laws.


  • 因为根据万国邮政公约邮票不得明信片背面

    Because according to the International Postal Convention, it is not allowed to affix stamps on its back.


  • 根据世界卫生组织公约规定,烟草产品必须外包装上印有明显的“吸烟有害健康”的提示

    According gto the WHO convention, tobacco products must carry prominent health warnings on the packaging.


  • 港口监控港口所在国家根据有关国际公约规定的标准,进入港口的外国籍船舶所实施的一种监督控制制度

    Port state control regulated by the country, in which the port is located, on the basis of relevant international treaty is a system to supervise and control vessel of Alien nationality.


  • 港口监控港口所在国家根据有关国际公约规定的标准,进入港口的外国籍船舶所实施的一种监督控制制度

    Port state control regulated by the country, in which the port is located, on the basis of relevant international treaty is a system to supervise and control vessel of Alien nationality.


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