• 核电成本涨幅其他发电厂更多它们规模复杂性稀有性使得节约成本难上加难。

    Their cost has risen more than that of other power plants; their scale, complexity and scarcity make it hard to economise.


  • 所有核电(仅有一个得以幸存),以及半数的煤炭发电厂2023年之前关闭取代。

    All but one of its nuclear stations, and about half of its coal power plants, will shut by 2023 and must be replaced.


  • 英国需要加强供电能力因为2023年,除了一个核电之外,英国所有核电一半煤炭发电厂面临关闭的命运。

    Britain needs to increase its capacity for electricity generation because all but one of the country's nuclear facilities, and half of its coal power plants, are due to shut by 2023.


  • 除此以外,可以地热发电厂核电

    They could also be used in geothermal and nuclear power plants.


  • 立雅经营大型煤炭火力发电厂核电-相反试图提供效率”-基本上是让客户电网得到更多的效率。

    Veolia doesn't run big coal or nuclear power plants - instead, it tries to deliver "efficiency" - basically getting more out of the electricity grid.


  • 大家知道吗地球从不停止发热——这意味着一家地热发电厂一家核电那样规律地发电

    You see, the Earth's heat never stopsmeaning a geothermal power plant can produce electricity as regularly as a nuclear power plant can.


  • 陈旧核电脏乱的发电厂未来必须关闭

    Elderly nuclear power stations and dirty coal plants must be shut down over the next five years.


  • 机构表示福岛核电厂反应堆冷却系统断电可能会发生爆炸。此前这座核电号核反应堆星期六发生了爆炸。

    The agency says the cooling system at the number three reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is offline and could possibly explode, following Saturday's blast at the plant's number one reactor.


  • 更早一些的例子,位于辛辛那提的奇摩尔发电厂最初设计核电但是运行之前改为燃气发电。

    An earlier reactor was the Zimmer Power plant in Cincinnati, which was originally designed as a nuclear plant but it was converted to natural gas before it began operating.


  • 支持建立核电而不是燃煤发电厂

    Would you rather see nuclear reactors constructed than more coal-fired power plants?


  • 这其中约有45%来自使用北海油气发电厂,35%左右来自燃煤发电站,不到15%来自核电剩余部分则借助了其他能源

    Just over 45% of that came from power plants fuelled by gas from the North Sea. A further 35% or so came from coal, less than 15% from nuclear power and the rest from a hotch-potch of other sources.


  • 德国所有核电运营商正在努力,可再生能源以及气电发电厂替换他们的核发电能力(这是合计发电总数四分之一)。

    All four big German operators are working hard to replace their nuclear capacity (about a quarter of their combined total) with renewable power or gas-fired plants.


  • 核电来说,这个数值220万千瓦太阳能光伏发电厂为150,000千瓦,陆上风电场只有100,000千瓦。

    For a nuclear plant it was 2.2 million kilowatts, while it was just 150, 000 kilowatts for a photovoltaic plant and 100, 000 kilowatts for an onshore wind plant.


  • 核电大型发电厂民用机场、大型港口

    Nuclear power plant, large power plant, civil airports and large wharves;


  • 德国大部分电力来自火力发电厂核电

    Most of Germany's electricity comes from coal-fired and nuclear plants.


  • 罗尔表示世界各国依赖矿物燃料发电厂、取缔核电行为使得控制温室气体目标更不可能得以实现

    Birol also said that the world's reliance on fossil fuel power stations and the scaling back of nuclear power make it less likely for the world to meet its greenhouse gas target.


  • 随着电力体制改革的逐步推进,火力发电厂不得不国内核电水电公平竞争

    With the carrying out of reforms in China's power industry, fossil-fueled power plants have to face fair competition with nuclear and water power plants, which are more competitive in costs.


  • 我们电力行业的业务领域涵盖:燃煤电厂、联合循环电厂、风电场核电以及水力发电厂

    Our business in power generation field covers Coal Fired, Combined Cycle, Wind Energy, Nuclear, Hydraulic power plants.


  • 机构表示福岛核电厂反应堆冷却系统断电可能会发生爆炸。 此前这座核电号核反应堆星期六发生了爆炸。

    The agency says the cooling system at the number three reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is offline and could possibly explode, following Saturday's blast at the plant's number one reactor.


  • 日本世界最大煤炭进口国之一去年该国的一个核电地震受损一家发电厂煤炭需求因此增加了

    Japan, one of the world's biggest importers, is burning even more coal since an earthquake damaged a nuclear reactor last year, doubling one utility's coal intake.


  • 斯摩棱斯克核电不仅西北俄罗斯最大发电厂也是一个伟大的鱼场

    Smolensk Nuclear power plant is not only the largest power plant in the North-West of Russia it is also a great fish-farm!


  • 例如老化燃煤发电厂报废后,必须新建燃气发电厂核电维系电力供应

    For example, the retirement of ageing coal-fired electric power plants requires the construction of new gas-fired or nuclear facilities if supply is to be maintained.


  • 火力发电厂水力发电厂风电核电送变电公司——电力工程师中坚

    The engineers are elites -in thermal power stations, water power stations, wind and nuclear power stations, transformer companies.


  • 火力发电厂水力发电厂风电核电送变电公司——电力工程师中坚

    The engineers are elites -in thermal power stations, water power stations, wind and nuclear power stations, transformer companies.


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