• 我们定义一个针对提出样本问题资源

    We define a resource against which the sample issues are raised.


  • 不得不手工添加那些定义BPWS4J中的样本应该足以指导您完成任务。

    Those definitions will have to be added in by hand; the samples in BPWS4J should serve as a sufficient guide for this.


  • 一下样本应用中的源代码了解如何XSL定义使用css样式

    Take a look at the source code of the sample application to see how to define and use CSS styles with XSL.


  • 清单8包括一个样本wsdl定义

    Listing 8 includes a sample WSDL definition.


  • 清单3中的样本演示了如何使用FO定义

    The sample in Listing 3 illustrates how to define a table with two columns using FO.


  • 下面代码样本显示定义别名定义

    The following code sample shows the class definition and the definition for our table alias.


  • 解决持续时间聚合问题可以使用TIMESTAMPDIFF,如下面的样本实例所显示,它使用DB2UDB 实现的嵌入式 UDF(用户定义功能)。

    The solution for aggregation of timestamp durations is to use TIMESTAMPDIFF, a built-in UDF (user defined function) that is included with DB2 UDB, as shown in the following example.


  • 可以看到样本应用程序至少Web服务实现了WS - i定义三个使用情形中的一个情形。

    As you can see, at least one Web service in the sample application implements each of the three usage scenarios defined by WS-I.


  • 样本代码提供组成该结构的数据定义语言(Data Definition Language,DDL集成交换格式(Integration Exchange Format,IXF文件

    The sample code provides the Data Definition Language (DDL) and Integration Exchange Format (IXF) files which make up the structure.


  • 提供样本jms客户机应用程序要求定义Queue对象对象引用目标队列管理器已经存在的队列。

    The supplied sample JMS Client application expects a queue object to be defined, which references an existing queue on the target queue manager.


  • 为了简单起见可以包含WAR文件中的样本复制粘贴addabook . jsp定义

    For simplicity, you can simply copy and paste the definition of the AddABook.jsp from the sample that is included in the WAR file.


  • 复制样本报表定义文件biLoyalCustomerActivity.xml下面的目录中\xml\tools\bi\。

    Copy the sample report definition file biLoyalCustomerActivity.xml to the following directory, \xml\tools\bi\.


  • 为了简化样本定义企业名称,并极好命名的setName方法完成清单3

    To keep the sample simple, I am only defining the business name, done with the elegantly-named setName method, in Listing 3.


  • 既然篇文章已经大概描述了这些步骤并且定义样本应用软件,那么现在需要执行这些任务,从而最终测试这个样本应用软件

    Now that this article has outlined the steps and defined your sample application, you need to perform these tasks to finally test the sample application


  • 请参阅设置数据库了解样本定义

    See Setting up the database for the sample table definition.


  • 样本实例中文本一部分包含了关于消息模板信息,也就是消息定义的限定以及消息定义定义各个部分。

    The first part of the text in the example contains information about the message template, that is, the qualified name of message definiton and the parts defined in the message definition.


  • 定义整体或者一类事物作出论断,但立论基础却是不充分样本(不典型或者数量太少样本等等)。

    Definition: Making assumptions about a whole group or range of cases based on a sample that is inadequate (usually because it is atypical or too small).


  • 使用Rails我们能够使用生成器生成样本代码,并且可以通过少量工作创建更多定义应用程序

    With Rails, we're able to use generators to produce boilerplate code, or we can create more custom applications with little effort, as well.


  • 两种基准参考燃料庚烷异辛分别定义辛烷值为0和辛烷值为100,将它们混合产生实验样本相等强度的爆震。

    Two primary standard reference fuels, normal heptane and iso-octane arbitrarily assigned 0 and 100 octane number, respectively, are then blended to produce the same knock intensity as the test sample.


  • 比值定义公共个数除以样本所有位的个数。

    The definition of the ratio is the number of common bits, divided by the number of bits set in either sample.


  • 本文选取2000上市公司样本991个,定义基于股权结构股东保护变量,在此基础上研究了股东保护与现金持有量之间的关系

    For a sample of 991 firms from capital market in year 2000, we define the concept of shareholder protection according to equity ownership structure and study its relationship to the cash holdings.


  • 我们几种不同方式定义这个概念,取决于我们指的是,样本均值还是总体均值。

    We can define it in a couple of different ways depending on whether we're talking about sample mean or population mean.


  • 提出关键技术包括挖掘主题定义方法海量训练样本在线生成高性能数据挖掘算法

    The key technologies is proposed, including methods of definition of mining topics, online acquirement of extra large amount of training samples, and algorithms of data mining with high performance.


  • 重点介绍了EOO格式空间数据规格定义以及GML格式转换处理过程,福建省主要公路数据集为样本数据验证了集成结果

    The spatial data specification of EOO and its conversion to GML format is discussed and the data integration result was validated with Fujian Major Highway database as a sample database.


  • 分类算法首先计算未知类别样本重构系数定义一种误差作为判别标准,根据此误差的大小判断样本的类别归属。

    This algorithm firstly computes the reconstruction weights of unknown samples. Then an error, on which the class of samples can be decided based, is defined as a criterion.


  • 定义应用确保数据准确完整技巧随机抽样法、分层抽样法、样本同质性

    Define and apply techniques for assuring data accuracy and integrity such as random sampling, stratified sampling, sample homogeneity, etc.


  • 第三章介绍本文研究方法设计包括样本选取数据来源变量定义描述性统计

    Chapter 3 lists out research methods used and concept of design, including selection of samples, source of data, definition of variables and descriptive statistics.


  • 首先通过重新定义样本散布矩阵散布矩阵,提出一种新的空间

    First, by redefining the within class scatter matrix and the between class scatter matrix, a new null space method was presented.


  • 首先通过重新定义样本散布矩阵散布矩阵,提出一种新的空间

    First, by redefining the within class scatter matrix and the between class scatter matrix, a new null space method was presented.


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