• 参加夏令营活动老师推举的流程教育局分发每个中心校一定名额(确保总数是60人),中心校校长根据名额推举老师参加。

    Teachers were nominated by Central Primary Schools of each town and the quota for each town was distributed by county level EB to make sure that teachers add up to 60.


  • 一般会在下课后两个小时校报工作,她校报的新闻编辑

    Typically she spends two hours after school working on the school newspaper, where she is news editor.


  • 圣诞节前国会刚刚通过了一项加强营养限制校餐提供的卡路里上限立法

    Just before Christmas, Congress passed legislation boosting the nutritional requirements for meals served in schools, and imposing calorie ceilings on school-served meals.


  • 所在的校园里,已经很少有人会关心报纸。 零散校报散落里,页面被沾有泥巴鞋子踏过,留下串串脚印,但是很少人人会想,这些校报是编辑花费数周心血的创作。

    Even on my own campus, few seem to care about newspapers anymore; sections of the school paper lie in puddles, and muddy shoe prints soil the pages that took the editors weeks to complete.


  • 去年校实施方案首次面世时,师生对此并不抱热情

    When the Yale-NUS undertaking was first disclosed last year, it wasn’t received enthusiastically by some teachers and students of both schools.


  • 我们大小旧校。或我们新校比旧校大三倍。

    Our new school is four times the size of the old one.


  • 最后理论现状基础提出了小学语文生活化教学实践策略以期聋校小学语文生活化教学有所助益。

    Finally, in theory and the status quo, based on Proposed life of deaf primary school language teaching practice strategies with a view to living deaf primary school language teaching be helpful.


  • 由于不明俗字俗语,白话小说整理过程常常出现失校、校、擅改情况

    In collating the novels in the vernacular, errors often occurred in the wrong use of words, missing of words and wrong choice of words.


  • 部分办学团体由于属较多,因应情况分阶段属校成立法团校董会

    Some sponsoring bodies are having a greater number of schools, and they would need to, taking into account their own circumstances, set up IMCs for their schools by phases.


  • 我们每个人都为荣努力学习,争取有朝一日能成为校以为荣成功者。

    I think everyone should be proud of our school, try to work hard and make our school proud of you one day.


  • 第三部分为“存在的问题加强“一人一”建设建议

    Part Three: Problems in the "One people, one school" Model and Suggestions to Enhance the Model.


  • 大学里,学习经济学社会学参加足球队比赛和校剧社的演出。

    There, he studied economics and sociology, played on the football team, and acted in school plays.


  • 本文阐述轴系计算过程要素处理模型建立,校中计算基本方法

    This article expatiates the applicable method for the shaft alignment calculation and rationale in element process, setup of model and alignment calculation.


  • 如何不断加强学校的硬件建设,即改善办学条件整顿校容校貌的同时,更好提高软件水平使学校工作一个台阶

    How to continuously strengthen the school's infrastructure, to improve teaching conditions, school consolidation, and better improve the software level, to make school work on a new level.


  • 第7届校辩论赛最佳辩手称号。 在届校辩论赛中获“最佳辩手”称号。

    Won the title of "The Best Debater" in the 7th College Debate Contest.


  • 本文简要介绍了双语教学特点国外一些实践可能中国聋校语文教学的影响进行分析

    This paper introduces features and some practice of bilingual teaching in brief, moreover, the analysis of the effect on Chinese teaching in schools for the deaf of China.


  • 小学语文教育作为聋校小学教育课程组成部分担负着聋生听力康复语言学习责任

    Deaf primary language education, primary education as a deaf part of the curriculum, to carry out deaf hearing rehabilitation and language learning responsibility.


  • 方法采用固定体积分数不固定体积分数校标对血清AST进行测定

    Method: To measure the serum AST by using the fixed volume integral number calibrating and unfixed volume integral number calibrating .


  • 阐述了校飞模拟器雷达研制试验过程中的作用。介绍了单脉冲雷达校飞模拟器软硬件功能概况。

    This paper presents the use of flighttesting simulator in radar design and experiment, and describes a brief of hardware and software functions in flighttesting simulator of monopulse radar.


  • 理论上分析,设计校相信号模拟完全满足系统自动精度要求

    And the theoretic analyze shows this signal simulating source could fully meet the control accuracy requirement for system auto phase correction.


  • 课题研究旨在通过分析家合作社会背景合作现状实现提高实践中的合作水平营造和谐的教育环境的目标。

    This article regards home education and school education as the theoretical foundation to improve the home-school cooperation level and to construct the harmonious education.


  • 第二,第一第一中华书局点校本《梁书》的失校之处进行勘正,其中包括标点文字校勘,以及史实考辨。

    We check and correct the errors in the version of the Zhonghua Press, including punctuations, words and historical facts in the first section of the first chapter.


  • 结果表明165家庭父母单方反对子女参加田径队训练;有380户家庭父母双方均反对子女参加校田径队训练。

    The result shows that there are 165 families unilateral opposing their children joining school sports team training, and 380 families both opposing their children joining training.


  • 违反制度疑心两个维度上,重点校学生攻击性水平显著高于普通学生。

    On the dimensions of nonconformity and suspiciousness, common school students' aggressiveness level was significantly higher than that of key school students'.


  • 传统电力台由模拟功放待校电表及标准表提供校表电流造成系统效率体积、重量重。

    The traditional power meter calibrating system usually has the shortcomings of low efficiency and large volume due to its standard voltage and current source rely on the analog amplifier.


  • 本文介绍了基本原理并分析了校温过程中出现的故障处理方法

    This paper introduces the basic principles for temperature-adjusting of the hot roll, analyzes its fault?reason, and gives the solution to this fault.


  • 本文介绍了基本原理并分析了校温过程中出现的故障处理方法

    This paper introduces the basic principles for temperature-adjusting of the hot roll, analyzes its fault?reason, and gives the solution to this fault.


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