• 该文首先分析JPEG2000压缩数据结构此基础上,提出信息概念,并提出新的树距离度量方法。

    The data structure in JPEG2000 compressed domain is firstly analyzed. The concept of information tree and a novel tree-distance measurement are then proposed.


  • 理想角度讲,新家地点一棵内部地面一定的距离蜂巢座北朝,蜂巢里有大量可以生育储存蜂蜜空间

    Ideally, the site will be a cavity in a tree, well off the ground, with a small entrance hole facing south, and lots of room inside for brood and honey.


  • 距离英里东北方向地方的一棵那儿获取到一个意念

    "I've received an impression from a tree about two or three miles northeast of here, " he said.


  • 这种距离在初期还感觉不到,慢慢地扩展下去就好比分枝枝虽脱离,但已逐渐远离

    This breach, at first insensible, increases slowly, like all separations of branches. The boughs, without becoming detached from the trunk, grow away from it.


  • 希望植1百万公园,每位纽约居所到公园距离都少于10分钟

    He hopes to add 1m trees. New parks should mean that every New Yorker lives no more than 10 minutes away from one.


  • 我们在田纳西州纳什维尔英里地方,灌木丛公园里,房子很大也没什么规律,马路距离

    The family home was a few miles from Nashville, Tennessee, a large, irregularly built dwelling of no particular order of architecture, a little way off the road, in a park of trees and shrubbery.


  • 中等厚度的防风林背风20距离在迎风侧则在3倍于高的距离减小风速10%以上。

    A medium-thick shelterbelt can reduce wind velocity by more than 10 percent to a distance of 20 times the tree height on the leeward side and three times the height to the windward.


  • 偶尔飘零叶子,一片厌倦的叶子拉开距离

    Occasionally float zero wear the one leaf, the one be tired of of the leaf and tree drew back distance.


  • 距离风扇最近第一他们一般建议种植秋季落叶或者带有蜡质表面

    For the first row nearest the fans, they generally suggested trees that lose their leaves in the fall or trees with waxy leaf surfaces.


  • 世界最远距离不是距离而是同根生长的,却无法风中相依

    The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between trees, but the branches cannot depend on each other in the wind.


  • 棵大之间间距6米左右马路路面有约50公分距离

    The spacing between two trees at about 6 meters, tree stump, about 50 cm away from the road surface distance.


  • 更近距离观赏私人花园中的一草一木露天平台则室外无边无际的风景延伸屋内开阔无比

    Closer to the private garden of ornamental plants and trees, tree house outdoor open-air platform will be extended to house a myriad of landscapes, very open.


  • 论文重点研究了决策内部结点特征选择方法设计了一个新的距离函数

    The research emphasizes on the feature selection in internal-nodes, and designs a new Distance Difference Function.


  • 应用UPGMA计算种群种群遗传距离构建了系统

    UPGMA is taken to calculate the genetic distance within and between populations. Systematic tree is constructed.


  • 会跑很远的距离克服或穿越一切障碍拿到那个

    He runs or swims any distance, over or through any obstacle, to get that stick.


  • 算法高斯相似度量方差矩阵间距离由此测度建立了反映协方差矩阵结构关系的二叉决策

    Gaussian similarity is used for measuring the distance of different covariance. A binary decision tree is constructed with this measure.


  • 使用DISPAN软件PHYLIP软件计算不同群体遗传距离绘制系统

    The genetic distance and phylogenetic tree between Chinese Hans and other populations were estimated by using DISPAN and PHYLIP software.


  • 语言模型距离依赖依存句法最大策略

    Language model; Long distance dependency; dependency syntax tree; Max entropy method.


  • 构造骨架邻接矩阵并给出拓扑标记向量定义拓扑标记向量之差范数作为两个骨架匹配节点距离

    Construct the skeleton tree′s adjacency matrix, then define a Topology Signature Vector and compute the distance of matching node pair by the difference of the TSV.


  • 二元数组表示图象使用距离概念运用线性四元表示

    The concept of distance used in binary array representations of images is applied to a linear quadtree representation.


  • 针对如何快速求取空间STL模型表面有符号距离问题,提出一种基于线性八叉参考方法

    For fast calculating the signed distance from spatial point to STL model, a reference ball method was put foward based on linear octree.


  • 分割拓扑距离在总体上可反映间的拓扑结构差异其测度精确度通经拓扑距离要低

    The partition topological distance can by and large measure the difference between phylogenetic trees, but has lower accuracy than the pathway topological distance.


  • 橄榄距离局限计较太多丧失真情,人也会在朦胧的计较丧失自我审美的尺度

    Olive trees, people will care about the limitations of distance from the loss of too much truth, people will care about in the dim lost self-aesthetic yardstick.


  • 系统分支点处数字代表系统自展(1 000次重复);标尺长度代表遗传距离

    Note: the Numbers on the branch points of the phylogenetic tree represented bootstrap values of the tree (1 000 replicates); Scale length represented genetic distance.


  • 我们已经分析相对位置单独序列及其集群他们距离假设根源进化以及

    We have analyzed the relative positions of separate sequences and their clusters and their distance to the hypothetical root of phylogenetic tree as well.


  • 我们已经分析相对位置单独序列及其集群他们距离假设根源进化以及

    We have analyzed the relative positions of separate sequences and their clusters and their distance to the hypothetical root of phylogenetic tree as well.


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