• 今天早些时候送来橙色玫瑰下图,最上面摆放着有趣的google标志

    A colorful cardboard Google logo was placed atop bouquets of orange roses, below, that had been hand delivered earlier in the day.


  • 餐馆研究表明账单被放在印有信用标志托盘上时,现金付账顾客往往留下更多的小费

    Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit-card logo.


  • 科学家们设置一个鸟类的“西诺赌场”,那里放两个标志鸽子下赌注

    Scientists set up an avian casino in which pigeons could place their bets on one of two symbols.


  • 这些劫匪身穿带有纽约警察局标志防弹背心平安洗劫波维奇夫妇的

    The robbers wore bulletproof vests bearing the New York Police Department logo and ransacked the Kapovics' home on Christmas Eve.


  • 穆阿迈尔·扎菲标志利比亚一个时代结束

    The death of Muammar Qaddafi marked the end of an era in Libya.


  • 自从2002年以来,圣大卫之成为了的夫足球俱乐部标志个画黑色背景下金色十字组成,图案中间是一只蓝知更鸟

    Since 2002 the flag has also formed a part of the Cardiff City Football Club logo. It consists of a shield containing a gold cross on black, with a bluebird in the centre.


  • 自从2002年以来,圣大卫之成为的夫某足球俱乐部标志,它个画黑色背景下金色十字组成,图案中间是一只蓝知更鸟。

    Since 2002 the flag has also formed a part of the Cardiff City Football Club logo.It consists of a shield containing a gold cross on black, with a bluebird in the centre.


  • 认同通常印有机构吉祥物标志

    The CARDS often are emblazoned with the mascot or logo of the organization.


  • 萨尔卓越演绎为这套大提琴组曲俘获了大批追随者组曲子也成了这位大提琴大师职业辉煌点的标志

    Casals's superb rendition ensured the cello suites attracted a mass following, and they became the hallmark of the virtuoso cellist's fabulous career.


  • 一个共同收费模式阻止了成员银行对规则滥用——规则规定零售商必须接受所有印有联合标志的信用

    A common fee structure stops members from abusing the rule that retailers must take all CARDS issued with the association's brand.


  • 不过现在回想起来,《片可算是改编那些错综复杂作品一次有益尝试,同时标志着索德伯格本人开始了对不同电影类型的尝试。

    In retrospect, Kafka was a noble attempt to adapt the complexity of Kafka's work to the movies, and it hinted at Soderbergh's genre experiments to come.


  • 捷克语这样语言里,叫亚娜改口叫詹改口到叫杰妮一步过程都标志亲密程度微妙的递增。

    In languages like Czech, the move from Jana to Janka and then Janicka signals a subtle increase in intimacy each time.


  • 尤里(意思是“我知道”)灯泡标志出现许多的封面上。

    Eureka light bulbs have populated the covers of many books.


  • 那些70年代标志情景喜剧布雷迪家庭”中扮演莫瑞·布雷迪。

    Those were the years she played Marcia Brady on the iconic 1970s family sitcom "the Brady Bunch."


  • 另外可以自己标志定制LotusConnections页面比如Blog主题徽标或者Profiles 设置业务布局

    Additionally, you may customize Lotus Connections pages with your branding, such as a logo for a Blog theme or a business card layout for Profiles.


  • 世界足坛10号也是标志球衣——普斯·贝利普拉蒂尼马拉多纳巴乔齐达内罗纳尔迪尼奥穿10号——考虑这些吗?

    It's also an iconic shirt throughout world football - Puskas, Pele, Platini, Maradona, Baggio, Zidane and now Ronaldinho have all worn it - was that in your mind too?


  • 因此梅伦新闻主管克雷格·奥利弗7月5日在喀布尔外的架拥挤飞机来爬去时,这标志有什么急事正在发生。

    Thus it signalled that something urgent was afoot when David Cameron's director of communications, Craig Oliver, began clambering about on a cramped flight out of Kabul on July 5th.


  • 可以我们AT M上使用任何银联标志银行

    You can use any bank card with a Union Pay sign on our ATM.


  • 目的产科病房同时使用腕带床头识别标志了解病人医务人员意愿

    Objective: in the maternity ward at the same time the use of two kinds of identification wristbands and bedside card signs, to understand the wishes of patients and medical staff.


  • 固定点安置CCD摄像机通过图像采集处于动态监测结构物上标志点进行视频图像采集

    First we put CCD vidicon on fixed point, gather the video picture of sign point on dynamic measured structure by picture gathering card.


  • 牛津还有很多标志建筑,法克斯牛津大学玛丽亚教堂

    There are also many landmarks in Oxford, as Carfax Tower and the University Church of St Mary the Virgin.


  • 作品带有明显自传性,作品重要特征,也是区别其他现代派作家的重要标志

    Therefore kafka's works bear a clear autobiographic feature which is the most significant characteristic that distinguishes him from other modernist schools of writers.


  • 作为协议一部分中国建设银行拥有中国内地独家发行具有曼联官方标志信用权利

    As part of the agreement, CCB will hold the rights exclusively to produce the official Manchester United branded credit card on the Chinese mainland.


  • 在国外,不少宣布扎菲断绝关系大使馆面国旗作为标志展示忠诚所在

    Abroad, where diplomats in several embassies have also renounced Gaddafi's leadership, the flag is also being used as a sign to show where loyalties lie.


  • 与此同时银行信用改变传统银行业竞争方式营销获利手段,成为西方众多商业银行的标志性业务。

    At the same time, it has changed the traditional ways of competing and profiting, and has become the sign of many commercial Banks in western countries.


  • 与此同时银行信用改变传统银行业竞争方式营销获利手段,成为西方众多商业银行的标志性业务。

    At the same time, it has changed the traditional ways of competing and profiting, and has become the sign of many commercial Banks in western countries.


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