• 举例来说,1997年,美国环保署意图降低地表臭氧量标准——部分石油精炼排放污染物造成的污染。

    In 1997, for instance, the E.P.A. moved to reduce surface ozone, a form of pollution caused, in part, by emissions from oil refineries.


  • 此外自来水供应商要求如果污染物超过联邦标准,必须在24小时内通知消费者。但是瓶装适用条规则。

    In addition, suppliers of tap water are required to notify customers within 24 hours about contaminants that exceed federal levels; this does not apply to bottled water.


  • 地下水中的微量元素含量远远超过其它地下水污染物——硝酸盐杀虫剂挥发性化合物(VOCs)中的含量标准

    Trace elements in groundwater exceed human health benchmarks at a rate that far outpaces most other groundwater contaminants, such as nitrate, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


  • 凡是向已有地方排放标准区域排放大气污染物的,应当执行地方排放标准

    Units that discharge atmospheric pollutants in areas where the local discharge standards have been established shall observe such local standards.


  • 凡是向已有地方污染物排放标准区域排放污染物应当执行地方污染物排放标准

    Units that discharge pollutants in areas where the local standards for the discharge of pollutants have been established shall observe such local standards.


  • EWG研究表明,国家采取新的饮用水水质政策包括更多污染物作出限定标准以及更多资金用于污染物防止措施上。

    The EWG study says the nation should adopt new policies for drinking water that include regulating more contaminants and spending more money on measures that prevent pollution.


  • 强调三聚氰胺这种污染物食品中出现,有时无法避免,所以耐受标准不是安全标准

    The WHO also stressed that melamine is a contaminant that should not be in food, although sometimes it is unavoidable. So the tolerable level of melamine shouldn't be seen as a safe level.


  • 排放标准——法律限制个人资源可以排放污染物总额

    Emission standard — a legal limit placed on the amount of a pollutant an individual source may emit.


  • 这项研究表明,美国环境保护署(u.s. EPA)其中114种污染物制定了最高法定安全标准,2004年2009年期间,各大自来水公司92%时间都达到标准

    U.S. EPA regulates 114 of those pollutants, setting maximum legal levels that water utilities achieved 92 percent of the time, according to the study.


  • 1990年国会通过了几项主要修正案旨在加速达到标准,并处理其他一些主要问题,诸如酸雨有毒污染物问题。

    In 1990, Congress enacted major amendments intended to accelerate attainment of the standards, as well as dealing with other major problems such as acid rain and toxic pollutants.


  • 标准声明:柠檬酸-硝酸钠处理去除游离其他金属污染表面污染物时,危险性最低

    The standard states that the citric acid-sodium nitrate treatment is the least hazardous for removal of free iron and other metallic contamination and light surface contamination.


  • 空气品质标准室外空气空气污染物浓度限值

    Air quality standards means concentration limits for air pollutants in outdoor air.


  • 某种物体数量尤其是污染物超过测量标准或是容许的程度。

    The amount by which something, especially a pollutant, exceeds a standard or permissible measurement.


  • 结果表明工程使车间作业场所所有污染物达到排放标准

    The results showed that the project could let all the pollutants from the workshop meet the emission standards.


  • 辨析环境质量基准标准概念差异,指出了它们对水污染物总量控制的作用。

    Starting from discriminating concepts, the difference between water quality criteria and standards are distinguished, and their relationship in total amount control of water pollutants is analyzed.


  • 提议标准首先明确地说明致病微生物食品添加剂重金属农药残留物其它污染物接受范围。

    The proposed new code will initially, as a priority, spell out acceptable levels of pathogenic microorganisms, food additives, heavy metals, pesticide residues and other pollutants.


  • 为达到污染物国家排放标准,就必须排放烟尘进行回收治理。

    Therefore , the soot to be emitted has to be disposed and recovered in accordance with related State standards about pollutant emission.


  • 背景下建立了空调机组能效标准能源节约污染物减排量预测模型

    On this background, the energy savings and pollutant reductions forecasting model of EESs for CACUs is established.


  • 第二十九向海域排放陆源污染物必须严格执行国家或者地方规定标准有关规定。

    Article 29 the discharge of land-based pollutants into the sea shall strictly comply with the State or local standards and relevant stipulations.


  • 污染物排放远远低于国家标准保护环境人民健康实现了炼焦行业清洁生产

    The pollutant emission is much lower than the national standard, so that the environment and public health can be protected, and the clean production of coking industry can be realized.


  • 本文着重就美国EPA、日本JIS标准方法有机污染物分析方法作了概括介绍。

    Analysis methods of organic pollutants of EPA, JIS standard methods are summarized up.


  • 一章我们首先检查质量基本度量标准各种污染物意义

    In this chapter, we first examine the basic measures of water quality and the significance of various pollutants.


  • 提出通过修正标准参考环境而确定安全基准环境理论,然后用参数评价不同污染物环境影响

    A theory is proposed that safety reference environment can be got by modifying standard reference environment. The exergy is used to valuate the environmental impact of different pollutants.


  • 通过标准测试手段,进行最佳工艺条件硅藻土污染物吸附的影响因素、吸附类型吸附机理研究

    By relying on the standard test methods, under the optimum technical parameters, the absorbing type, mechanism and factors which affect the process of adsorption were studied.


  • 排放标准污染物总量控制两方面讨论了污染源概念

    A new concept of pollutant sources is discussed and established based on the implementation of emission standard and the total amount control of emission.


  • 第三十二机动车大气排放污染物不得超过规定排放标准

    Article 32 no motor vehicles and vessels shall be permitted to discharge atmospheric pollutants in excess of the prescribed discharge norms.


  • 第三十二机动车大气排放污染物不得超过规定排放标准

    Article 32 no motor vehicles and vessels shall be permitted to discharge atmospheric pollutants in excess of the prescribed discharge norms.


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