• 标准支持增加了只读访问帮助支持

    Standard support adds helpdesk support to the access only package.


  • 相当标准支持过程管理系统设置

    There are quite a few standards which support the setting up of process management systems for an organization.


  • 接口定义标准支持开发人员工具之间互操作性

    Interface definition standards enable interoperability between developer tools.


  • 比如RDF标准支持使用序列替代来描述数据

    For example, the RDF standard supports the use of the bags, sequences, and alternatives during data description.


  • 广播商可以创建频道原因数字电视标准支持不同格式

    The reason that broadcasters can create sub-channels is because digital TV standards allow several different formats. Broadcasters can choose between three formats.


  • 除了其他标准支持外,我们位于应用服务器前的SIP代理具有多项增强功能

    Beyond the additional standards support, our SIP proxy that fronts the application server had several enhancements.


  • 使用改进标准支持新兴技术简化编程模型开发框架提高开发人员的生产力

    Increase developer productivity using enhanced support for standards, emerging technology and a choice of development frameworks that simplify programming models.


  • 利用这种技术用户可以创建互连网络MIDI标准支持串行接口更具灵活性。

    By using this technology, you can create interconnections that are more flexible than the serial interface supported by the MIDI standard.


  • 涉及组合SOA标准如何使不同标准支持可组合性,如何使它们彼此配合?

    The standards for SOA relating to composability: how do various standards support composability, how do they compose with each other.


  • 可以分析非J2EE应用程序或者任何ARM标准支持其它语言开发的应用程序。

    You can profile non-J2EE applications or applications in any other language supported by the ARM standard.


  • 标准支持这样一种数据类型XML 数据类型,以便关系数据库中存储 XML 文档。

    The SQL:2003 standard supports such a data type: the new XML data type, for storing XML documents in a relational database.


  • 结果均方差分析显示加权支持向量机预测精度优于人工神经网络标准支持向量机模型

    The analysis to the mean square deviation showed us the conclusion, that the prediction accuracy of WSVM was better than the ANN and traditional SVM models.


  • 没有标准支持浏览器访问本地设备服务比如gps摄像头通讯录通话列表麦克风耳机。

    There is no standard to reach out of the browser to access local device services like GPS, camera, contacts, call list, microphone or speaker.


  • 正如所知道的那样,我们标准支持方法受到开发者反馈的影响,也受到目前真实环境使用模式的影响。

    As you know our approach for standards support is informed both by developer feedback and real word usage patterns today, along with where we see the web heading.


  • 标准支持现在所有HTML表单控件等价物增加了另外有用的控件用于范围选择显示数据

    The standard supports equivalents for all of the standard existing HTML form controls, in addition to a couple of other helpful controls for range selection and displaying data.


  • 第二通过定义一个认可了的最小基础特性一系列通用测试接口标准支持鼓励厂家互操作

    Second, standards support and encourage interoperability amongst multiple vendors by defining an agreed upon minimum base feature sets and a set of common test points at interfaces.


  • 随着版本浏览器XForms处理程序的发布以及标准支持程度的变化,本文所解决方案可能不再适用

    As new versions of browsers and XForms processors are released, as well as standards support, the solutions outlined in this article may no longer be valid.


  • 由于BI系统涉及到大量业务系统集成因此需要一个统一的数据标准支持才能实现子系统元数据的有效集成。

    As BI system involving a large number of business systems integration, we need a unified metadata standards to support various subsystems to achieve the effective integration of metadata.


  • 尽管firefoxinternetExplorer了多少还是认为标准支持安全性功能方面更好选择

    And while Firefox is not any faster than Internet Explorer, I believe it is the better choice for standards support, security, and features.


  • 比如jsr - 47标准支持个性化定制工具报告服务,这类标准定义用于错误和跟踪记录标准日志api

    Some examples include personalization, utility, and reporting services supported by standards such as JSR-47, which defines a standard logging API for error and trace logs.


  • 第一版HDBaseT标准支持10兆比特(Mbit每秒数据传输,相当于目前普通中低端电脑快速以太网”的标准

    The first version of the cable will have a data throughput of 100 megabits a second, the "Fast Ethernet" standard that is now common on low- and mid-range computers.


  • XForms标准支持通常HTML表单提交方法但是HTML需要methodenctype指定提交方法,而XForms需要一个method。

    The XForms standard supports the usual HTML form submission methods, but, where HTML requires a method and enctype to specify the submission method, XForms requires only a method.


  • Camino 2.0Beta3同样包括所有Mozilla Gecko渲染引擎1.9.0版本中的特性,希望获得更好性能表现互联网标准支持

    Camino 2.0 Beta 3 also has all of the improvements in version 1.9.0 of Mozilla’s Gecko rendering engine, leading to better performance with popular plug-ins and enhanced support for web standards.


  • 国际标准衡量英国之所以落后是因为我们地方政府软弱以及税收反对积极支持市场执政党的监管

    That the UK lags behind is due to our weak, by international standards, local government, as well as the opposition to taxes and regulation of our aggressively pro-market ruling party.


  • 了解了对标准支持改进SOA核心更好的性能

    You also learned about new standards support, an improved SOA core, and better performance.


  • 此外尽管可能通过标准键盘支持选择格,但这样需要多次击键

    Also, although it is possible to select the tabs through standard keyboard support, doing so can require many keystrokes.


  • 认为选择开源产品时对评估其标准支持有多重要呢?

    In your opinion, how important is standard support for the open source product selection.


  • BEEP使用MIME标准支持任意类型有效负载

    BEEP USES the MIME standard to support payloads of arbitrary type.


  • 维护功能一个支持功能,确保了对正确行为道德标准支持以及质量维护

    The Maintaining function is a support function which ensures that proper standards of conduct and ethics are upheld and that quality is maintained.


  • 定制属性常常用来实施控制标准支持体系结构框架提供组织所需的其他元数据

    Custom attributes are often used to apply governance standards, enable architecture frameworks, or provide other metadata that is standard for an organization.


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