• 各学校十一岁的孩子发放了几张作业表,他们复活节假期完成,以为迎接下学期进行的两个关键阶段标准成绩考试Sats)做准备

    She said that schools were giving four, five and 11-year-olds several worksheets to complete during the Easter holidays in preparation for key stage two Sats tests next term.


  • 近年来,随着美国标准考试成绩下降一些执政者认为学生需要教室花费更多时间而不是操场上。

    With standardized test scores in the U.S. dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.


  • 近年来,随着美国标准考试成绩下降一些执政者认为学生需要教室花费更多时间而不应该操场上。

    With standardized test scores in the U.S. dropping in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.


  • 由于考试成绩学业表现唯一评价标准因此学生被迫机械地记忆不是创造性地思考

    As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.


  • 荷兰研究人员报告无论是那些学校还是自己锻炼较多的孩子,他们的平均成绩都比较标准考试中的成绩比较好

    Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise, whether at school or on their own, tend to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests.


  • 安娜公立学校一直全国最好之一这里学生成绩高于全国标准考试成绩平均值

    The Ann Arbor Public School District is consistently ranked one of the best in the country, and its students score far above average on state and national standardized tests.


  • 14周后标准数学考试中,口香糖学生成绩平均提高了3%;在期末考试中,嚼口香糖学生的数学成绩不嚼口香糖的学生高。

    After 14 weeks, students who chewed gum had a 3% increase in standardized math test scores and had final math grades better than the others.


  • 亚特兰大所有公立中小学校学生标准考试成绩突飞猛进,对此早在十年前就已有了质疑的声音。

    Questions about dramatic improvements in standardised-test scores taken by children in Atlanta’s public schools (APS) were first raised a decade ago.


  • 洛杉矶联合学区已经收集了六千小学老师数据,还没有做分析,洛杉矶时报公布使用这些数据建立的数据库,老师的排名依据标准提高学生标准考试成绩能力

    the Los Angeles Times will publish a database of more than 6, 000 elementary school teachers ranked by their ability to improve students’ scores on standardized tests.


  • 学习外语学生只会一种语言的同学相比,更倾向于在标准考试中取得更好成绩尤其是数学阅读词汇这些范畴

    Students who study foreign languages tend to score better on standardised tests than their monolingual peers, particularly in the categories of maths, reading, and vocabulary.


  • 考试成绩成为唯一考核标准时,批评教育手段怎么变化效果不会显著

    When test scores become the sole standard of performance, no matter how to change the teaching method, the results will not be significant.


  • 就是,这些研究主要基于考试成绩而不是广泛衡量标准比如孩子健康或是最终收入水平

    It was based mainly on test scores, not on a broader set of measures, like a child's health or eventual earnings.


  • 应该考试当成个检验自己成绩标准不是最终目标

    You should study hard to get yourself assimiliated with the English environment and use exams as a kind of yardsticks only rather than final target.


  • 教育官员找到了逾越社会公平原则花招,从而可以跨越数百年来已经标准考试成绩录取原则。

    The subterfuge, discovered by education officials, cut across notions of fairness in a society that for hundreds of years has seen standardized exams as a channel for merit-based advancement.


  • EMBA招生院校自己制定考试录取办法,自行组织考试,录取标准考生职业成就能力测验面试成绩为主。

    Thee admission method and enrolling exam of EMBA set up and held by relevant trial colleges. The admission criteria are mainly by career accomplishment, ability test and interviews.


  • 那么美国情况又如何呢?美国性别平等水平相对一些,各类标准数学考试女生平均成绩男生差不多

    In the United States, which scored relatively high for gender equality, girls perform on average as well as boys on standardized math tests.


  • 为了使分数带有大量信息,便于用户使用,大规模标准考试在最终报道考试成绩,分数经过加权处理等值处理、正态化转换一系列转换过程

    In large scale standardized tests, the test scores, before release, have to undergo a series of transformation processes, including score weighting, score equating, and score normalization, etc.


  • 信任状也可以是其他一些参加过标准化规范考试、平时成绩荣誉或者任何能凸显你才智卓越的第三方认可。

    Other examples of credentials include any standardized exams you have taken, grades earned, honors, or other forms of distinction.


  • 平时成绩期末考核成绩有机结合起来,既克服传统标准考试闭卷笔试的弊端,又弥补了开卷考试的不足。

    This system combines results of day-to-day class work and final test scores, minimizing the drawbacks in traditional closed, standardized writ


  • 结果全部学员考试成绩达到合格标准其中,92.5%学员(222/240)成绩>85知识掌握程度达到优秀水平

    Results: test scores of all student were eligible, of which, the score of 92.5% of participants(222/240) >85 points, achieved outstanding level of knowledge was excellent.


  • 寄出中学成绩原件公证复印件以及标准考试分数

    Send an original transcript or certified copy of your academic records from your secondary school, as well as your standardized test scores.


  • 白人学生大学本科标准入学考试(高考)平均成绩1063满分1600分),黑人平均成绩则为863分。

    In 2006, the average white student scored 1063, out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, which is widely used for university admissions. The average black score was just 863.


  • 课堂成绩评分标准课堂表现考试

    The course grade will be based on class performance, and on tests.


  • 课堂成绩评分标准课堂表现考试

    The course grade will be based on class performance, and on tests.


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