• 使用标准使用者角色登入使用者无法存取登录机码。

    Users logged on with the Standard User role cannot access this registry key.


  • 应用程序尝试对“标准使用者角色没有权限档案执行作业

    An application attempted to perform an operation on a file to which the Standard User role does not have permissions.


  • 应用程序尝试在“标准使用者角色没有权限登录机执行作业

    An application attempted to perform an operation on a registry key to which the Standard User role does not have permissions.


  • 路径虚拟化应用程序可能无法使用标准使用者角色登入使用者正常运作

    This path is not virtualized, and your applications might not function properly for users logged on with the Standard user role.


  • 路径虚拟化应用程序可能无法使用标准使用者角色登入使用者正常运作

    This path is not virtualized, and your applications my not function properly for users logged on with the Standard user role.


  • 通过判断研究认识到,只要这样补充标准使用者所产生的影响有限的话,有必要标准加以补充,而且,所做的更改仅仅是引导性的,这样做对标准使用者来说能得到明确好处

    The Justification Study identified the need for an amendment, provided that the impact on users would be limited and that changes would only be introduced when there were clear benefits to users.


  • 集中说明公司应用电脑标准所有使用者要求什么样的电脑才能最长的时间最好的满足他们需要

    I focused on the requirements and demands of the applications and all the users, and what kind of computer would best meet their needs for the longest time.


  • 而且标记文章并没有标准比如说使用者常常非常“以机构为中心”的格式标记他们文章或者全部用错标记

    As there is no standard for tagging articles, for example, users often use very 'agency-centric' terms to tag their posts, or use the wrong tags altogether.


  • 这种成熟技术反应MDD标准出现,使得使用相关的工具时更加便利舒适,使用者带来显而易见好处

    This maturation is reflected in the emergence of MDD standards that result in the commoditization of corresponding tools and obvious benefits to users.


  • 现有标准原始设计决策不会永远新的开发者使用者水晶般清澈因此就像Mark接着指出的那样,这些领域需要改善

    The original design decisions behind the current standard aren't always crystal clear to new developers or users, so these areas need to be improved, as Mark goes on to point out.


  • 目前尚没有用于集合服务使用者消费者提供者Web服务标准

    There is no Web services standard yet for assembling service users (consumers) and providers.


  • 解决这个问题关键在于标准RESTWeb服务抛在脑后找出使用消息传递方式一种通知使用者内容变更直接通信方式。

    To solve this problem its key to leave standard REST web services behind and find a way to use message passing, which is a direct communication way of notifying users of changed content.


  • 标准替换晶体没有聚焦能力因此使用者经常拥有绝佳的远距离视力必须使用眼镜才能阅读

    Standard replacement lenses have no ability to focus, so the wearer is often stuck with excellent distance vision but must use glasses for reading.


  • 目前没有用于返回队列地址标准服务所以使用者必须确切地知道这些地址。

    Currently, there is no standard service for returning a pair of queue addresses, so the consumer must just know the addresses.


  • 提供一种标准机制服务提供者服务使用者通过服务总线相互对话

    Provide a standard mechanism that lets service providers and service consumers talk to one another through the service bus.


  • 文中讨论了一系列策略处理使用者造成影响的变更提供了用于选择合适的解决方案标准

    It discusses a number of strategies for dealing with changes that do impact consumers and to provide criteria for selecting the most appropriate solution.


  • 具备扩展性灵活性允许服务提供者使用者使用特定行业基于XML标准hl7

    Be extensible and flexible in the sense that it allows service providers and consumers to use industry-specific XML-based standards such as HL7.


  • 有了标准生产者使用者群体可以进行互操作

    Having this standard allows for a larger community of producers and consumers to interoperate.


  • 可以随后相同联合访问作为服务提供其他使用者标准索赔应用程序的自动流程面向Web应用程序的客户机等。

    The same federated access can then be leveraged as a service to other consumers such as automated processes for standard claims applications, or client facing web applications, for example.


  • WS - Notification为客户机(使用者)提供了一个标准方法用于订阅关于特定资源通知

    WS-Notification provides a standard method for a client (the consumer) to subscribe to notifications about a particular resource.


  • 然后信息服务可以利用相同整合数据其他使用者提供服务,标准申报应用程序面向客户的Web 应用程序实现自动化过程

    The same consolidated data can then be leveraged through information services to other consumers, such as automated processes for standard claims applications or client-facing Web applications.


  • POP3送给用户端的电子邮件目前标准,不过IMAP4使用不同计算机存取他们的邮件的使用者,像是有柔性的。

    While POP3 is the current standard fore-mail that is sent to clients, IMAP4 is more flexible for users such as those who access their mail using different computers.


  • 阿斯使用者一周至少需要用标准含量为325毫克片剂片,每周至少使用阿斯匹林两次

    Aspirin users took at least two standard 325 mg tablets a week or used aspirin at least twice a week.


  • 我们需要宣扬种理念,要号召人们根据软件是否尊重用户公民价”来进行选择。 要细辩软件是否尊重使用者自由以及组建使用者社区的权力,而不是单一的好用性作为判断标准

    We need to spread the idea of judging software (and other things) on “citizen values”, based on whether it respects users' freedom and community, not just in terms of convenience.


  • 对于建筑功能材料产品标准制定基于消费者使用者关注点整个产品系统的性能做出要求。

    For building functional materials, the thing that customer and user care about should be focused when making product standard.


  • 语言标准使用包括标准词语表达这些标准的词语和表达能这门语言的大多数使用者任何情况下理解

    Standard usage of a language includes the standard words and expressions understood, by a majority of the speakers of this language in any situation.


  • 某些种类消除射线护盾标准的电杖主要用作格斗武器强大使用者手里给敌人造成重创

    Certain types of staff are capable of neutralizing ray shields, but the standard staff serves primarily as a melee weapon, meting out fatal blunt-force injuries in the hands of its powerful wielders.


  • 标准用法包括无论什么场合下,该语言使用者大多数所理解使用接受词汇和表达。

    Standard usage includes those words and expression_rs understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality.


  • 标准用法包括无论什么场合下,该语言使用者大多数所理解使用接受词汇和表达。

    Standard usage includes those words and expression_rs understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality.


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