• 当然这美妙,生命总是要面对阵痛惶恐,贝拉和柯纳也是如此。

    It's a beautiful love, but there's a lot of fear and pain for her life, and for Bella's and Connor's life.


  • 服务员:这位先生什么?丽萨:他可能桶啤酒,不过,给他一杯咖啡一杯柯纳克。

    The waiter asks: would you like to have dessert? Liisa: I would like to get a cup of coffee and a Mint liqueur.


  • 知道不知道夏威夷上午阳光明媚下午多云,还有黑色火山灰土壤,这样柯纳咖啡豆长势最好?

    Did you know that Kona beans thrive in the dark volcanic soil, sunny mornings and cloudy afternoons of Hawaii?


  • 三个商业品种阿拉比卡(Arabica)、罗布斯塔(Robusta柯纳Kona)。

    The three commercial types are Arabica, Robusta and Kona. Kona types of coffee beans are grown in Hawaii.


  • 调查人员已经询问过当时一起的医生柯纳尔·默里并且调查在杰克逊死亡上,处方药物可能什么作用

    Investigators have questioned the physician who was with him, Conrad Murray, and are looking into the role prescription drugs might have played in Jackson's death.


  • 完美三角钢琴结合巨大音量稀有共鸣高尚的音质完美的击弦机功能。”—P柴可夫斯基俄罗斯伟大作曲家

    "The beautiful Knabe Grand combines with great volume of tone, rare sympayhetic and noble tone color and perfect action. " --P. Tchaikovsky, great Russian Composer"


  • 与此同时卷入计划西方公司通报称,今年将会是该计划的投资开放期。

    Meanwhile, Western companies involved in the Nabucco project announced an open season for investment in the project this year.


  • 电影改编自60年代同名超自然题材电视剧,德普其中扮演吸血鬼巴巴斯林斯

    He plays vampire Barnabas Collins in the film based on the the 60′s daily supernatural series of the same name.


  • 那天晚上,林斯先生发现菲力普斯太太很和蔼别人讲话很专心一点使很幸运因为特家的姑娘们已经再也耐不住性子听他讲了。

    During the evening Mr Collins found Mrs Philips a kind and attentive listener, which was fortunate, as the Bennet girls could not bring themselves to listen to him any longer.


  • 于是决定亲自把这件事告诉嘱咐林斯先生回到博恩吃饭时候不要在班家里任何人面前透露一点风声

    She resolved to give her the information herself, and therefore charged Mr. Collins, when he returned to Longbourn to dinner, to drop no hint of what had passed before any of the family.


  • 太阳城酒店大亨梭尔·开发作为太阳国际集团资产一部分

    Sun City was developed by the hotel magnate Sol Kerzner as part of his Sun International group of properties.


  • “遇袭我就离开了萨凡。”瑟琳也用一副公事公办语气答道。

    "I left Savannah a month after I was attacked," said Catherine, matching Rizzoli's business like tone.


  • 西方私营部门参与者互相勾心斗角:本身还在与亚得里亚海天然气管道刚刚获得德国天然气巨头E.

    Western private-sector actors are also working against each other: Nabucco competes for its Azerbaijani resources with the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (which just got a major new investor in Germany's E.


  • 迈尔斯比尔.埃文斯约翰.一个组合,.伊夫与提姆.库克乔布斯的合伙人。

    Miles was joined by Bill Evans and John Coltrane; Jobs was joined by Jonathan Ive and Tim Cook.


  • 特全家都被卢卡斯府上请去吃饭多蒙卢卡斯小姐一片好意,整日陪着林斯先生谈话。

    The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr. Collins.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉特》中,麦克唐先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 一些毕业生克雷莫传统工艺带回了自己家乡著名的美国提琴制师约瑟夫格雷戈‧阿尔夫就受训此。

    Some take the tradition home: two of America’s best-known violin-makers, Joseph Curtin and Gregg Alf, trained in Cremona.


  • 支持卡根位共和党缅因州参议员苏珊·林斯奥林匹亚·斯诺卡罗莱参议员林赛·格拉汉姆印第安州参议员理查德·路加以及来自新罕布什尔州贾德·格雷格参议员。

    The five Republicans who supported Kagan were Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Richard Lugar of Indiana and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.


  • 1935年德国旅行家安东尼说:“马格古城是留给我们最好的、超越了金字塔古迹。”

    In 1935 British traveler Anthony de Cosson had called Taposiris Magna "the finest ancient monument left to us north of the Pyramids."


  • 一位斯坦福大学环境工程学院咨询教授森·美(JonathanKoomey直到年前,事前还不会考虑服务器场所的问题。

    Until a few years ago, the location of servers was an afterthought, says Jonathan Koomey, a consulting professor of environmental engineering at Stanford University.


  • 我们亚历山大一起观赏最先出现那些风景一个和蔼铁路工程师莫斯科南面(Kolomna)来,这次是巴拉宾斯克(Barabinsk)去出差几天

    We Shared many of the early scenic pleasures with Alexander, a kindly train engineer from Kolomna, just south of Moscow, who was travelling to Barabinsk for a few days' work.


  • 巴斯原本18世纪缅因州林斯港一个富家公子,是灵梧庄园(CollinwoodManor)的主人

    Barnabas was a wealthy playboy in Collinsport, Maine and master of Collinwood Manor in the 18th century.


  • 最近陆军将神剑精确制导炮弹生产数量30000枚减少到了6264枚,违反恩-麦克法案

    The U.S. Army recently reduced the production numbers of the Excalibur precision-guided projectile from 30,000 to 6,264 projectiles, which caused the program to enter a Nunn-McCurdy unit cost breach.


  • 能力甚至伟大戈什巫师之上,值得幸运,泰利斯终生利用这力量来对抗混沌死亡

    It is claimed that his power is on a par with the Great Necromancer Nagash, so it is fortunate that Teclis has devoted his life to thwarting the powers of Chaos and death.


  • 影片一开始·维托·莱昂责备朋友梅里戈·博塞拉没有早一点寻求帮助,向那些伤害阿梅里戈女儿混混们讨回公道

    In the opening scene, Don Vito Corleone admonishes his friend, Amerigo Bonasera, for taking so long to ask for help in seeking justice against the hoods who harmed Amerigo's daughter.


  • 等一下,是因为里昂家族支援赌场,因为海岸的莫伦家族保证你的安全

    You took Freddy because Corleone family bankrolled your casino, and the Molinari family guaranteed his safety.


  • 等一下,是因为里昂家族支援赌场,因为海岸的莫伦家族保证你的安全

    You took Freddy because Corleone family bankrolled your casino, and the Molinari family guaranteed his safety.


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