• 柯波电影中黑帮文化普通事务等同旨在具有颠覆性。

    The equation of gangsterism with business in general in Coppola's film was intended to be subversive.


  • 柯波规定,拍片器材的体积特制补给装备运送为限。

    He also limited himself to equipment that could be transported in a single specially outfitted truck.


  • 来自美国物理学会一些听众则提出异议认为克船长、斯企业号全体船员都会安然无恙因为企业号护盾

    Some audience members at the American Physical Society event protested that Kirk, Spock and the "Star Trek" crew would all still live because of the starship Enterprise having shields.


  • 俄罗斯世界顶级芭蕾舞团修瓦上月开除了该团首席女舞者弗洛契,原因胖了舞伴无法举起她。

    The Russian government has called for the world's top ballet to reinstate a ballerina who was fired amid allegations that she was too heavy for male dancers to lift.


  • 安德烈•特兹回到法国发现年轻时拍摄布达佩斯巴黎珍贵照片以及底片,它们装在几个破旧的箱子里一直法国朋友经纪人雅克利恩•仪亚克收藏。

    Back in France, he found some old boxes of vintage prints and negatives from his youth in Budapest and Paris that had been kept by his French friend and agent, Jacqueline Paouillac.


  • 爱达荷州的太阳草原度假村靠近华盛顿尓.艾伦,又一个寒冷地区的天体胜地,多种有吸引力的服务。

    Near Spokane, Washington, and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, the Sun Meadow resort is another cold-climate nudist retreat with ample side attractions.


  • 还有其他船员都会企业接近光速死去

    Kirk, Spock and the rest of the crew would die within a second of the USS Enterprise approaching the speed of light.


  • 值得一提,“士顿先生”酿酒厂于1984年发布的《五十周年纪念版官方调酒指南》中完全没有提及丹。

    It is important to note that Mr. Boston's 50th Anniversary Official Bartender's Guide published in 1984 makes no mention of the Cosmopolitan cocktail.


  • 安德鲁·上世纪80年代的著名情景喜剧《成长的烦恼》中扮演克·卡梅隆至友

    The younger Koenig, who played Kirk Cameron's Pal Boner on the hit '80s sitcom, had long battled depression, his family said.


  • 借助量级分析近似处理,导出简化浅水函数相应浅水线性公式

    The simplified Kochin function and the corresponding linear wave resistance formula for shallow water are derived by an analysis of the order of magnitude and approximation.


  • 影片教父1972年由弗朗西斯·福特·拉执导,片中的维多·里昂被《首映杂志形容荧幕塑造复杂歹徒身上似乎总能感觉到一种潜在悲剧色彩

    Premiere magazine describes Vito Corleone as "the most complex mobster ever portrayed on screen" who "seems to carry with him a latent sense of tragedy" in Francis Ford Coppola's 1972 film.


  • 适用磨削进口布斯、天伦贝格拿、刀片造纸刮刀、板机纸张

    For grinding imported Kolbus, days Herrenberg, Su ratio, tombola, Shi Feng paper that Germany steel scraper blade, cut board machine knives, paper machine with a knife.


  • 这些措施包括例如,“追求卓越托马斯·彼得斯罗伯特·沃特曼,“最后”的吉姆·林斯里·拉斯,说:“伟大”的吉姆·林斯。

    These include, for example, "in Search of Excellence" by Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, "Built to Last" by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, and "Good to Great" by Jim Collins.


  • 我们买了《丹》要来一本吗?

    We're having Cosmopolitans. Would you like one?


  • 苹果一个超级模特不期而遇海蒂·克拉姆保利雷兹导致加比来是自己意想不到启示

    While in the Big Apple, a chance encounter with supermodels Heidi Klum and Paulina Porizkova leads Gaby to an unexpected revelation about herself.


  • 最近一直重温吉姆·林斯著作,他是最喜欢管理学作家之一,曾著有畅销书《从优秀卓越》,还杰里·合作出版过《基业常青》。

    Lately I've been re-reading one of my favorite management writers, Jim Collins, the author of the best-selling "Good to Great", and co-author with Jim Porras of "Built to Last".


  • 最近一直重温吉姆·林斯著作,他是最喜欢管理学作家之一,曾著有畅销书《从优秀卓越》,还杰里·合作出版过《基业常青》。

    Lately I've been re-reading one of my favorite management writers, Jim Collins, the author of the best-selling "Good to Great", and co-author with Jim Porras of "Built to Last".


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