• 不管什么冥王有趣的物体就是为什么NASA叫作地平线飞船朝着它和伊伯同伴迅速地移动即使现在

    No matter what you call it, Pluto is one interesting body, which is why NASA has a spaceship called New Horizons zooming toward it and its Kuiper Belt companions even now.


  • 譬如说今日(左上图),气体巨型海王重力通过轨道不远处伊伯结冰尘埃残骸拉扯制造出数个缺口

    Today (top left), for example, the gravity of the gas giant Neptune creates gaps by tugging at the icy dust and debris of the Kuiper belt, which orbits just beyond the planets.


  • 年前天文馆成员重新设计馆内展品时,他们冥王划入伊伯天体的集团中,还不是八大在一起。

    A decade ago, when he and the Hayden staff redesigned the planetarium's exhibits, they lumped Pluto with the Kuiper Belt objects rather than with the eight official planets.


  • 冥王厄里斯许多其他伊伯天体对于八大来说不同了,无法为一类,

    Pluto, Eris and the many other Kuiper Belt objects are far too different to be lumped in with the eight official planets, he said.


  • 宽广模糊伊伯中,微粒彼此碰撞的几率不大因此它们会慢慢被海王的引力共振所俘获,时间非常漫长。

    In today's wide, fuzzy Kuiper belt, the particles don't meet very often, so they stick around long enough to fall into resonances with Neptune.


  • 冥王现在被认定为颗处于伊伯中的

    Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet dwelling in the Kuiper belt.


  • 伊伯-太阳系学海王轨道之外远距区域调查,找到了三个新的冰封世界可能冥王那样

    A new survey of the Kuiper belt - the distant area of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune - has turned up three new icy worlds that may be dwarf planets like Pluto.


  • 海王轨道以外一个被称之为太阳系伊伯区域,接下来的几十年内这个区域中靠近冥王的位置科学家接连发现了许多和冥王相似

    Over the decades scientists continued to find similarly large objects in Pluto's neighborhood, a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper belt.


  • 冥王其他伊伯冰态天体归为一类,”纽约海登天文馆负责人Neil deGrasse Tyson,“我认为更合适,真的

    "I group Pluto with the other icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt," said Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of New York City's Hayden Planetarium. "I think it's happier there, actually.


  • 目前只有5小行被确认为矮包括伊伯最有名的体——冥王

    So far there are just five confirmed dwarf planets, including the most famous Kuiper Belt object, Pluto.


  • 这些尘埃云来自伊伯(Kuiper belt),伊伯带是海王之外的一片区域,充满了小型冰封物体冥王就包括伊伯带中。

    The cloud of dust comes from the Kuiper belt, the region beyond Neptune that contains small, icy bodies, including Pluto.


  • 上个月底,一位来自贝尔法斯特(北爱尔兰首府,最大海港,译者注)皇后大学天文学家的研究表明,在伊伯最大而奇怪天体,守护石Haumea,小行136108,这颗小行并没有官方的中文译名,这个译名是我参考其他用法拟的,不当之处请指正。 译者注)的表面存在

    Late last month, an astronomer from Queen’s University in Belfast reported the existence of a red spot on the surface of Haumea, one of the largest and weirdest objects in the Kuiper Belt.


  • 去年伊柏发现了一冥王天体,引发了是冥王降级还是承认新发现的天体是大行争论

    The discovery of an icy object slightly larger than Pluto in the Kuiper Belt last year reinvigorated the argument over whether to demote Pluto or add other planets.


  • 天文学家预计依伯可能会发现比冥王大的天体

    Astronomers expect yet-undiscovered Kuiper Belt objects may rival even Pluto.


  • NASA地平线计划准备2015飞过冥王时,去拜访一下伊伯带上的颗小行

    NASA's New Horizons spacecraft intends to visit one or two of them after it flies past Pluto in 2015.


  • 由此产生热量改变太阳系海王之外衣伯将会如春天般温暖。

    The heat from this death rattle will transform the solar system; it will briefly be springtime in the Kuiper Belt out beyond Neptune.


  • 但天文学家们不必证实他们太阳系外层理解斯卡德团队已经掌握其它伊伯体的

    Astronomers won't have to wait that long to firm up their understanding of the outer solar system, though: Sicardy and his team already have occultations in hand from other Kuiper Belt objects.


  • 但是对于那些并不了解人来说,这里可以介绍下,博拉真正蓝色宿联系人一直被秘密地联络35

    So most of you know Cobra and the truth behind his words, but for those who don't, Cobra is a true blue Pleiadian Contactee who has been in contact with the underground for 35 years.


  • 这部影片贾樟西河汇出品。

    The film was produced by Jia's own Xstream Pictures.


  • 科学家伊伯不断发现越来越天体加州理工学院的天文学家麦克·布朗团队发现的2005FY 9冥王一点点

    Astronomers had been turning up larger and larger objects in the Kuiper Belt. 2005 FY9, discovered by Caltech astronomer Mike Brown and his team is only a little smaller than Pluto.


  • 现在大家知道冥王及其只是被称作伊伯天体群中较大例子,和太阳系其他不同,不是所在区域唯一

    Instead of being the only planet in its region, like the rest of the Solar System, Pluto and its moons are now known to be just a large example of a collection of objects called the Kuiper Belt.


  • 贾樟灵感来自中国经典电影小城》,也是关于发生中国东部一个水乡小镇的旧情人团聚的故事。这部影片由贾樟的西河汇出品。

    Jia has stated that he was inspired by the classic Chinese film Spring in a Small town, also about the reuniting of former lovers in a rural river town in eastern China.


  • Quaoar位于依伯海王以外大群岩石构成天体中。

    Quaoar lies in the Kuiper Belt, a swarm of objects made of ice and rock that orbit the sun beyond Neptune.


  • Quaoar位于依伯海王以外大群岩石构成天体中。

    Quaoar lies in the Kuiper Belt, a swarm of objects made of ice and rock that orbit the sun beyond Neptune.


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