• 咨询公司埃森哲的分析随着科技我们生活中占据越来越比重,政府这个展览的关注度越来越高不无道理

    Curran, the Accenture analyst, said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives.


  • 之后很快一位专业摄影父亲相做广告

    Soon after, a professional photographer took pictures of Kezai and his father for advertisements.


  • 凯利·一位作家面包妈妈人力资源经理

    Kelli Kirk is a writer, baker, mom and human resources manager.


  • 南森想法诀窍当然就在于造出内特号结实的船,于是1891年,南森聘请出色的挪威籍苏格兰海军设计·阿奇尔负责这件

    The trick, of course, was to build a boat far tougher than the Jeannette, and in 1891 Nansen hired a brilliant Norwegian naval architect of Scottish descent named Colin Archer to do just that.


  • 罗克韦尔林斯公司为上海来自塞达拉皮兹工程组成15团队这个项目

    In Rockwell Collins' case, engineers from Cedar Rapids are working on the programme, along with a team of 15 in Shanghai.


  • 但是对沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯布西耶其他伟大的建筑来说历史他们乌托邦计划并不仁慈

    But history has not been kind to the Utopian schemes of Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and other great architects.


  • 益华证券矿业分析查理斯·诺特表示拓的声明十分重要

    Charles Kernot, mining analyst at Evolution Securities, said the Rio Tinto announcements were important.


  • 这位形体好莱坞相当出名,他训练出了麦当娜肌肉帮产后格温妮丝·帕特罗特妮·考克斯恢复了身材

    The pint-size trainer if famous for Madonna's muscles and also for transforming the bodies of working mothers Gwyneth Paltrow and Courteney Cox.


  • 余力为知名导演贾樟的御用摄影

    Yu is the regular cinematographer of leading director Jia Zhang-ke.


  • 克尔柳金娜钻研了上千首席执行官们财务总监们在财报会议回答分析提问的录本。

    Larcker and Zakolyukina pored through the transcripts of thousands of corporate earnings calls when CEOs and chief financial officers take questions from analysts.


  • 我们可以去个有代表性大学某个教授说出一个伟大医生(艾伯特·史怀哲),一个伟大的建筑(贝聿铭),或者一个伟大的(约翰尼·克兰)。

    Go to a typical university and ask the professors to name a great Doctor (' Albert Schweitzer '), Architect (' I. M. Pei '), or Lawyer (' Johnny Cochran ').


  • 阿兰·莱克扎库斯基是一退休工程,现做为美国核管理委员会顾问,致力于核工厂事故发生几率的研究。

    Alan Kolaczkowski, a retired nuclear engineer, consulted with the nuclear Regulatory Commission on specific probabilities of accidents at nuclear plants.


  • 一些毕业生克雷莫纳传统工艺带回了自己家乡著名的美国提琴制约瑟夫格雷戈‧阿尔夫就受训此。

    Some take the tradition home: two of America’s best-known violin-makers, Joseph Curtin and Gregg Alf, trained in Cremona.


  • 值得一提,“波士顿先生”酿酒厂于1984年发布的《五十周年纪念版官方调酒指南》中完全没有提及梦波丹。

    It is important to note that Mr. Boston's 50th Anniversary Official Bartender's Guide published in 1984 makes no mention of the Cosmopolitan cocktail.


  • 周前检查自己信息流时看到了一个Chee Chew发的帖子,Chee我们克兰分部的名工程

    A few weeks ago he was checking out his Stream and saw a post from Chee Chew, an engineer in our Kirkland office.


  • 我们亚历山大一起观赏最先出现那些风景一个和蔼铁路工程莫斯科南面纳(Kolomna)来,这次是巴拉宾斯克(Barabinsk)去出差几天

    We Shared many of the early scenic pleasures with Alexander, a kindly train engineer from Kolomna, just south of Moscow, who was travelling to Barabinsk for a few days' work.


  • 吉星写了关于自己旅行费德里·费里尼(Frederico Fellini)的电影剧本作家刚好读到了这本书。那个时候,剧组人员正在电影《甜蜜生活》(La Dolce Vita)中的那个摄影角色寻找名字

    He wrote a book about his travels and Frederico Fellini's script writer read the book about the time they were casting around for a name for the photographer in their movie La Dolce Vita.


  • 桑德勒•奥尼尔投资银行SandlerO'Neill)的分析理查德•雷佩托昨天一份报告中此事“关乎赛先生的口碑”,“体面离开还是狼狈出局”。

    Richard Repetto, the banking analysts from Sandler O'Neill, said in a note yesterday that this is "all about Mr. Corzine's legacy, " and "whether he's viewed as going out 'on top or not.'"


  • 奥米德·德斯塔尼(omid Kordestani),Google的第11位员工,同时也是Google的第一位非工程员工,现在仍是创始人办公室资深顾问

    Omid Kordestani, employee no. 11 and Google's first non-engineer, remains a senior adviser to the founders.


  • 助手原先包括名律名会计,后者主要集中于清查卡特普兰斯仓库的帐目。

    Curran's aides originally consisted of three lawyers and an accountant, who focused mainly on the books of the Carter warehouse in Plains.


  • 为了证明小精灵真的,人们请一个通灵亭立镇

    In order to show that the fairy sightings were real, a clairvoyant was brought to Cottingley.


  • 我们按摩比利克罗奇吓怕外国球队!

    Our masseur Billy McCulloch scares the foreign lads!


  • 意大利工程成功斯达康达号游艇扶正,此时吉廖海岸搁浅20个月

    Engineers in Italy have succeeded in setting the cruise ship Costa Concordia upright, 20 months after it ran aground off the island of Giglio.


  • 面包完后教父里昂对微笑:“亲爱的朋友,什么也别担心。”

    When the baker had finished Don Corleone smiled at him and said, 'My dear friend, put all your worries aside.


  • 布西耶1887- 1965,20世纪重要建筑之一,是现代建筑运动的激进分子和主将称为四大现代建筑之一

    Le Corbusier 1887-1965, is one of the most important architects of the 20th century, he is the pioneer of modern architecture movement, known as one of the four masters of modern architecture.


  • 伦敦圣乔治病院首席营养凯瑟琳·林斯表示人人都知道天天需要喝水2(8)。

    London st George's hospital chief nutritionist Catherine Collins said, everyone knows that need everyday drink about 2 litre (8 cups).


  • 特·韦尔奇本身是一名电脑软件工程年前加入这个组织说:“立刻就被这种工艺艺术性以及能表现出来的各种神奇迷住了。”

    "I immediately became fascinated with the artistic nature of the craft and all sorts of magic of working with metal," says Welch, a computer software engineer who joined the group two years ago.


  • 特·韦尔奇本身是一名电脑软件工程年前加入这个组织说:“立刻就被这种工艺艺术性以及能表现出来的各种神奇迷住了。”

    "I immediately became fascinated with the artistic nature of the craft and all sorts of magic of working with metal," says Welch, a computer software engineer who joined the group two years ago.


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