• 人口统计学家约尔·特金指出加州干旱年份总是火灾,这至少始于西班牙人统治时期

    Joel Kotkin, a demographer, points out that California has always had fires during dry years, at least since the time of the Spaniards.


  • 学家估计伊伯可能存在有几万大小超过60英里(100公里)矮天体还有数量在万亿以上彗星

    Scientists estimate the Kuiper belt is likely home to hundreds of thousands of icy bodies larger than 60 miles (100 km) wide, as well as an estimated trillion or more comets.


  • 可爱,也有趣并不认为诋毁林斯这样一位认真学家好。

    Your writing is lovely, funny, but I don't think the denigration of a serious scientist like Collins does a lot of good.


  • 巴塞罗纳环境流行病研究中心的流行病学家马诺里斯•维纳斯表示,这项研究还处于初期,建议人们停止游泳为时尚早。

    The work is too preliminary to suggest that people should stop swimming, said Manolis Kogevinas, an epidemiologist at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona.


  • 勃彦,瑞士裔法国建筑学家作家现代主义学派有力倡导者设计了大量功能主义混凝土建筑和高楼住宅区

    Le Corbusier, Swiss-born French architect and writer. The most powerful advocate of the modernist school, he designed numerous functional concrete buildings and high-rise residential complexes.


  • 苏格兰植物学家福气地取了个坚定不移地支持他工作妻子1866年1886年,克是英国印度洋桑给巴尔岛上代表

    A Scottish botanist blessed with a strong and supportive wife, Kirk was the British representative on the Indian Ocean island of Zanzibar from 1866 to 1886.


  • 我们常常一生病就吃药我们研究表明了冥想减压的作用之大。” 研究学家,西欧多尔·博士

    "We tend to rushto the pillbox, but our study shows how powerful it can be to addstress reduction, " says researcher Theodore Kotchen, MD.


  • 2008年开始语言学家考察,有史以来首次语进行录音记录下了数千罗语词汇

    The linguists made the first-ever recordings of Koro, capturing thousands of words during their expedition, which began in 2008.


  • 由于俄罗斯妇女不能大学苏菲亚一个年轻古生物学家弗拉基米尔·瓦列芙斯卡娅结婚,之后他们移居德国

    Because Russian women could not attend university, Sofia Vasilyevna contracted a marriage with a young paleontologist, Vladimir Kovalevsky, and they moved to Germany.


  • 无论如何,学家第一伊伯天体发现这种表面特征

    Either way, it's the first time astronomers have observed this kind of surface detail on an object in the Kuiper Belt.


  • 星期二,一支语言学家组成的小组宣布印度东北部发现一种新的独一无二的语言不过他们当即表示担忧,这种语言正面临灭绝的危险。

    A team of linguists announced Tuesday that they have discovered a new and unique language, called Koro, in northeastern India, but immediately warned that it was highly endangered.


  • 当时,林斯还是个蓄连鬓胡子的年轻英国生物学家,他研究狒狒有着强烈兴趣贝丛林,狒狒是最为常见的灵长类

    Collins was then a young British biologist with muttonchop sideburns and a strong interest in baboons, the other most conspicuous primate at Gombe.


  • 海王星轨道以外一个被称之为太阳系伊伯区域,接下来的几十年内这个区域中靠近冥王星的位置学家接连发现了许多和冥王星相似星体

    Over the decades scientists continued to find similarly large objects in Pluto's neighborhood, a region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper belt.


  • 我们而言,电影最贴近虚拟世界的载体,正如学家·麦克金(Colin McGinn)所强调的,银幕能带给我们真实的体验

    A movie is the closest we have to virtual reality, and, as the philosopher Colin McGinn has stressed, it is experienced best on the big screen.


  • 伊伯陨石坑荷兰-美国天文学家伊伯(GerardKuiper)命名同时也是“水手10号”的成员

    Kuiper crater is named for Gerard Kuiper, a Dutch-American astronomer who was also a member of the Mariner 10 team.


  • 加上罗语,语言统计到现金全世界有6909种语言

    With Koro, linguists now count 6,909 languages worldwide.


  • 加上罗语,语言学家统计到现金全世界有6909种语言

    With Koro, linguists now count 6, 909 languages worldwide.


  • 生于波兰的牛津学家谢克夫斯基于7月17日去世享年81岁。

    Leszek Kolakowski, a Polish-born Oxford philosopher, died on July 17th, aged 81.


  • 上个月底,一位来自贝尔法斯特(北爱尔兰首府,最大海港,译者注)皇后大学天文学家的研究表明,在伊伯最大而奇怪天体,守护石星(Haumea,小行星136108,这颗小行星并没有官方的中文译名,这个译名是我参考其他用法拟的,不当之处请指正。 译者注)的表面存在

    Late last month, an astronomer from Queen’s University in Belfast reported the existence of a red spot on the surface of Haumea, one of the largest and weirdest objects in the Kuiper Belt.


  • 西期待这些文章能够促使研究关注于对胆固醇眼睛作用问题上,可以帮助学家确定潜在药物靶点

    Curcio anticipates that these papers will prompt more research aimed at understanding the role of cholesterol in the eye, which could help scientists identify potential drug targets.


  • 通常被冠以“学家”的头衔,这并不完全准确思想史家这个称号更为贴切。

    "Philosopher" was his usual label, but not a wholly accurate one: historian of ideas would be better.


  • 勃彦,瑞士裔法国建筑学家作家现代主义学派有力的倡导者设计了大量功能主义混凝土建筑和高楼住宅区

    Le corbusier swi-born French architect and writer. the most powerful advocate of the modernist school he designed numerous functional concrete buildings and high-rise residential complexes.


  • 天文学家预计依伯可能会发现比冥王星大的天体

    Astronomers expect yet-undiscovered Kuiper Belt objects may rival even Pluto.


  • 从辩证角度评价西系统的置换理论研究法国学家深刻理解罗瓦数学工作过程中所产生的、反两方面的影响

    On the dialectic point of view, the influences of Cauchy's systematical study on the theory of permutation to understanding Galois theory to mathematicians in France are appraised.


  • 尼斯伯格本来计划成为名化学家因为成长的那个小城镇人们不会进入大学然后成为艺术家

    E. L. Konigsburg set out to be a chemist, because she said in the small town where she grew up, people didn't go to college to be an artist.


  • 埃尔梅斯经合组织经济学部政策研究部主任代理经济学部主任直到一位新的首席经济学家到任。

    J? Rgen Elmeskov is Director of the Policy Studies Branch of the OECD Economics Department and will be acting Head of Department until a new Chief Economist takes up his duties.


  • 埃尔梅斯经合组织经济学部政策研究部主任代理经济学部主任直到一位新的首席经济学家到任。

    J? Rgen Elmeskov is Director of the Policy Studies Branch of the OECD Economics Department and will be acting Head of Department until a new Chief Economist takes up his duties.


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