• 告诉Snort查找中的特定内容,例如Web请求中的GETtelnet连接中的特定端口

    It tells Snort something specific to look for in a packet, such as GET in a Web request or a specific port in a Telnet connection.


  • 静态分析功能分析源代码字节代码,基于模式以及基于基于路径,并且能够方法查找违规行为。

    Its static analysis analyzes source code and byte code, is pattern-based as well as flow - and path-based, and is capable of finding rule violations that cross methods, classes, and packages.


  • 目录表中查找查询片段信息

    Find the package and section information for the main query from the catalog tables.


  • 爽的全部语言经过命名空间的重组,查找特性变得更加轻松。

    Even better, the whole language has been reorganized into packages and namespaces that make it much easier to find specific language features.


  • 为了告诉加载模块双胞胎)到查找程序(双胞胎二号),我们通过创建计划向它提供一个允许访问收集列表。

    To tell our load module (Twin 1) where to look for the PACKAGE (Twin 2), we give it a list of COLLECTIONs that it is allowed to search, by creating a PLAN.


  • 如果机器(z服务器)已经带有VLAN标记查找具有特定VLAN标记信息

    If the machine (z server) is already VLAN-tagged, then it will look only for the packets having some specific VLAN tag information.


  • 不再将fieldName作为默认标签载入,而是想让字段复合组件Faces相关资源查找fieldName。

    Instead of loading the fieldName as its default label, you want the field composition component to look up the fieldName in the resource bundle associated with Faces.


  • 查找下载rpl最新稳定rpm

    Find and download the latest stable RPM package for RPL.


  • 允许SACK选项指向进行log (N)查找

    This will allow a log (n) look up of packets referenced by SACK options.


  • 图书馆查找我所能想到所有飞机制造商地址他们寄去我画的草图。

    I went to the library, looked up the addresses of every aircraft manufacturer I could think of, and sent them packets of drawings.


  • 登录期间,主机可能会收到数据地址IP地址执行反向查找

    During login, a host may perform a reverse lookup on the IP address of the source address on the packets it receives.


  • 索引结构可以个别查找提供良好性能SACK选项可能会覆盖多个在内的任意多的字节数。

    The index structure will give good performance looking up individual packets, but a SACK option can cover arbitrary byte ranges that include multiple packets.


  • 处理来自tcpdump另一个方法原始网络数据数据保存文件中,然后处理这个文件以便查找解码出想要信息

    Another way to process the content from tcpdump is to save the raw network packet data to a file and then process the file to find and decode the information that you want.


  • 使用静态方法时,可以传递自身引用(this),程序确定查找的是哪个,如清单1

    In the case of a non-static method, you can pass a reference to yourself (this), and the program will determine the package for you, as shown in Listing 1.


  • description2位置描述信息(Redlands),地址查找服务中使用它。

    Description2 contains the short description of the place (for example, Redlands). Not used in Address Finder.


  • 现在使用拉菜单查找Syste m下的“Shells”,验证是在安装pdksh软件,好几个IBM中间件软件需要这个软件

    Use it now to look for "Shells" under the System group, and verify that you are installing the PDKSH package, which is required for several of the IBM middleware packages.


  • 文件PkgInfo8个字节告诉查找程序这个可执行的,还是其他应用程序打开

    The file PkgInfo contains 8 bytes that tell the finder whether the package is something to run or to open with another application.


  • 制作一个供genimage查找额外目录这些TORQUE复制这个目录。

    Make the directory in which genimage looks for additional packages and copy the TORQUE packages to this directory.


  • 索引idx4idx5用于一个特定名称空间的索引条目但是因为查询6查找任何名称空间中的书籍价格,所以这两个索引不能用于查询6。

    Indexes idx4 and idx5 contain index entries for one specific namespace but cannot be used for query 6 that looks for book prices in any namespace.


  • attribute提供一个公共空间用来查找所有类型

    The javax.print.attribute package provides a common place to look for all the types.


  • 如果查找路由显示目的地不在本地子网路由器利用跳路由器MAC地址转发给下一跳路由器。

    If the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a non-local subnet, the router forwards the packet to the next-hop router using the next-hop router's MAC address.


  • 首先创建资源查找fieldName的el函数

    First, you create an el function that looks up a fieldName in the resource bundle.


  • 查找Preferences对象时,只需传递名称

    When you ask for a Preferences object, you simply pass along the package name.


  • 对于低级攻击,ping用于偷偷查找信息但是如果要截取目标发送,则要求系统离线停机

    At the low end, a ping flood can be used to uncover information covertly, but throttle up the packets being sent to a target or victim so that now, the system will go offline or suffer slowdowns.


  • 检查API文档查找扩展实现or g . xml .sax .XMLReader、或参数作为saxError Handler(or g . xml . sax)的

    Check out the API documentation and look for classes that extend or implement org.xml.sax.XMLReader or take as an argument a sax ErrorHandler (in the org.xml.sax package).


  • 基于入侵模式特征采用了改进快速多模式匹配算法可以一次的负载中查找多个入侵模式

    For intrusion pattern based signature detection, an improved quick multi-pattern matching algorithm is adopted, which can search for multiple patterns by scanning the packet once.


  • demo发现Test对象数据访问对象(TestDAOImpl)的实现允许按照ID查找Test实例

    In the demo package, you'll also find an implementation of a data access object (TestDAOImpl) for Test objects, which lets you find Test instances by ID.


  • 最后利用开发加倍解矢量辐射传输方程软件生成了海洋水色及水温扫描仪的精确散射查找

    Finally, using the developed vector radiative transfer code with adding doubling method, we had generated the exact Rayleigh scattering look up tables for COCTS.


  • 最后利用开发加倍解矢量辐射传输方程软件生成了海洋水色及水温扫描仪的精确散射查找

    Finally, using the developed vector radiative transfer code with adding doubling method, we had generated the exact Rayleigh scattering look up tables for COCTS.


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